why do millennials think traveling will change their life ?
Why do millennials think traveling will change their life ?
Because it's "fon 2 du"?
I don't know, dude. I explored our country more than I should be.
It's certainly good to get perspective of the world outside of your city and go somewhere different once in a while, but that whole "le travvveeeel!" shit is clearly a ploy to sell plane tickets and accommodation.
My idea of true travel would be go live in an isolated cabin in the woods for 6 months
"Experience new cultures" turned out to just mean shitting into a basket and letting pozzed public water shoot into your asshole.
I don't need to travel because if I want a taste of Europe I sniff my toilet. For Africa drive to the nearest inner city. For Asia I observe insects in their natural habitat.
>live in a cabin for 6 months
>alone in cabin
>get cabin fever
You are right. That would change your life
top jej
Wow i sure enjoy walking around cities and eat at restaurants
I think I'm able to go outside though f a m
I spend 95% of my time alone in my room right now and I'm...perfectly fine
>I just wanna experience new and fressh cultures you know?
>learn German for three years
>go to Germany
>everyone there speaks English
because they're encouraged to do so, friends and family suggest, constant advertisement, it's glorified as this amazing experience and in a world of constant dissatisfaction people are desperate for some bullshit eat pray love scenario to play out
It is nice to spend some time in nature believe, but ideally you should be on your own
I think having seen how other parts of the world look and work. How people live in this places broaden your perspective. But what's more important traveling by your own, or with your friends but when you are the one making choices requires that you solve many problems before the trip (planning routes, what you want to see) and ones that arise while you are on the trip. It builds your character, teaches you that you can solve hard problems to count on yourself to find solution, it shows you your strenghts.
Poor burger d.d
traveling is valuable only if you go somewhere where the culture is pretty far removed from your culture (no english... at all) AND you're with someone who is from that region/speaks the language/knows people there.
i had been to several other countries and generally had a bad time until i went to China with my fiance. she and her family took me all over the country to meet their family/see a bunch of places. honestly, without them, I don't see how a westerner could have gotten the same experience even with a tour guide.
right. It's like playing a shit game and hoping the next level will be better
anyone who hasn't traveled is a poorfag.
>learn english
>only use it when banter on pol
Worth it desu
Traveling is just an excuse for catching exotic cock
Because it's never their fault for being in deep shit
When you've tried everything else, traveling is the only way to keep yourself from a cognitive dissonance
>French teacher gets amazed by paper on the Axiom of survival
>get into discussion
>hey tells me to explore the world and travel
>tell him the only reason I would do this is if I would want to actually give money to the epople in poor countries since I'll be able to buy a shit load of stuff and stimulate there economy.
>he pauses
>and as of yet why should I give money to people that will support dictator's?
>grim face of reality on his face because he knows
>Now sir, why should I give them money if it is factually going against my survival?
>sweating engage
He stopped talking about Noam Chomski in class after that lol.
I loved that teacher
Because it can improve and change your character. Unfortunately the 'quintessential coming of age trip' is becoming increasingly routine and standardised. It's part of a pre-packaged, wishy-washy new age youth culture that has infected our society since the 60s. It usually involves middle-class white girls wearing frumpy clothes, going to somewhere 'exotic' usually in South-East Asia, taking a lot of drugs and 'discovering oneself' (i.e. riding the cock carousel). It's very tiresome because all of these midde-class white girls seem to have had exactly the same unique, once in a life time spiritual journey.
Try to think outside the box and preferably travel alone. The goal is to better know oneself and how one relates to the world. I've met a few people doing very interesting trips. I once met a young guy going on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on foot from Scotland. Another was exploring all the outer Greek islands and their ruins by hitching rides with fishermen.
I'm traveling to find a waifu, so I know it'll change mine. I don't see the purpose in traveling for the hell of it, though, unless you just want to relax on a vacation.
No they just like to post shit on Facebook and Instagram
"No big deal I'm just in Paris :)"
Granted I've been to over 20 countries on all continents, I don't make it a big deal to tell everyone on social media about it
These clowns think that by going to a bother country they are qualified to write a fucking blog
This. It's all just an excuse for white western women to take exotic cock no questions asked scot free.
Women will do anything to avoid native men.
They feel like they have no opportunity and try to move to find it
>Women will do anything to avoid native men.
The feeling is mutual, but for marriage rather than fucking around.
>tfw having to listen to bitches talk about their spiritual journey like they found a diamond in the rough
>already know the ending cause you´ve heard it a million times
>act like you´re geniuinly interested in listening to her sperge how amazing such a trip is
>you should totally go user
>inside i just want to kill myself
Welp, ill be doing something like the guys you´ve met; actually travelling and not just ordering the pre-packed cultural enrichment ride. The world is becoming very superficial place; doesn´t matter if they actually have fun and obtain knowledge out there in the world, as long as it looks good on facebook and instagram they couldn´t care less about their travels and learning from them. Its all the same shit conclusion in the end anyways. After that they will need a job and a place to live, good luck finding that!
>The feeling is mutual
That is true for me at least. I can't stand american women. Stuck up spoiled shallow cunts desu
not sure. travelling is fun but it won't do much to change your life. you bring your problems. it's the same everywhere as it is where you are now.
>>learn German for three years
>>go to Germany
>>everyone there speaks ________
Fill in the blank.
Because whites in American have had their culture whiped away by the Jews in academia and news. They are desperate to connect with their lost culture on a subconscious scale. Germans especially, after WWII all the Germans stopped passing on traditions and stopped teaching their kids German. Even German newspapers went English.
I think this is also the reason why white males tend to have Asian fever. They want to connect to their lost culture. They sure as fuck ain't going to Europe, it's turning into an Islamic shithole and white guilt is everywhere.
But then they see asia. They see a pale skinned minority with western values, praising hard work, focusing on the family, still have men be praised for being men and women expected to be mothers at home. They find a people that look at heir whiteness and are drawn to it, instead of being hated for it.
muh diversity muh multiculturalism
For women they get to try all the different cock flavours in world and pretend doing 2 months of charity for third worlders makes then worldly n mature n tolerant.
Talking only to people in the hostels and taking pictures on your phone about everything you did on normiebook isn't traveling.
I think that the travel meme is just that. It honestly depends on how you spend your time. I spent 6 months traveling most of the United States. It didn't broaden my horizons but I saw a lot of beautiful things I won't forget and had a few surprises along the way. It sucked but I had a good time overall looking back at the experience. Taught me how to spend money with caution which I think is a good lesson for younger people. Also, gave a good perspective on places I would like to move to if/when it's possible due to the demographics and scenery.
Going to another country and experiencing a new culture would be nice but would take a lot of planning if you want the real experience. Plus, the world has changed drastically in 30 years. Everywhere seems to be the same pre-packaged garbage with a different language. Especially in regards to the western world.
Because they it makes them more intelligent and worldly without having to actually do stuff like read books and get into any art.
>browses Sup Forums
>perfectly fine
I've been to Lerwick, Shetland
and Skagen, Denmark
That's it
traveling changes your life because back in the days it was something that lasted goddamn years and you had to prep your shit up with language, bureaucracy and daily living if you wanted to survive.
travelling nowadays is instead, at best, a shitty 6 months erasmus where you interact only with other pieces of shit from your own nation, get drunk and suck cocks.
fuck those fags.
t. Italian expat in Germany
Some people want to see the world outside their wal mart centered flyover town
Travelling to countries where nobody speaks English is much more interesting. Just came back from Japan, I wouldn't say it changed my life, but it made me realize how homogeneous societies are so much more enjoyable than the multikulti hell hole that has become Western Europe.
South east asia is as pleb as it fucking gets. Every normie i know asks me why thats low on my bucket list
That feel when I want to travel but in America we work 50 hours a week and get very little vacation time...
>be 18 fresh out of highschool
>decide to do a trip to some exotic shithole before uni
>culturally enriched 1 year with dongs and working in some shit program to help poor scum kids or do field work
>come back as bigger liberal hipster slut than before, more attached to the culture that they visited than their native one
>driven by feelings that life can be as beautiful and no so "serious" as here study some shitty art major or low effort culture studies.
It does change them, it strenghtens their liberal retardness. but really its just an excuse to get away from parents and party/weed lmao/slut for 1 year.
I had a chick who went to indonesia tell me, that she almost married a guy there and stayed. she was like 18 at the time. this is the level of blindness they have.
I wouldn't be quick to shoot it down OP.
Having a homeland is important, but intellectuals should attempt to travel to other first world nations to broaden understandings of things like race and culture.
Of course you shouldn't necessarily go to shitholes. Unless you want to I guess.
Plus it can be really fun depending on where you go. You can't deny that.
I don't think it will change my life I just want to splooge over the Arc de Triomphe and Colosseum and inside foreign women.
Because they are lost
They're searching for meaning because they're taught there is none. So they wander until they no longer can seeking for a purpose almost always forever lost.
If you put down that you've travelled on your CV, you're more likely to be hired and promoted.
I'm 19 and drove across Country from California to Alaska all the way to Deadhorse and Inuvik. I did it with just my dog and I never got a hotel. I slept in the back of my truck at free camp sites and ate free dried food for a month. Shit was rough. It was fun and got shit faced with fellow campers when I could. But I did it cheap as fuck and had few luxuries aside from my trucks accommodations. My phone was out the entire time.
Did it change me? Maybe? I definitely got a different prespective of the north.
Quite your job. There's so many others. They were hiring oil rig guys up north with no experience starting at 100k. I shit you not. Nobody wants to work that far so they pay you tons of money. Don't fall for the scarce job meme especially if you're working retail or some other shit job.
travelling is fun and makes one realise that there is a way of living outside that which you've grown up in
plus i'm a major autist from emotionally immature parents and it always helps out
Reminds me of pic related