Where I live is 99% white, 90% Christian.
The wave may reach here, but not before it has long since crushed what remains of Sweden to powder. And the world will have front row seats.
The destruction of the Swedish culture will come first and foremost - and with any luck it will serve as a warning to the rest of the world, what the price of cowardice is.
I may see my world end, but by that time even the name 'Swede' will carry the same associations as 'Somalia' or 'Lebanon'. Failed states warped and burned to irredeemable cinders on the pyres of Political Correctness and Barbarous Islam.
So what's your excuse, Swedecuck? Whats stopping you from finding like-minded Swedes, organizing a resistance, spending your life in service to something undeniably righteous.
Imagine the course of your remaining life if you dont? Is that wretched life one worth living?
Does it compare to even a few moments glory, knowing that as a man you are fighting for your people, your heritage, your land, your right to exist as you see fit?
You're going to die.
And odds are it will be at the hands of a savage Moslem your leaders invited in. It will be ignominious and probably preceded by rape.
If you're going to live - if you're going to die - do it on your feet, with a weapon in your hand, clarity in your eyes and your peoples' blood surging in your veins.
"How can man die better,
than facing fearful odds,
for the ashes of his fathers,
and the temples of his Gods?"