Socialism is robbing the smart to give money to the dumb

Socialism is robbing the smart to give money to the dumb.
Fuck socialism and fuck poor people.

And everyone thinks they belong to the 'smart' group of people until reality hits them in the ass.

Dumb people are majority, appease us or else.

Most intelligent people are actually scientists or do not even manage to get a job.

>correlation implies causation

fuck you Louis we will take your head and put it on a pike

i know im dumb but really, socialism is against natural progress and unnatural.
humanity progressed faster when they are being cruel, and the survival of our achievements is what matter most, not our well being

there's nothing wrong to not let you throw money right and left and give it to less successfull people, my friend.


Round up the poor and sterilize them.

Sending rich people to an island prison for and siezing their wealth is natural user, fight for yourself not for what you have a 0.01% chance to be. Rich people tell you it's natural progress to work against yourself?

you are mistaking intelligence and morality
the least moral people are the richest
gypsies are a good example
people say they are subhumans with low intelligence
but they can actually be very creative in finding ways to game the system or rob someone. the problem is that they never try to coordinate their powers in creating something useful. it's how they are. same with the rich - they can't help but exploit people and the system.

Trump is a billionaire and believes global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Checkmate atheists.


>ignoring the fact that the vast, vast, vast majority of wealth is inherited

its unnatural to arm stupid people in the first place.
the rich could have threaten to blow themselves among the poor with nukes and that would be enough to make them submissive.
what i'm saying is not about in the class system supposed to destroy each other, or how the poor should listen to the rich. i'm saying about recognizing your own capacity therefore recognizing how much you should earn.

Approximately 86% of millionaires in the US are first generation. People who inherit wealth usually become worthless leeches like Paris Hilton who squander it because they never learned hard work or the value of a dollar.

>US White

and other 14% are richest ones. See - Rockfeller, Lemahn brothers etc which are inherited that.

And how many of them do you think were born into a family that could afford to educate them? I doubt many millionaires lack at the very least a university level education.

Ignoring the fact that 14% of millionaires aren't first generation and millionaires don't come anywhere near to making 14% of the population.

t. ANTIFA who attends feminist studies classes paid for by your wealthy parents

>your income depends on your responsibility/valuability
which means that guy with salary 5k per year is literally nothing, he's not needed in society at all, and guy with 5kkk is a god emperor.
This justification is not working properly, i'm afraid.

Also True

>working hard so your kin can never live in poverty
then what is the point in working and having children

how the fuck did you even came into that conclusion is beyond me.

Actually I was raised by a single mother and had to leave high school to help make rent despite the fact that I definitely had the grades to go on to university.

Sure would have been nice if the state could have given my mum a helping hand so I could have gone on to university but oh well, at least the super wealthy managed to remain slightly super wealthier.


Some degree of socialism is needed otherwise you turn into the US and get bankrupt from a broken ankle

> i'm saying about recognizing your own capacity therefore recognizing how much you should earn.
this one and also, it's a popular justification. Like "you earn not much because your job is not so important".

how about reducing the need for subjective parameters and return into classic demand and supplies, russkieman?

Marxism was already outdated by the 1920s, Karl Marx never foresaw organized labor or the development of social welfare.

>tfw pretty much everyone on this website thinks socialism = full blown communism every time.

>classic demand and supplies
that may work even with slavery where people may hardworking 24/7/365 just for food to not die.

But obviously, that's not fair.

I like the idea of social guarantees, system that will make a possibility to live good even if you're not god emperor, Living good is not the same with "well, at least i have something to eat and also my roof is almost not broken".

>Actually I was raised by a single mother and

Explains everything.

literal brainlets who cannot recognize their own self worth and rationalizing their laziness by being slave is deserved to be enslaved.
mind you these are not even dumb people, they're literally single-sighted animals without any creativity

>source: my arsehole

by your logic, if you not smart enough to foresee the robbery (of yourself) then you actually deserve it.

If you may work and working good - that's enough to take a good salary and have a good life. You no need to be phd in economics or smart-ass criminal mastermind to have that right..

>if you not smart enough to foresee the robbery (of yourself) then you actually deserve it.
exactly, just stop blaming anyone if anything goes against what YOU think its supposed to be.
>You no need to be phd in economics or smart-ass criminal mastermind to have that right
just like what happen IRL, my view is simply being honest about it

I too was once 15 and thought that socialism was a good idea.

well, that's the state of mind.

And i don't want to live among the wolves. There's nothing to talk more about.

but now you are 19 and retarded enjoying someone elses money you never worked for

the nature of intellect is to manipulate and deceive the recurring system.
you ARE living among intellectual creature, whether you want to live among it or not.
the only real freedom you have is whether you want to be conscious about it or not, because boy its sure depressing once you realize you're not that good of a people

>why, as intelligent creatures, should we try and better the natural and cruel system we're born into and instead create a utopia where everyone's happy?

Matthew 26:11 "The poor you shall always have with you, but you will not always have me."

>everyone's happy
its also nature of intellect to recognize a pattern. and that its impossible to recognize a "state" (which needed a pattern to exist) such as happiness in uniformity (patternless)

Socialism goes against the basic principal of evolution which is that nature does not create equality and some organisms are always going to be more competitive than others.

>happiness doesn't exist

socialism or rather sharing things is the very reason we envolved into a spacefaring race, your retarded ass needs to read books

dumb fucking nigger

i said if everyone is happy, then there is no happiness.
except, if you accept that it doesn't actually mean anything therefore anyone are happy because everyone can define their own happiness

T-that's not how happiness works dude. Happiness isn't like money where if you print too much of it you devalue the currency.

Socialism isn't sharing though, more like taking your stuff at gunpoint and giving it to Deshaun and Khalid.

You have no fucking idea how actual biological competition looks like. It's way worse than WW2. Since the dawn of civilization humans struggled to overcome evolution.

Next time you get sick, don't get any meds, dumb faggot. Don't complain about suffering and if you die then it's good, your genes were worthless after all.

As opposed to capitalism where you don't have any stuff but Tyler and Jerry come around and take your shack at gunpoint so they can check if there's oil under it.

yea you are clearly a nigger, fucking off yourself

i said you're free to define your own happiness, that way it does outsmarting the said cruel system.
because in actuality, it does have no actual meaning

Are you confusing the Indonesian flag with Poland?

Actually that would be a commie cunt like China where the CCP can just take your property any time they feel like it and you have no right to object.

>there is no grey area, either full on Communism or nothing