Soros bets 1 billion dollar against S&P 500

What does he mean by that?

Is it all over now

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do you NEETs even understand what this means?

Hes betting on a collapse of the US economy

Good Goyim's, Papa Soros is doing the right thing

First DB, now S&P

R.I.P world economy.

Its a hedge you fucks, his long positions are far bigger than shorts/Puts.

The worst loss so far hes had lately is going long on GBP because he thought Remain would win.

Soros funded anti-Israel groups too. Is he actually one of the good guys? Crashing the market to help Trump's election.

$0.01 have been deposited into your account

Don't forget to renew your proxy subscription pajeet

t. Open Society Fundation

He's an extremely influential figure in the financial world. He bets on the market bombing, the market gets skittish, the market bombs, he makes loads of money.

He's got cheat codes to the stock exchange and he's using them.

it's going to be deutche bank, goldman sachs, all the too big to fails are going down, guess it's going to be state run banking kiddies, better go withdraw your money before it disappears

Thank you papa Soros for feeding my family.