What does Sup Forums think of Alex Jones? Controlled opposition? Useful idiot? Entrepreneur capitalising on a business model built on fear? Genuine philanthropist who has the right ideas? Nutjob?
Reason for your opinion please
What does Sup Forums think of Alex Jones? Controlled opposition? Useful idiot? Entrepreneur capitalising on a business model built on fear? Genuine philanthropist who has the right ideas? Nutjob?
Reason for your opinion please
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he's good for redpilling normies but not everything he says is legit.
fat dipshit who once in awhile says something correct/intelligent just by sheer chance by virtue of never shutting the fuck up
his listeners are primarily unemployable NEETs and underage children
yeah but he's right on most of that.
he's right about quite a lot of things but sometimes says outlandish stuff. Over all he's an amusing watch
I love his passion but I don't like how dismissive he is of the Jewish conspiracy
he's funny, batshit crazy, but he's got some good points.
Molon Labe is a good phrase
his information is usually legit....
whats the point of this
It is things AJ has a tendency to say, and bingo is a great way to be less bored when you are bored.
annoying voice. no enlightening points.
hes ok, at least good footage of protests and riots gets posted on this channel sometimes
That would be the quickest game ever
What the answer to 1984?
No shit...........strange
Bill jones!
Alex hicks!
I like Alex.
He spent two decades as a controlled opposition shill, and while he still plays both sides, I believe he wants us to win.
There are places he wont go, but he has fire and deep knowledge from the inside of their system, which results in gems like this:
He's right and wrong at the same time.
Definitely in it to make a profit but also believes in what he's saying. It's all entertainment with truth at times. Kind of funny how after about a decade the things he says comes true but at the time he's saying it people just laugh at him. Overall he's a great example of America even if that fact is scary as hell.
>gun loving
>god fearing
>married a Jew because memes
>Jew divorced him and took millions
>strong family man
>boisterous and inflammatory at times
He knows the game. I needed Jones to show me the road but I walked it alone. American hero.
he's a great first dose of redpill
All you need to know about Alex Jones, courtesy of Vilemonkey
>Useful idiot?
>Entrepreneur capitalising on a business model built on fear?
These, but not necessarily too far off base in some of his "discoveries". His real potential voice gets lost in his message delivery.
Mainstream media is so bad these days. Americans would rather watch and listen to his show. He had interesting interviews though.
Is there anything actually damning in there?
>married a jew
is this the 1/8th jew wife that someone got confused and thought was all the way jewish?
no thanks
He's a fraud trying to sell products to the delusional
Yup even his buddy Trump is a fraud and delusional.
I've been listening to him for 7 years
>software engineer
Was she only 1/8th Jewish? Never really cared too much about that issue but just saw it brought up a lot.
Ive been very conservative my entire life and a lot of he says makes sense but for some things I feel like he is way off in left field
he redpilled my brother though so I guess theres that
What are the equivalents of Alex Jones from other countries?
I took some super male and jacked it like 8 times that day so i can safely say that it wasn't snake oil
Literally the mainstream news now.
Yes, she was acceptable by Natzee law and Christian. Didn't know he got divorced, tho.
Alex Jones is certainly very passionate about hsi work. I enjoy listening and find his shows informative and his sources credible.
Also, filters.
I agree.
I think all news websites that are not owned by the state should be banned.
Fuck off, shill.
55 minutes of Alex covering Zionism over the last 10 years.
Just very creative editing and cherry-picking clips to make Alex sound crazy/stupid while cutting out any cogent points he makes and focusing on him ranting and going nuts invthe 4th hour.
Anybody can put together a video like this and make anybody look and sound crazy by editing what they say.
Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that. I just watched his David Duke interview so that's where I was coming from. He seemed very dismissive in that interview
Alex Jones is pure entertainment, only creating pointing toward blame types of pacification where elbow rubbing is the only result.
been listening to him all morning, chasing my Anthroplex with coffee
come at me
Even the oposition had to pander to our overlords.
I understand that if we aim to survive we need open press and internet.
Even assange as dangerous as he is he has not unveiled everything he knows he also understand the value of the world comedy.
I can't be bothered to watch his videos because there is a million popups and he is incapable of structuring his argument or thoughts. I watches some "9/11 smoking gun" video and it was incoherent rambling for like 15 minutes I don't even know what the supposed "smoking gun" was.
Yeah he shills products. But its expensive to run a website. Unlike "SUPPORT MUH PATREON" at least he gives you something in return.
He has certain valuable knowledges but his base premise is misleading and about taking money from goyim. You can always expect cats like this.
It's better to listen to the full shows. You miss some of the context when they cut it up into clips
What base premise would that be?
I was being harsh, and the underground movements can also see jones as a 1st layer force field protection. He'll never be destroyed, nor penetrated.
He leads people to Trump and is the most main stream news source that brings up anti white bias.
America can be saved from the globalist agenda. It cannot. He may or may not believe what he's saying but he's married to a kike if that makes you think.
He can wake people to 9/11 and Bilderberg but goyim could never appreciate the intrinsic congruence of all the phenomenon he claims to educate people about. The U.S. is the seat of the world dollar, the Federal Reserve isn't going to just give the country's money supply back because some people protest outside the Dallas Fed.
>but he's married to a kike if that makes you think.
He's not, though. She's only 1/8th jewish, which was good enough for Nazi Germany.
Reality is stranger than fiction.
Those brain pills of his actually work. They won't turn you into einstein but they do enhance what you already have.
He doesn't take a defeatist attitude towards things. He recognizes how bad things are but he's not gonna back down, and thats what I like about him
I like him.
The definition of a useful idiot. He's such a Trumpfag that he's actually undermining the things he's stood for, for years. How can he be so afraid of an NWO, and then give the Trump campaign a free pass for having so many connections to the Putin government that are out in the open? How can he ignore Trump's recent corporate dealings? How can he come out with so much vitriol against the one major candidate who actually was against corporatism (Sanders)?
It's worth noting that half the people on this board are more educated than Jones, and have more real working experience. Jones went to Austin Community College and didn't even get an AA, so if you've even gotten an AA, attended a trade school, or even dropped out of a real university, you're more educated than Jones. Then immediately after leaving college he became a radio personality, where his first major project was to raise money for the fucking Branch Davidians. He's never worked an honest day in his life.
Jones just doesn't have any real world experience. He's never left Texas, he's never gotten a proper education, and he's never worked. He's literally a loser with a grudge.
Yep I hate it at the beginning of my red pill journey .
Now I see him as a necessary evil.
He did nothing wrong
>The definition of a useful idiot.
useful idiot to who? whos agenda is he pushing?
>and then give the Trump campaign a free pass for having so many connections to the Putin government that are out in the open?
Er, he was always aware of how Putin is very damaging to the NWO, LOOOOONG before the Republican primaries. That's not undermining anything.
I think we all knew Sanders was always a shill, and Alex deconstructed Sanders -- again, well before joining the Trump train. Sanders was controlled opposition from the start, and registered no shock or displeasure when he "learned" the DNC was working against him from day one.
Right now, Trump. In general, right wing populists.
Broken clocks are right twice a day
We'll never know what's beyond the green door. But we're attempting to be ready minus sheeple.
And that is a bad thing how?
Entrepeneur. 100%show
used to be nutjob
can now do legit news because the world is shit and MSM 100% lies.
If you think Putin and the Russian oligarchs are in any way damaging to the NWO, then the NWO is meaningless. He's literally a rich authoritarian political leader who makes corrupt deals with other rich heads of industry and government. And you think he's opposed to an NWO? How retarded are you?
Sanders was a mainstream politician, but he spent his whole life refusing corporate money. He was not on the take. He supports the corporate Democrats right now because he thinks they'll be less damaging to healthcare, education, environment, diplomacy, etc. then an establishment Republican, which Trump is quickly becoming.
>If you think Putin and the Russian oligarchs are in any way damaging to the NWO, then the NWO is meaningless.
Have you not noticed how he is used as a bogeyman 24/7, and how they become more and more brazen all the time about how willing they are to push Russia towards conflict? Do you think Putin is only pretending to support Assad?
>but he spent his whole life refusing corporate money. He was not on the take.
How quickly things change. I'm glad we found out he had not a single ounce of integrity and decided to sell out to the butcher of Libya. How is not randomly destroying neutral countries not harmful to our "diplomacy" or whatever?
>higher ups gather together being faggots in the trees
He was a cool guy, before he went into crazy mode
Yeah, the stuff about Satan is pretty out there but to those who know, it's a reference to the Jews.
It's not that he's crazy, you have to speak his code language.
Leann Mcadoo shouldn't be behind the desk while speaking. One cannot concentrate beyond 15 seconds of her subject matter without thinking about those tits in the shower.
Thenceforth, that's all we think about and don't retain anything else.
15 seconds.
Put her out in the field and have her call in or something.
fucking saved
Strong points.
Defeatism is a cancer indeed.
Here's the thing - is the war against flesh and blood or powers and principalities?
Some things are simply inevitable, gentlemen. Earth will continue to spin but America is destined to be broken into pieces.
so true
America the country might fall but it is our duty to carry on the American spirit of our founding fathers and to refine their ideals in the pursuit of a better society
She's a coalburner attention whore who will read anything and fake any ideology to get in front of a camera.
>Entrepreneur capitalising on a business model built on fear?
Imagine Eric Cartman, but older.
I applaud your commitment to duty and human betterment.
However, can these ideals not be better served in countries who welcome job creators and are still fledgling comparitvely to establish themselves as global players (i:e Colombia, Ecuador, [Kenya for the African fellows]) or fight for a piece of land in an empire which will turn on it's citizens who uphold the Constuition and inevitably lead to bloodshed. If you want to fight, it's your prerogative but please think about this -
Qui Bono?
Your hard work can pay off much better for you and your adopted country than a bloated and decaying empire, as opulent as she may be. That's just one Sup Forums O.G.s perspective. Live free, die well.
Tl;Dr I fixed to go to Latin America and get those pesos, cabron. Tambien eh?
He's live btw
I'm gonna stay in the US because I think locals would turn against foreigners in a collapse situation.
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