++++Trans defensive mechanism+++++

Look at this freak reacting to your comments
>Shit like this is why the roman empire crumbled
>OMG it's 2016

All "counter-arguments" are cringe
Why can't we beat then the regressive left if they have no arguments ?


Other urls found in this thread:




bumping one more time


last bump

Don't trannies learn how to not talk like men

It's like he's not even trying


And let me guess they want the state to sponsor their delusion ?

>ur a freak
>shit like this is why the roman empire crumbled
>deserves a proper response
fuck off belgian manchild

>belgian manchild
american education


back off aquafresh

>Why can't we beat then the regressive left if they have no arguments ?
>implying they operate on arguments
Propaganda fueled meat puppets only understand superior force. Logic is for humans.

And how do we stop that ? By sheer force ?

>guy voice

well he is guy afterall

Is he a trans ? He looks like the average girl in France wtf.

is this the new "racist opinion"

this world is fucked

maybe your muslim invasion will be an upgrade

He doesn't even care the Roman Empire collapsed because "the current year XD"

fucking degenerate

if you think thats a female, you're the one making this world fucked

They have the central banks on their side. They can literally print as much money as they need as long as the inflation doesn't get high enough to warrent civil unrest.

(you) that guy is clearly irish

We don't encourage bulimics to destroy their bodies, we shouldn't allow others to change theirs based upon a mental disorder.

Get treatment, get medicated, but it has been shown time and time again, transitional surgeries are not the solution for the overwhelming majority. In fact, they are an overall net negative due to skyrocketing suicide rate associated with transitioning.

at least he shaves his armpits


She's pretty cute desu, would breed with

man he's got a girl face but his voice and hands just ruin it for me

>tfw no girl gf who has a cock

he is a guy

>41% chance this freak blows his brains out
can't wait

It's like a zombie horde of people who'll believe only what pleases them and justify every decision no matter how wrong it is, we might have to kill these people at some point left 4 dead style to protect ourselves



She looks like this ugly girl from my wow guild that i had a crush on when i was in my teens

Stop validating him

last bump

has anyone heard the saying:

If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

Doesn't that apply to faggots as well?

You can put lipstick on a guy...

>if you put lipstick on a guy
He's still a pig!

You get him sister!!!


They would react to this with :
>OMG it's 2016 ....Why can't you jsut accept her ? She is doing harm to nobody....Mind your own buisness


I'll take traps seriously when they find a way to sound like women

this creature may looks good on a picture, but its voice is horrible

>I'll take traps seriously
this is why your nation is dying

I'm aware she's trans, still looks fucking good.

HON HON HON je voudrais un homme qui resemblé une femme HON HON HON

why is attention and fame so sought?
is real life not enough for people because women rule western society or is it an ideal deliberately thrust upon us by those in power?
why is it that i can watch this thing and find myself more disgusted that it is seeking attention and talking to "fans" more than that it is a man pretending to be a woman?
is it validation due to some deeply rooted pathological need for acceptance by a mass that this thing has or is it just incredibly vain?

i seriously don't understand why anyone would make a video blog, or indeed a blog in general. a journal is meant to be a record for yourself, not everyone else, something personal to organize thoughts and reflect on yourself and your actions and correct behaviour rather than forget what you have done wrong in order to grow as a person.

shit like this makes me sick. i hope this piece of human dirt dies cut off from the rest of the world.


rip best empire

>this is why your nation is dying
that's rich coming from germany, your nation is dying even faster

I pray to Kek that the mudslimes stone all these degenerates before we remove the kebab; two birds (many) stones

they dont need arguments because they have already won. there's no defeating someone who is already the victor


I don't understand why trans*people are thought so lowly of. They're confused people going through a phase

Yes, problem?



10/10 would fucking marry

you know what Sup Forums I don't care at this point, the voice is fucking horrible but I would fucking breED HER I WOULD BREED HER CHILDRENnnn


The problem is it encourages his young viewers to step in his foot.They see him as succesfull and become trans too

Don't worry we win when "she" inevitably kills "herself"

I don't think you get how children works

I don't support trannies. I just don't see the point of putting some much effort into looking like a woman when you know you'll always sound like male teenager experiencing puberty

That's a cute little girl, and this conversation hasn't been at all productive.


>ywn have a threesome with these two hotties

Even if I agree with many of the stereotypes about French People, I've never seen a girl/woman with armpits hair here in France

Go shave your pubes, we can't see your tiny dick behind them


recognition is one of the basic desires of man
these trans people are always extremely insecure since the vast majority does not acknowledge them so they turn to their support groups

Who cares, let the muslims gut them then we can kill two birds with one stone when their times comes too.

Sweden never disapoints me

Because their lives are so fucking empty that they deeply desire other peoples validation.


would hit and pound hard 2bh pham

Why do people act like this outside of Sup Forums? It's embarrassing

Fuck off Doodlecackes

trans identity is a fundemental part of mecixan culture

what the fuck are you talking about Hans?

You faggots should realise that arguments don't matter.
Arguments don't create a worldview carrier, a worldview carrier creates arguments to rationalize.
Arguments are worthless, useless and most of all meaningless

>young viewers
how does that animal have viewers who haven't already made up their minds about this shit?

do kids really go around clicking on random "vlogs"? i mean, maybe this thing has a tumblr where it shares shit or something and it got a following that way but aside from kids that are already retarded i can't imagine them wasting time watching that trash when they could be doing anything else.

hence why they kill themselves i guess. recognition isn't something that most men seek fame for, i've never met a straight man that wanted to be famous. i've met dudes in bands and shit but they just wanted to play music, i've also met dude who act on stage but they just wanted to act. fame never factors into it more than what they are doing that could have them wind up with fame.

recognition is when someone tells you that you've done a good job, it isn't wanting legions of people to adore you and want to know about your personal life.

you know better than I what I am talking bout, Pablo

Bist du Martin Sellner ?

This video isnt worth watching.

Which is why I didn't watch, and instead made fun of them in the comments and moved on.

hahahha we are fucked

The older I get the more I can sniff out pussy. If it doesn't smell like a female then it's not a female. I don't mean perfume or some other bullshit. That thing could probably fool me back when I was sixteen and wanted to fuck anything that moved, but not anymore. Just by looking at it I can tell it smells like man sweat and schmegma.

Which part of "there's a dong between those legs" don't you get, Montezuma?

I am scots-irish, so no, I don't

Pay debts

It is a dude's voice


Nein bin ein Slawe.
Trotzdem bin ich aber in den Identitären.

Truest statement in this bread

Kennst du ihn denn gut ? Wie ist der so drauf ? Kenne ihn nur aus den Videos

I think I would bang? I am straight btw

>trans people are not crazy
just listen to him at this moment

Honestly I'd fuck his boypucci if his voice wasn't so manly.

Hab ihn nur paar mal bei Demos aus der Entfernung gesehen. Gesprochen mit ihm hab ich kaum, also kann ich leider nicht sehr viel über ihn sagen.

The only reason you said that you will bang this human being is because he look like a girl which is normal since you are probably a male.
Good trap

Your statement is a textbook contradiction. That is a man. If you are attracted to a man you are a homosexual. Nothing wrong with being a homosexual just don't lie to yourself. It's not healthy.

He fucking looks like a dude too, you faggots.

If putting on makeup and growing long hair can fool you, then you're barely better than the faggots who push this shit

Well at least this thing wasn't a complete mental and emotional basket case. Usually the flip the fuck out.

Seriously i thought that it is a she
but after listening...