If USA is so fat like everyone on Sup Forums says, why are we BTFOing everyone at the Olympics right now?

If USA is so fat like everyone on Sup Forums says, why are we BTFOing everyone at the Olympics right now?

If someone in Finland is sober right now, why are we still called violent alcoholics?

Because you won't divide medals by state like we do

>not posting the original

Because our top 1% are better than their top 1%. But I was in Walmart yesterday and I was the only skinny person in there out of like 500 people. They were all staring at me like I was a supermodel.

Roided niggers don't reflect the reality of the obese american.

jesus fuck, where did you did this old photoshop maymay up from

has 2013 just reached you over in Arkansas, bubba?

Jesus. That's a huge fucking nigger

for you

Because our culture creates the world's greatest athletes does to preclude our culture from creating the world's fattest people. Go to Walmart and grimace at the fat pieces of shit waddling around.

It would help a little bit to know how much weight he benched 55 reps of. Other than that those are some insane stats especially for being 310 lbs

You have more money to spend in sport.

And also, you have high school only for rich people with a lot equipement.

Missed a spot rabbi.

Throwing money at something won't magically make it better, Pierre. Especially for something like athletics.

Deus vult

This, go to a Walmart and see if you can find anyone who isn't overweight or a meth addict. It's pretty sad tbqh

that meme is older than the internet bruh

More people means more options.
You have 300,000,000 people to get 50 or so top athletes from, we have 20,000,000.

I'm in the Vatican, why the fuck is my flag British

>India and China both have over a billion people
>both getting smashed by USA at he Olympics

Especially India. They have 1.3 billion people and haven't won a single medal LOL

The standard for the pre-draft trials is 225lbs.

So 55 reps at 225lbs

Idk how dying at 50 because you're so big is "superior" but ok.

I bet you voted to stay you worthless cuck

God wills it

Sum up only Italy + UK + france + germany, and we already have 200 more medals than 'merica.
Sum up the population of the nations above and you roughly get 270 millions against USA's 320 millions
Youre just a non third world country with more people inside your borders

13'8" Broad jump? That's shit even for a middle schooler and doesn't line up with the other stats. Looks like that's all made up.

kek remember this shit ..

No shit, you fucking moron. The whole thing is fake.

Yeah but india is a literal shithole, China is mentally insane and both are basically third world countries.

coz it b da return of da kang

If they had "shitting in public" games, they'd sweep the entire board.

Shit everywhere.

funny you try and loop the UK back in to the Euro when they clearly left your ass

The world record for broad jump is 12'2" retard. So you're saying a 12 year old can beat that? Kek.

>Sum up only Italy + UK + france + germany
>The EU is a country
Belgium stop using a proxy.

Broad jump, not long jump

Because only fit athletes partake and not your 'push poop with your feet through the drain' morbidly obese mom

You have as many golds as hungary, who has less than 10,000,000 people

Really killin it straya.


Athletes from your country.
You're still a fatass.

you just have a larger pool of people to choose from, youre not genetically chosen or some shit.

it was your country's inability to accrue inhabitants that led to a lack of medals then

With that retarded logic, China should be destroying everyone right now. But they're not


that response doesn't address my statement. nice redirection.

China is already on the decline and will be Mad Max style post apocalyptic soon. Because they were so obsessed with becoming a superpower that they did it at the expense of their own ecosystem. 90% of China's water is SO polluted that it can not even be used for industrial purposes. China is running out of water. Google it. Their country is so toxic that they are all dying of cancer.

Why don't you all become one country then?

Because it's just a meme. Brb its praying time, praise Allah

Please note you can only have a limited amount of participants per individual category, so that would mean only 2 Europeans during individual tests. So just adding all the medals of Europe isn't really a fair nor realistic comparison.

>from your country

At least that's more accurate than saying "Americans". They sent about 20,000 athletes and only Phelps is white.

this thread:


jesus eat a dick all of you euro trash. you're inferior, get over it. If you're so butthurt maybe you should have kept your nig slaves around and gave them rights like we did.

Norway with the bitter truth.

tfw they are all white except a handful

Only semi related, holy shit phelps is a monster


> he thinks athletes represent the average joe

literally half of your medals come from swimming and only because you have some juicehead swimmer with a big name

Was just gonna post this

>all those swimming medals
its rigged

kek, everyone going to ignore this

This got me thinking...can someone make a fake Ben Garrison comic.

1st panel or left hand side maybe with a "then above it": old white farmer leading a slave to the cotton fields with a noose around his neck.

2nd panel/right hand side with a "now" above it: old white men maybe with a good MSM or something on their shirts leading some blacks to a field with money plants or some shit.


More whites have won medals than blacks. There are a lot of black athletes on Team USA, but its still white majority.


We'd be so screwed if there weren't 3837373 swimming events in the olympics

>...like I was a supermodel.

I bet you are also intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor

Its kind of insane how good the US is at swimming competitions

I would have never expected it.

I'm not exactly proud of the fact that we send mandingos off to win golds for us so we can porclaim how much more "athletic" we are.
Yes, we have an amazing sports culture that's unrivaled.
But when it comes down to it, I'd take less gold medals for less nigs. If the only benefit blacks give us is some worthless gold medals every four years, what's the point?
They don't even understand how good they have it. Do they not see how their genetic brethren from African countries fare in the olympics? Theres a reason.
Case in point, Gabbie Douglas.
>Perform in one of the most privileged sports in America
>White coaches spend an enormous amount of time training you
>mom doesn't pay her bills, skips from gym to gym
>no big deal you can still practice here
>"I'm going to protest the medal ceremony because blacks are oppresses and killed"
Bitch! You are a walking example of how generous whites are!

Everyone is just jealous of the US, even if they won't admit it.

In terms of medals per capita, the USA is actually pretty shit.

Cucked by leafs and winland.

I'm pretty sure if we go by medals per capita phelps would win desu

I'm happy for the US :3

Per capita would be relevant if there weren't restrictions on how many competitors from each country you could have in each event.

Not that I give a shit. I would forfeit every gold medal from here till the end of time if it meant we could send blacks back to Africa.
They are a cancer on this country, but everyone gets all patriotic when they win us gold. Like that helps our country in any way other than bragging points.

Didnt know A Salamander was that tall.Taller than Donflamingo even...

NZ stronk - Leaders of the Anglosphere

At least your minorities do something

All this list proves is "muh per capita" is just a shit meme.

>Per capita would be relevant if there weren't restrictions on how many competitors from each country you could have in each event.
This would have no effect on the number of gold medals specifically, just total.

per capita

those are individual cases you dipshit.

If i hang around some like 10 guys and 1 of them happens to be athletic doesn't make the whole group athletic.

List needs to be filtered of irrelevant medals like any earned during the winter Olympics. Not a chink, god knows those chucklefucks belong at the bottom of the per capita chart.

>bench 55 reps
what the fuck is that? is it metric ?!?! how much is that in lbs ?!?!?!
>vertical 46
46 what? is that nanometers? that nigga cant jump
>broad jump 13'8
i think that would be a world record and ive never seen that nigga

Take off your American proxy, Hans.

That's a good point I never really thought of. I don't put much thought into olympic medals besides sports I like.

You could have just looked a few posts down at the highlighted photoshopping but instead you posted all that


It's photoshopped dumbass.

if america win all the fucking medals, you still remain fat user. stop crying now

The vast majority don't do anything at all.

If rioting, gang violence, and welfare leeching were olympic sports, American superiority would be unmatched. Although, you could gice us a run for our money in welfare leeching.

>per capita

Does that even matter in Olympics?

There's so much filtering you can do before it's more important to have better training facilites than just more people.

There's no real advantage between 10 million and 300 million, if there's no superior technology, investment, available for the potential talent.

It's not like more people compete for a country if there's more population in that country. At some point you have way more talented people than it's even admitted in the competition. What matters is the "know-how" and the balls of steel of those few heroes who compete.

Olympics are not an average, nor a "per capita" thing, it's about a country's ability develop a few people's potential to the limit of human capacity.

high quality steroids

No, because a larger Country has a bigger pool to have winning outliers, and thus a bigger chance to win. Particularly a country like the US that has people from every kind of background, instead of a homogeneous country where you can have the perfect guy for a specific sport, but nobody for the rest.

That's why the per capita gets thrown around as a field leveller.

Again, this only matters for the number of gold medals, where no matter how many people are competing, only one - the best - gets it. Otherwise the EU would get the advantage because they have more chances of getting 2 medals, even if they don't get the gold.

Plus it annoys the Americans because it brings perspective to them, which they don't like.


>6 is half of 16

>buy whole WADA to allow for competitions doping ex-users from USA
>ban Romanians, Russians and Hohols for using literaly cheap medicine preventing heart attack which made only in Eastern Europe
>buy IOC via (((donations)))
>send almost 600 athletes, when other countries allow to send only 200-300

*get shot*

euro edumicationists can't figure it

Because it makes them feel better to pretend American muscle is really fat.

> all my muscle is in my belly
> can deadlift 500 lbs
> a real weightlifter is built more like a fireplug than a Ken doll

That list is literally 15 years old mate

>India per capita
>It's exactly the same

Because the remaining 299999999 of you are watching the 1 fit dude run around


fucking giganigga90000

US Olympic medals are bought with nigger sweat. And then there is Michael Phelps, only redeeming factor tbqh


>can only have a certain amount of competitors per nation
>muh per capita
Literally kys fucking moron

terrible logic for several reasons

but the main reason is that you are comparing medals with 30 entries in a competition against a single entry (or maybe 2-3 depending on sport).

Let us use that example and call it Sport Zed

In Sport Zed, you have England, Spain, France, Italy, and the U.S. in a competition. You have just added up all the competitors against one then claimed superiority.

Just imagine if the U.S. had 50 entries