Oh wow


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nice thumbnail, phonefaggot

That's why I watch anime like Konosuba, so I can get male characters saying the words of female writers.

After seeing how females write male characters, I can understand why women would be pissed at how guys write them, they always sound wrong and it's pretty insulting. The problem is that women written by female writers are shitty as well because women can't write or do anything right. This is why all kino should only be written by men but never include female characters. Like the thing or Lawrence of Arabia.

Get with the times, granpa

>complain that there are no female characters
>hollywood starts using more female characters
>keep complaining
The perpetually outraged professional umbrage-takers are never pleased. That is no way to live and I pity their inability to feel happiness.

It's not ultimately about who is acting or who is writing. It's about the exercise of power; of getting society to dance to your tune.


Someone gets it.


Why do you care? Let them take the reins and if you're right they'll fuck everything up and revert power to you. In the meantime we'll take control and put an end to oppression.

>it's great to see so many female writers writing the values of men
>it's great to see so many female philosophers mimicking the values that man came up with first
>it's great to see so many female gods who are oppressed by having to deal with toxic male gods
>it's great to see so many females but there are no men left to deceive as they all killed themselves because putting up with our endless demands is torture - it's all men's fault, they should never have stopped trying to control our destructive impulsive nature.

Women should be the writers, directors, and stars. Men still get to pay for the whole thing.

>revert power to you
This is who power reverts to after our civilizational fuck-up ends, to quote the Vietnam war "it ain't me"

truly inspiring
could not imagine 2016 without these formidable muslim men

Also why the best literature is written by men and features almost no women (Blood Meridian, Lord of the Rings, Moby-Dick, etc. etc.).

>>let them take the reins and fuck everything up.

Then you can have what's left over.


Women can write good male characters and men can write good female characters. And everything else you said is just bullshit but here is my take.
It's just that most can't. Idk what it is; men tend to write females either as 2D or just love interests or men with boobs(forgetting that there some differences between how men and women perceive the world, due to biology and culture). Women tend to write men as boys or make Make males act in ways that they just don't...I don't know how to describe this since I'm not a guy but yeah they definitely seem off.
See Twilight, hunger games, most anime/manga written by women(though they at least do better in attempting than most of their male counterparts in Japan).

Forgot to add. I think the best way to fix this is to have lots of collaboration between men and women when it comes to character creation. Idk.

female mangaka do better because they don't have a chip on their shoulder and try to one up men every time they got chance like a perpetual underdog complex feminist that shove "ugh men" every time a female character open their mouth

probably all born in western countries

*blocks your path*

Well that is true, but I wasn't comparing them to other females writers in the U.S. or Europe in that post. I was comparing them to most male mangaka who can't even attempt to write good female characters compared to the number of women who at least try to write the opposite gender well.
Regardless, having this discussion about characters on this board is a waste if time. We would get a better, more thought out discussion on /lit/at least.

Nuclear weapons really fucked everything up since now dying empires will be forced to slowly sink into nothing on top of rusting silos with no warfare and conquering to clean the slate since everyone is scared of MAD. Probably sounds edgy but the alternative will probably be much worse in terms of human suffering long term.

i think we shouldnt really let women do anything. they're shit at everything