Tell it to me straight Sup Forums, will Trump recover?
Tell it to me straight Sup Forums, will Trump recover?
He's become the biggest punchline for the next 30 years, and anybody who came out as a Drumpf supporter will be experiencing a profound shame as the widely-regarded morons of the country.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Ask me again when he starts spending money.
It's always darkest before the don.
Underrated post.
No just like he never recovered from the +11 lead by Clinton ;^)
From what?
One's a politician with a staggering amount of experience, and one's a reality TV star that shills for fucking Vladimir Putin.
Recover? He's going to win in a landslide. Keep in mind, all you know about this country is what you see on the Jew Tube. Get out and talk to people, take a drive across the country and talk to people. Trump has massive support from the overwhelming majority of people you never see in the media.
No, he's finished
inb4 kek spam, grow up children
Thats just the thing. He *hasnt*
nice trips, but i'm going to enjoy the shit out of your tears in november.
i hope you summerkids stick around once school starts so we can enjoy watching you guys collectively melt down when shillary captures states that havent gone blue in decades.
You can literally say the exact same thing about Hillary, I can't believe Sup Forums has become anecdote general.
1. She did not leak US secrets, she used her private email account when she shouldn't have. dont twist reality.
2. What happened in Benghazi - are you aware the news of the terror attack happened only AFTER the soldiers were already dead, unlike what republicansclaim?
3. She did not rig the primary. the democratic party had a preference for her, and they campaigned for her, but the voters voted according to their opinion and no rigging happened. the fact the DNC had a preference for her is not rigging
>being stupid enough to believe this conspiracy
Also the wrong things trump did were muchworse than saying mean things. he has multiple lawsuits for scamming against him RIGHT NOW with very compelling evidence.
Political experience is not a strength. The whole reason Trump is doing well is because he's not some political careerist.
>The whole reason Trump is doing well with unemployable morons is because he's not some political careerist.
fixed that for you swedecuck
user, political experience essentially means she is more prepared to take the office as president than trump.
I mean, fuck, trump is not even fit to posting in twitter during a presidential elections, he is sure as hell not fit to make sensitive decisions that will effect the entire world for 4 years
Bad news: No, Trump will not recover. Turns out he's kind of an idiot.
Good news: nationalism is legitimately part of the political discussion again. Trump tore apart the GOP primary using it and now that that has happened others will follow that same path. Hopefully more informed and competent others.
Ultra bad news: For that to mean anything at all, the country has to survive 4-8 years of Hillary, quite possibly with a Democratic Congress.
Polls don't mean much at this point, they haven't even debated yet.
It's the reason why he'll lose badly. We already went through this with Sarah Palin.
Name me one reason people will vote for Hillary other than "She's not Trump". Hillary offers nothing to voters, she offers nothing to un-under employed, she offers nothing to young people. The only people who will vote for her are those who're doing well and don't want anything to change. That's not the majority of Americans desu
>are you aware the news of the terror attack happened only AFTER the soldiers were already dead
What? The Ambassador was requesting security for days prior to the attack. He knew it was eminent and so did she.
She then began lying to the families of the deceased and the rest of America trying to blame it on a video, attacking the 1st amendment like the scum she is.
Unemployable morons, niggers, CEOs, it doesn't matter. Votes are votes.
People don't want a sensitive politician that doesn't give it to them straight. They want someone with balls to act and say it like it is. Whether Trump is that or not doesn't really matter, he's just a much more attractive candidate in that regard than Hillary, which is the establishment incarnate.
CTR in full swing.
She participated in legalizing gay marriage throughout the US
She worked in helping disabled children and their families even before her political career started, proving she does not do it just for public impresssion
She has years upon years of political experience under her belt.
Here are some reason, user
And Jeb's son endorsed trump. He's very charismatic unlike his father. He can win the GOP nomination and the Latino vote and the white vote in very big numbers with nationalistic campaign. I can see him becoming president soon.
Can you imagine if Don,Jr, Jeb's son, and Chelsa Clinton running at the same time? Can you imagine the new memes?
I sure am glad we got flags. Now I don't even have to guess its a fucking Jew behind these posts.
"She's not Trump" is more than enough. Thanks in part to Drumpfkins, she's also associated with "more Obama", who is enjoying his highest favorability ratings these days.
Well, it's true there was a military mistake to not add more security to there prior to the attack. when you are a politician for decades, you are not going to completely free from mistakes.
but i've heard people here saying "the soldiers were crying for help during the terror attack and she refused to help them" which is a complete non-sense, no news of the attack even came to the US until after they died
I'm afraid he has terminal drumpf.
she stood around and talked and arranged for more power and money for her and her cronies
yes, she has achieved greatly, for her and her's
>not many thousands of jobs for decades
The flag doesn't matter though user, everything i posted here is completely factual
Hillary can't even get 1000 people to attend her anemic rally's. Her support is a mile wide and an inch thin. Ask any Hillary supporter how her Presidency is going to make their lives better. Ask any Hillary supporter what she has actually accomplished in all her years in politics (other than making herself insanely wealthy).
She offers nothing but "hurr durr my vagina"
Did you not read those emails that just came out? Mccain was a DNC stooge. It's confirmed.I don't have the proof unfortunately but I'm sure someone here has it in their HD. The elections are a sideshow to make you think you have a choice. They cheated Bernie and he was in on it.
The job creation was purely a side effect of him selfishly earning more billions for himself, user.
The fact this is the biggest contribution you can name show how fucking little he has done for your country.
And no user, Hillary actively contributed your country even if you are not willing to credit her for her work.
Yep. It's a lie. The dems have never won.
>You Britbongs will never get a referendum
>You'll never win the referendum, the polls are against you
>You'll never actually leave the EU
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump won't win the presidency, the polls are against you
>You'll never actually build the wall
probably untill after his very nice, long vacation..
>Hillary can't even get 1000 people to attend her anemic rally's
Is that how she lost to Bernie Sanders? Because he had bigger rallies?
>anecdotes, m-muh anecdotes
Post some poll numbers
>muh chillin muh clillin da children!
Who gives a fuck about the kids! fuck the children. At what age are you supposed to stop giving a fuck about someone? These people preach we are all equal but some more than others because of their age?
Kill yourself user
>Says anything against the Donald
Shows how dumb drumpf supporters are.
>was involved
Nothing, nothing, and nothing. She pandered one way after pandering the other for years. She denied gays marriage until the political winds shifted and continuing to do so would have stifled her career. The same for her position on border security and illegal immigration.
She only seems to care about them when it the "solutions" are found in ignoring our laws or abusing them via judicial activism.
>Hillary can't even get 1000 people to attend her anemic rally's
Keep in mind Obama was pulling in 75k in his 2012 run and even more in his 08 run. His rally s broke records. Mitt had big ones too but Obama had massive crowds, there was one that was over 100k.
Hillary is the best candidate BY FAR.
Jill and Gary have no experience.
Trump is an agent sent by Put-in.
and hillary's "achievements" were purely incidental to her and her cronies getting more power and money
>The fact this is the biggest contribution you can name show how fucking little he has done for your country.
whereas hillary has actively led it down a net path of degeneracy
> Hillary actively contributed
yeah she sure did, by taking much much more wealth per "return" to the nation than did donald
CTR hiring poo in the loo shills now?
Exactly, Pajeet.
You're right sometimes.
No, she won against Bernie because the DNC favored her from the start, doctored news coverage to elevate her. Ever wonder why so many left leaning news stations were not covering Bernie positively, but never airing criticism of Clinton? DNC Leaks prove this to all be true.
>Here we have a doctor who has misdiagnosed or directly killed every single patient she has ever seen
Fuck that fucking shit
>20 years of experience though
Oh shit nevermind yeah schedule me
Fuck off twat.
That meme is old.
>Is that how she lost to Bernie Sanders? Because he had bigger rallies?
Did you even read the WikiLeaks dump?
>A fucking shart in mart
the sum total of her efforts have been:
*speeches others wrote for her
*sit downs with leaders & tea
*signing her name
*photo ops
nothing more
lets have a slow clap
Sanders was losing in the polls too, not just the delegates.
>inb4 multiple major news organisations with separate shareholders are conspiring silently to help Clinton
wew Thanks for correcting the record on that
How about killing sandniggers in Iraq?
That was an accomplishment.
She has done some of the greatest things in this country.
>not even 2 weeks
>meem is old
all your meems are belong to us
and THAT one there is older than you are
she never fired a weapon there
>She has done some of the greatest things in this country.
be serious
Here's a nice unbiased poll
>[email protected]
To be honest here I hate fucking CTR and Hillary
I'm just here for the money.
Best question is, will you recover? Stop Believing in the "polls" run by the Jewish Cucking Media.
Apparently the campaign strategy is rope a dope until debates then nuclear blast right before the election.
It's just living hell for supporters until then though
Go watch 'Hillary's America' and then STFU.
My Northern friend, in the coming months your going to see some crazy shit that will put the previous months to shame.
It's going to be one hell of a election season, Mark my words.
>A two time governor has no experience.
Wew lad
The primaries were clearly rigged. CTR paid millions of actors to register democrat and vote for her in the primary.
You can read all about and buy diabetic testing supplies on my blog.
Am I the only one that thought OP's ID said rapist?
trump is an israel shill. or do you just stay ignorant to facts that dont neatly fit into your underage worldview?
>hahha ive seen so many people in pictures of rallies
babby's first election detected
have fun little buddy!
Maybe if trump denounced israels illegal palestinian settlements, and supported Iran's effort in combating ISIS along with Russia, supported Marijuana, mentioned his support for pushing further space exploration and discovery, pledged to initiate an executive order to shut down guantanamo, and criticize obamas weakness in not doing so, and actually responded properly to the certain accusations made against him and not backtrack, and not twist them in to an even bigger problem for himself, if he denounced saudi arabias killing of innocent yemeni women and children, explained that the us indirectly arms al qaeda throw saudi clerics and is fueling wars in the middle east and will put a severe arms embargo on them and Israel, would he have a bigger chance. He's a retard.
All he's doing is pushing the same foreign policy Agenda. 'We're in iraq, we shoulda not gone in, but lets stay and take their oil'. 'business as usual with Israel and saudi arabia, no sanctions for 9/11 and arms embargo'.
you can't get in to a detailed debate with him, 'we gotta find out whats goin on'. 'we'll see what's goin on with ukraine later when im president, until then be patient, trust me and walk the dinosaur.'
Start counting yard signs!
First Post Best Post
It's possible since we really have no idea what the silent majority of American voters think of him. What we do know is the opinions of the loud minorities that are either supporting or opposing him but in the age of social media those voices can be very misinformative since they can and many times are coming from people who are not American voters.
If this was global election for the leader of the free world then he would have already lost the election but it's not.
I remember how the world screamed in anger and fear about the possibility of George Bush getting a second term but that didn't stop the American voters from voting him either.
>muh signs
Remember the Ohio primary? People were saying that there were Trump signs literally everywhere and little to no Kasich signs, and the Kucksich STILL landslided his ass.
I'm looking forward to voting for Trump.
After a month of non-stop media shilling on every network, millions of dollars in attack ads by the Clinton Campaign, and a multi-million dollar "Correct the Record" campaign online, most of the polls have Trump within 10% nationally.
Trump is selling out theaters and stadiums in every city he goes to while Clinton is struggling to fill high school auditoriums and clothing stores. All without running a single ad and barely appearing on television since the convention apart from a few policy speeches.
The debates are in a month and Trump's saving up capital and talking points for the big push ahead. Expect to see Trump ads start showing up in about two weeks, constant television appearances from Trump and his supporters, and absolutely savage attacks at the debates.
Trump is gonna Blitzkrieg the shit out of Clinton's campaign next month.
Literally, the only thing not false regarding this post is the rigged primaries. It also undermines what Trump has done throughout his campaign, as well as in the past.