focus is fucking cancer and polls change all the time merkel will rule another 4 years or even longer because the average german voter has the brain capacity of a potato
Christian Bennett
Josiah Smith
>AFD 13.5% Kraut BTFO
Oliver Rivera
Some master race
Wyatt Miller
Liam Bailey
At least the FDP is in the BT again, the only freedom party among those who have >5% in that poll. It's hard to find majorities beyond CDU/SPD with the AfD at >10% unfortunately. 11% for the Greens? ugh!
Julian Evans
Hopefully someone forms a coalition with AFD and gets their support for whatever in exchange for stopping the migrants and focusing on integration.
Jeremiah Taylor
fdp und freedom party meine fresse
Thomas Reyes
at what point do CDU move against Merkel? 16% fall shows she is not electoral asset anymore. with pressure CSU is applying the lack of grumbling from CDU is perplexing.
Ryder Thompson
Na wer denn sonst? Die Verbotsgrünen? Die Zensur*-und-Überwachungs-Groko? (*Maas+Schwesig) Die Stasi-Linke? Die christlich-fundamentalistische AfD?
Piratenpartei wäre noch gut, schaffts aber leider derzeit nicht übe 5%.
Wyatt Barnes
the CDU will never turn against Merkel she controlls the inner circle and a 16% fall is irrelevant. the last time she went on a talk show an regained all her popularity and the csu is merkels bitch
Jaxon Myers
kek, no one wan't lead a country, who have no future. Merkel extra burn everything to lead 4 years more. German workers, are not interested in politics, they want only a person, who do the fucking job...
the next leader need to deport all immigrants and clear the sozial industry, without germany is done (more social cost, less jobs, less education, more religion, hi turkey 2.0)
Alexander Bennett
lass mich raten du bekommst deine nachrichten von lefloid? die grünen sind zwar was gesellschaftspolitik angeht richtig beschissen, aber ansonsten sind relativ in ordnung, spd das gleiche nur haben die zurzeit den mit abstand beschissensten vorstand überhaupt (wenn du gabriel und seine seeheimer los wirst, regelt sich das schon) Stasi Linke? die einzige partei, die gegen die vorratsdatenspeicherung ist Afd nur relavant was migration angeht und die fdp hat von jeder partei das mit abstand schlechteste übernommen; wenns nach denen ginge gebe es keinen mindestlohne und alle arbeiter würden durch billige syrer ersetzt
Henry Carter
>lass mich raten du bekommst deine nachrichten von lefloid?
Von wo?
> die grünen sind zwar was gesellschaftspolitik angeht richtig beschissen, aber ansonsten sind relativ in ordnung,
Und Technologiefeindlich (damit meine ich nicht Atomkraft), völlig von EKD und ZdK unterwandert, zu Verboten neigend, im Prinzip neben der CDU die anderen Konservativen.
> spd das gleiche nur haben die zurzeit den mit abstand beschissensten vorstand überhaupt (wenn du gabriel und seine seeheimer los wirst, regelt sich das schon)
Die Verräterpartei ist auch programmatisch völlig unbrauchbar, Überwachungsbefürworter, komische Linksfeministenkacke usw. Selbst in ihrem Kernbereich der Sozial- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik sind die eben in ihrer Gründungszeit im 19.Jahrhundert hängen geblieben, das passt alles nicht mehr auf die Informationsgesellschaft.
>Stasi Linke? die einzige partei, die gegen die VDS ist
Die Linke ist mir zu links. Und schau mal wen die sich in Berlin z.B. jetzt für die kommende Wahl wieder auf die Liste gesetzt haben. (bekannt aus #Bombergate) Mit den totalitären Linken hat man dann auch schnell wieder einen Stasi.
>Afd nur relavant was migration angeht >und die fdp hat von jeder partei das mit abstand schlechteste übernommen; wenns nach denen ginge gebe es keinen mindestlohne und alle arbeiter würden durch billige syrer ersetzt
Ich bin eigentlich auch kein Freund der FDP und würde sich auch nicht wählen, wenn von den noch kleineren Parteien was brauchbares auf dem Wahlzettel steht, von den Parteien mit >5% in den Umfragen ist sie aber noch das kleinste Übel. Die Einwanderungspolitik ist deutlich besser als das was Merkel veranstaltet, und würde darauf abzielen, nicht ungesteuert Millionen ins Land zu lassen (die zu 99% keinen Anspruch aus Asyl haben) sondern ein Einwanderungsgesetz zu schaffen, das klar regelt wie tatsächliche Fachkräfte die auch integrierbar und integrationswillig die Chance gibt legal nach einzureisen.
Odd, I have lived in many places all over the US for that past decade. Every year I hear the hottest this, or the coldest that. I get that we are talking about the macrocosm, but you would think that at least once I would have experienced highly unusual weather for any particular place in the US that I lived.
At some point the macrocosm ice changes must have local and specific effects on actual weather systems, right?
William Gonzalez
Merkel will rule because the real effects of her policies have not been felt. You have not had your Bundestag fire or 9/11 yet. She'll probably squeak by then include another party into her coalition.
However, the 2020 elections will be very different. More terrorist attacks, more austerity, and overall decline of the public peace and welfare system (for example, lines at hospitals) will make even normal Germans angry. Add in a major terrorist attack, and she will be just as fucked as Hollande is.
John Ross
Wrong thread. Sorry.
Joshua Butler
>zu links wenn du von leuten wie kipping redest hast du schon recht (gysi und die wagenknecht auf der anderen seite sind da nicht so hardcore links, weil die eher "echte sozialdemokraten" sind als sozialisten) und klaus lederer ist mir auch nicht grade sympathisch, aber in berlin setzt er sich als einziger für die kleinen leute ein, schau dir mal die wohnungsnot an - die anderen partein sprechen das problem garnicht an und geben den bürgern die schuld
Austin Williams
> no bundestag fire you should look up a history book
Kayden Gomez
>inb4 Grune gets in power and the cuckening begins tenfold
Anthony Moore
That's my point: such an event has not happened in modern Germany's history. Your country is still a virgin, about the same age as South Africa (it's modern form also birthed in the early 90s). Germany since reunification has only had good times. How will your country face it's first major crisis of confidence?
Cooper Lee
I guess they big coalition will drop below 50%
Butthurt CDU will stage a Coup d'etat for having to give up a minstry post or two to the greens.
Bentley Williams
>CDU Traitors and total cucks who let the country go to shit. No values, no ideas, the most populist party of all
>SPD Typical socialist cucks, very dangerous because they hide it well enough for the average idiot. Fat cunt of a leader who has no idea about economics. Basically a fat Bernie Sanders.
>FDP complete sell outs. No values, no idea what they wanna be, basically CDU but slightly more right wing economically. Overall still left wing and don't deserve to claim the yellow color at all, because they have nothing to do with liberty.
>Greens Literally fascists/communists. Want to ban everything under the guise of being tolerant, ranging from guns, to nuclear power to regular cars. Very dangerous because the environmentalist agenda appeals to normies who don't understand/see the commie agenda.
>Linke Pretty much blatant commies. Want to destroy the white race and the nation state and steal everyones money.
>AfD Cuckservatives. Internally divided and opposed by everyone else, a few fringe libertarian elements that get shouted down by statists and populism. Still the only hope for short term change.
>pirates Fringe party who started out as internet freedom fighters and turned full blown SJW. Basically Anonymous: the party.
>everyone else Literally who?
Julian Perry
Sources are always Insa and/or Forsa and everyone knows that they fake their polls.
Try harder potatonigger.
Leo Phillips
Still above 50%. 2017 is their last chance. If Merkel wins, rapefugees will be granted ctizenship and many old germs will be tott by next elections, so leftists will rule forever thanks to the votes of sub-humans.
Jackson Morales
AFD 2nd largest party is withing the realms of possibillity.
This depends mainly on international events in my opion and on the next double martyr points season.
Jeremiah Reed
>That's my point: such an event has not happened in modern Germany's history. Your country is still a virgin, about the same age as South Africa (it's modern form also birthed in the early 90s). Germany since reunification has only had good times. How will your country face it's first major crisis of confidence?
Todays Germany doesn't only exist since 1990. It's the legal successor of the German countries back until the German Empire was founded in 1871. Even before that there was the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, it's not like there was a whole new set of people when the borders changed by a war a bit or when the form of government changed. In 1990 the GDR just joined the Federal Republic of Germany, it's still the same country as the pre 1990 Federal Republic of Germany.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Den Lederer meine ich gar nicht. Die Linken haben sich die ganzen Linksextremen der Piraten in Berlin eingefangen, nachdem sich der sozialliberale Flügel innerhalb der Partei durchgesetzt hatte und die Linksbizarren keine Chance mehr hatten.
>>pirates >Fringe party who started out as internet freedom fighters and turned full blown SJW. Basically Anonymous: the party.
The SJWs are mostly gone after they lost their influence in 2014, but the polls are very low and the party is mostly destroyed.
>>everyone else >Literally who? Die PARTEI, I voted for them at the European election and they actually got one seat in the European parliament.
Caleb Perry
>sell outs >basically CDU but slightly more right wing economically That's what they've always been. How can you call them sellouts when that's what they're the exact same thing as when they were founded?
>Cuckservatives You're using the term incorrectly. Cuckservatives are libertarians and other conservatives who take great pains not to be racist. Statism and nationalism are in no ways cuckservative.
Brayden Morales
The FDP are sell outs because they claimed to stand behind gun owners and would block any new gun control legislation, but then they totally ignored it and let the CDU do its thing anyway. Same theme in everything they do, they are literally whores only in it for the money.
Well ok. What I meant by Cuckservatives is exactly that tho, conservatives who are so scared of the leftist pc police that they just do whatever leftists tell them. I guess you can be a cuckbertarian and a cucktist or ... It doesn't really work for nationalists.
Brandon Flores
There is basically no way to get rid of her. If it is not enough together with the SPD, then she will add the Greens or the FDP if they make it.
It is not like we can vote for or against her.
Leo Butler
>There is basically no way to get rid of her.
If she loses one or two cabinet posts to the greens I don't think they will let her run again or she herself will change course.
Chase Bennett
There is no one left to challenge her inside the party. She literally is the CDU now.
Jack Price
If they have to govern with three partys unlikely challengers will appear or rather she will do what she should have done long ago.
Jaxson Morales
Shit. What am I supposed to vote for now ? AfD ?
Dominic Ross
>tfw you thought that you can only get elected chancellor 3 times >confused by people posting merkel will get re-elected itt >look up on wikipedia >"can be re-elected endlessly" FUCK
Xavier Murphy
>The SJWs are mostly gone
There are elections here soon and 90 % of their election posters here have antifa slogans. They are worse then die Linke now.
David Lewis
Kohl has been chancellor for 16 fucking Years!
Gavin Hughes
Are you living in Kreuzberg? Berlin is always somehow different, but the left wing of the Pirate Party actually left and is now part of Die Linke.
David Miller
This still may not look like too much, but it is heartening. I mean, AFD, a party that only achieved relevance due to the immigrant crisis, tops the Greens, which have been a fixture in german politics for several decades.
We still have another year, and things won't get better in that timeframe either. Rather, I suspect it will get worse instead - which means even more power to the AFD.
Actually, having looked at the meme offensive used against shillary on here, how about us german anons pull something similiar? All of it, obviously, within ((law and reason)), as that our stasi can't get any ((dirt)) on us.
Easton Richardson
I mean there are like no alternatives for her.
Daniel Carter
I think coalition with green is more likely than with FDP.
Greens have a larger share so they would demand two cabinet posts like the one the FDP would want but.....
FDP is less inline with SPD/CDU on policy issues.
SPD can under no circumstances govern with the FDP.
I will vote AFD to make this scenario the most likely. Merkel either will have to cut her losses or get replaced internally after they drop below the 50% mark.
Austin Rivera
I personally would vote for CSU if Seehofer challenges Merkel. But won't happen.
FDP should get as many seats in the Bundestag as possible to take them away from the other parties. For now I will vote FDP for this reason.
Despite what everyone said, the FDP was the only party that at least sometimes pushed against big government policies and protected the health care system from total socialism.
Otherwise they are not more or less sellouts than the other parties.
The last secretaries from the FDP were also the most competent ones.
Zachary Collins
No, fortunately not. Yes, some of them left the sinking ship.
Lucas Ramirez
bar repeated Nice-style attacks from the ragheads i dont see the germans waking up for atleast a decade. mostly, its because AfD hasnt been able to present a reasonable alternative, but also because german political thought patterns are very rigid. Even without majority after the next election the same government will be in place, and then the next.
Grayson Morgan
>I personally would vote for CSU if Seehofer challenges Merkel. But won't happen.
Me too but he know what happens when you go against her.
Merkel killed the FDP and Shroeder the SPD.
The normal strategy of old to corner any new insurgence from the right fails because merkel bound her entire political future to the refugee situation and she got rid of all potential challengers.
Worse of all she does not have the old conservative position on the issue but is far left on center.
The mixture for an identity crisis couldn't be worse. I think it mostly rests now on foreign events because Merkels chooses to not lead but to react.
US and French elections and next Ramadan will decide the future of germany now.
Sebastian Richardson
Let me guess they're even more pro-refugee than CDU right?
Tyler Walker
i don't really care what the germans horst votes for. i really don't. afd can change a thing, but the german horst isn't smart enough to vote for them. what really bothers me is this: >Greens 11% this party is the worst thing since mohammeds birth.
they want pedophilia to be legal, their leadership has no actual degrees in anything that matters, they do meth, they want every drug to be legal, they love shitskins.... how can someone vote for that shit.
Dylan Martinez
All established parties are more pro refugee than the CDU...... that is the bullshit.
An issue where 70-80% disagree with the CDU and all the others are worse in the wrong direction.
Nolan Hill
>die grünen[...] aber ansonsten sind relativ in ordnung kys fucking retard möge das genderneutrale etwas names roth bundeskanzlerin werden und dir zeigen was es heißt behindert zu sein damit du lachend in die kreissäge rennen kannst.
Joshua Sullivan
Merkel has no power over the CSU. After the failure of Beckstein he is the untouchable number one in the CSU. The CSU could challenge Merkel after the election if the CSU votes and a 3rd party are necessary to get Merkel elected, but no one else. This could only happen if the AFD and FDP will be strong.
Kayden Jenkins
no matter what happens, the usual parties will just find a way to form a coalition and govern for another 4 years.
since nobody wants anything to do with the AfD, they're pretty much fucked in this regard
Ethan Nguyen
this tbqh
Jacob Hall
It looks like the AfD could become a strong opposition in that case.
Grayson Lewis
Shouldn't have betrayed us against russians. First your jews financed us and then you stabbed us in the back - typical american behaviour.