Are immigrants bad if they fully assimilate in their host countries?
Are immigrants bad if they fully assimilate in their host countries?
No, but the people that assimilate are italians,chinks and greeks, they wouldn't even be a problem if they wouldn't assimilate.
Not really, but the thing is, they never do. You can't fully integrate into a new culture once you're an adult. Their kids, well, they'll be Americanized, or Germanized, or whatever, but they'll still have the echo of that vibrance.
The third generation will, culturally speaking, likely be the same as the host country. THing is, is it worth a generation of weirdos and another generation of semi-weirdos to get one generation of true countrymen?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "no," unless your entire nation is built on the multiculti idea, like America, in which case you're culturally prepared for an ethnically heterogenous country anyway. But for most of the world, Europe included? No. Just fuck that.
No, that's worse desu
How is it worse? I don't take issue with Arabs because they have doofy noses, long beards, and interesting headgear. I take issue with Arabs because they tend to be Muslims, and Muslims tend to be insane.
It depends where they're from. Canadians and Bongs can probably fully integrate in America, but Indians and Arabs probably can't, and Australians and Germans have no chance.
They are here to conquer, one corner mart at a time.
Indians (mostly tamils from sri lanka) in germany are verry well assimilated
>The third generation will, culturally speaking, likely be the same as the host country
The turks in germany are the exact opposite, the first generation wasn't that well integrated, especially the women often lacked even basic skills in german, but they worked and didn't commit crimes.
The second and third generation though are the worst, they refuse to integrate, idolize thugs and put the koran above our constitution and don't see themselves as germans
Assimilation is a kike meme.
We need more segregation, to prevent people with low quality genetics to drag the productive people down.
What about the Finns and Polacks?
The main problem with arabs isn't that they are muslim.
Most are IQ 85 subhumans that will never do anything but drag the country down into a brown sea of mediocrity.
Finns are basically Indians, so no.
Poles don't respect property rights, they squat everywhere
Depends if they are working and are not muslim or very light muslims they are welcomed.
Indians are usually the one nigger immigrants that tolarate because they are usually trying hard to get implamented and are trying to be useful.
But the best immigrants are asians if they fail they are shame for they families.
>Indians are usually the one nigger immigrants that tolarate
But what about their street-shitting endeavors?
The only immigrants worth having are those with blood ties, children with blood ties or grandchildren with blood ties.
Other then that all without blood ties should be removed as they have no place in the nation they occupy.
dingdingdingdingding winner!
Invitation-only Australia when?
no blood no place and no sure way of assimilation. If they're blood related to the nation they're in they're forced into assimilation wether they notice it or not. And in a generation or two they're outbred but bring forth a the true diversity the left babble on about and aren't just faggots setting up parallel societies within host society.
This. We need to get back to blood and soil thinking before we are exterminated.
those don't have the financial oppotunities to come to germany
Yes they do, they just need to claim to be Syrian.
The diversity being minor and minuscule tweaks to the civilisation. The host countries culture remains dominant and minorities will actually be a minority. Eventually outbred bringing the tiny bit of diversity liberals go on about.
those are pakis, not indians
It hardly depends if they were in touch with islam.
My parents are from Iraq kurdish territory and my parents came with the turks for work to Germany.
My parents are "light" muslim but they never forced anyone of me and my siblings with religion and they did only teach us on the basics in our mother tongue.
We only speak German at home.
I have serval immigrants friends too and you can clearly see if they are criminal by looking at their family consume of Islam.
The less religous their parents the less criminal their childreen.
In the other hand i observerd that family that valued religion high often had childreen that were less educated and did more crime.
All in all the less religous parents = less criminal immigrants.
Humans are tribal beings. The tribe comes first and what diversity is sought should be below the 5% of the population margin to eventually be outbred.
That way there is minuscule genetic impact on the host population and the diversity sought is still there just not on a domineering scale sought out to outbreed the host population.
you tell me, Hans. Oh, wait..
>My parents are "light" muslim
How does it feel to be born to those who are destroying Europe?
The only way to fully assimilate is to intermarry. When you have tribal fucks that come here, like poos, niggers, and jews, that's not going to happen.
East/Southeast Asians are hit or miss. Even some Europeans are.
>Polish flag
>Posted picture of toilette
>Nothing wrong here
Can anyone confirm that this is the actual swiss attacker? Because this news site doesn't seem credible.
They're nonwhite and will shit up the gene pool. Assimilation will cause them to shit it up even more
That doesn't look right, the attacker was a Norwegian man
>German thread
>Asking if immigrants are bad
>Nothing wrong here
>Nothing wrong here
Fucking Krysztof is supposed to clean it, not take pictures of it.
>try to insult our non-existent national pride
silly Monaco...
I sehe es als Beleidigung an mich als Moslem zubezeichnen.
Ich mag Schweinefleisch und Sachen die Haram sind.
>be pole
>be immigrant everywhere
>complain about immigration
the only reason you don't have those people is because your country is so shitty not even they want to live there
I don't see why not. Asian immigrants do a great job of this most places in the US (That don't have a chinatown).
Indian immigrants are pretty great as well on the grand scale, it would be nice if they understood the concept of tipping though.
If they are either from an ethnic group that already fits in behaviorally with the ethnice group(s) of the country they are moving to, are highly selected by the imigration process to be individuals that fit in despite their unfitting background, or are limited in numbers severely enough that they can be swallowed up in a generation or two, then immigrants are fine. Desirable even.
If you are flooding them in such that they will create a new permanent ethnic group in your country which will have tensions and violence with the other ones that already exist, it's bad.
If by assimilate you mean adopt the culture and become productive, then yes, immigrants assimilating is a good thing
Sorry, ich wusste nicht, dass du überhaupt kein moslem bist
Go back to work Pawel toillets don't clean themselfs.
Schwein,Alkohol und Sex sind zu gut um auf sie zuverzichten.
Wer Moslem ist läuft am Leben vorbei, für eine Fiktive Figur.
Islam is nothing but a distraction pushed by the same people who are bringing them here.
They want nationalists to stop thinking about blood and quality of the gene pool, and instead advocate for assimilation policies that are directly contrary to their own interests.
immigrants are always bad, because they'll cuck the native's citizens from their jobs. No one likes immigrants.
Depends on how many immigrants there are overall already, i admit that seeing even a shitskin in a sea of whites can add a bit of diversity to the neighborhood but when become to many its bad no matter how well assimilated they are
Only if they also look like the people in their host country.
>Fucking Krysztof is supposed to clean it, not take pictures of it.
Toilet jokes are nothing compared to your open-borders policy, that is not even close to make me feel bad. But when you look through the window and see milions of shitkins that you pay for... man, that hurts
>the only reason you don't have those people is because your country is so shitty not even they want to live there
Well, if not you and ruskies things would be different now, Jonas. But slowly white westerns will migrate to Poland just to feel safe.
Also, we don't have rapefugees cuz our government is not completely insane. Plus social welfare for jobless is like 200 euro monthly, you can berly live with this. Not my fault you give all those Ahmeds 1000 euro for nothing.
>Go back to work Pawel toillets don't clean themselfs.
Go back to help refugees Max, they won't build there new homes in Germany by themselves.
Is seeing a snake good if it doesn't bite you? Perhaps, but you're blatantly begging the question, because we all know snakebites actually happen.
Like snakes, the more immigrants around you, the greater the chance that one lashes out. Like snakes, not all kinds are equally dangerous. Like snakes, a nice strong enclosure wall is the best defence.
If you lose your job to a immigrant in Germany you are either mentaly disabled or an completly idiot.
Immigrants can't work cheaper than other people our salary cap in Germany is 8.50€.
There is already a law in Germany that says Germans need to be preferd.
There is no chance of not getting the job as a German by 2 applications if one is German and one a immigrant.
Says the gaijin English teacher.
Yes. Multiracialism still causes divisions. Racial hegemony is necessary for a harmonious state.
For a immigration policy to make sense it must look about 50 years into the future - first ones will never become a part of the nation, their kids can be somewhat native in mindset and the third gen should be fully integrated.
The problem you've made for yourselves, on the left bank of the Odra, is that there are too many of newcomers, the first+second gen shouldn't be more than a 1-2% percent of all the citizens.
Other requirements would be :
-being of average iq of natives or higher,
-knowledge of local history and culture,
-having or adopting natives' religion (here - Christianity or atheo-christianity),
-forbidding them to aggregate in large amounts in one region (I'm thinking like 1-2 families per town, capital included),
-deportation in case of major misbehaving, or if some problems seems endemic in a particular group of migrants, deport them for even little things,
Rules above should apply to first 3-4 generations. The point is for having them join the fabric of your society. For over time the quantity and quality of population would artificially rise while not distorting the economy, nor changing the politics, nor having Allahu Akbars. Also your offspring won't have moral hangover for mass deportation.
>Go back to help refugees Max
Yeah time to go to these polish third world refugees they clearly deserve a new home.
They lived under such tryanic conditions in Poland.
Ein wahrer Deutscher!
I don't think you can look at it like that. For example, what even are niggers with regard to assimilation? These people have been here for as long as any of us, they and their culture has to be considered as American as any other. But their culture is still segregated from everyone elses.
Clearly Niggers are one of the worst elements of America, but in many ways they are assimilated.
While we get many Asian immigrants every year who will be never learn the language. They will never assimilate. But they will work 4 jobs, own small businesses and put their children through medical school while teaching them how amazing America is.
Some sneks are cute, we should let them in
Yes! Migrants who assimilate are tge worst. They pretend to be German/European and they are breeding us out of existence
those poor sand-niggers truly love Germany
Niggers have been on this Earth as long as us, if not more than us and yet most of the African niggers are still living in stone age. You can't compare a civilization who is hell bent on never progressing in their life.
Not here. In your country they are, in any country with a native ethnicity tied to the nationality, they inherently are.
not necessarily but they're a net loss to their own countries and here is why migration hurts not cures world poverty..
>African niggers are still living in stone age
sad Pajeet
They don't.
have you ever met a nationalist turk? they are much worse than assimilated migrants
only if that country is america, then they are american instead of foreigners who should have been exterminated long ago
To be fair, India had a vibrant civilization thousands of years before the great western powers took over the world. Indoor plumbing or not, they had their own thing going on for a very long time.
>Taking side of niggers.
wow EU has really cucked you.
>not talking mother tongue with parents
Good job betraying your heritage
They are here to shart on mart at a time.
There is literally an iraqi living in germany ITT.
This is really it. We were so fucked from the late 18/early 18th century that it doesn't matter anymore, just don't be a Muslim or Latino.other countries (Europeans) have an ancestral homeland and ethnicity with its own culture, and an obligation to defend and support it, though.
There are sensible ways of tackling the ìssue of immigration witout completely shutting the borders, yes, but you won't see them enacted anytime soon.
do you want him to be like the Moroccans in your country?
I know. But if not Brits they wouldn't move from there.
>>Taking side of niggers.
No. You are just a bit more developed niggers.
You shit on the streets while they don't even have any streets.
But for Ramanujan you got like +30 points from me
How are those Free Pussy rape bracelets working out for you?
if you meet nationalist Turk,just call them "get the fuck out my country now then".I beg you for do that.
we hate german turks as you can't imagine.They are bunch of ignorant,villager AKP fanboys.You know what, secular and educated turks are migrating in to USA meanwhile villager,uneducated,bigot turks are migrating germany.
You could check nov1 election 2015 for get a proof for that.
>CHP is the one of USA region.
>AKP with %76 is the one of Germanicuck region.
>talking mother tongue enables chimps
is it only was that easy, my local kebab shop owner chimped out because i calles erdogan an idiot
Here's a question.
Why do white countries "need" any immigrants from black/brown countries? Whites are minorities on this earth. Why do we have such a fascination with importing people from shit countries? Can they do things people from white countries can't? No? Then what's the point?
You don't see white people flooding into Pakistan or Nigeria. Why can't we be left alone?
I never really bought into the whole "white genocide" thing, but I am now that I see the majority attitude towards immigration and borders in general.
When does the importation of third worlders end? Their countries will never be as good as white countries. They will continue to fight tooth and nail to get to them as long as we leave the door open.
How many third worlders think about improving their own country instead of moving to a white country? None. Because we fucking encourage it. There is no responsibility on their part. Worst of all, our governments literally throw hundreds of billions of dollars per year to "fix" their shitholes. We care more about their countries than they do. They care about themselves and themselves only, and it wont change once theyre in our country.
No but that is literally not what is currently happening.
They are invading and changing the nation by refusing to assimilate. THAT IS THE CURRENT PROBLEM GERMANY
Every third world nation has some kind of epidemic, that's why they are 3rd world nations. At least we are just shitting on streets instead of blowing people up.
>Then what's the point?
come on, this on is easy...
It shows what disgusting people come here. They live in an open and free society, but the majority strongly supports the islamofascist AKP. If they liked the current Turkey so much, why come here in the first place? The answer is obvious: They're only here for the gibsmedats and higher wages.
We're financing our own ideological enemies.
What do you mean?
>India had a vibrant civilization thousands of years before the great western powers took over the world
Sure. And most people weren't just dirt farmers like everywhere else. The Brits physically stole everything of worth such that nothing of worth could ever be done again.
everyone's a minority
You need at least 2 generations to fully assimilate.
By then it will be too late.
Maybe they shouldn't have let the Brits do that.
suicide terrorists in france -> 3rd generation that was born there
u sure, ca(nu)ck?
>What do you mean?
I mean think for which party niggers and sand-niggers will vote? will they vote remain or leave in next eu-exit referendum?
I assure you, that merkel doesn't give a single fuck about rapefugees
Point taken.
No, but it doesn't work if you let them stream in. If you don't give them time to assimilate and just keep bringing hoards and hoards of them in they have no reason to change and just bring their barbarism with them.
fully assimilate, get jobs, aren't criminals, are generally good people - then hell yes
that's what immigration used to bring
when they came for the "American dream"
They can be 4 generations in America and they are still yelling about being Italian