Would you watch it?

Would you watch it?

Other urls found in this thread:


If it was done by the Black Dynamite or Boondocks team then definitely maybe

Question: is it possible to find scans of the Black Book?

basically came to know about Trill League too late to get my hands on a copy, and I'm so damn curious about it, kno' wha' I'm sayin', nigga?

Abso-fucking-lutely. That improvised Green Arrow knock-off shooting clothes hangers was enough.

I love hearing blacks be racist - I don't even have to turn on CNN!

This. It needs more Green Hangers guy.

>There's no black version of The Flash involving Nikes

Why? Why did they use Green Arrow instead of the Flash?

I'd actually buy the DVD.

Trill League's Flash was Michael Jackson.

He's dead, yo.

Found a thing, storytiming (Just a preview, very little pages)




I've been waiting for this!


Enjoy, sorry about the size on
Thing started bitching about file sizes.


>robbin everyone
>raven hair
>beast boy

Last page, t-t-that's all ni-Fuck I don't think you say that here.

I've never understood glorifying "hood" culture in any medium to attract a black audience.

I thought black people wanted to leave the hood? That they as a group are upset at generally being a in a low socioeconomic group and want to live in nicer places with better food, etc., etc.

When did they willingly allow "poor, violent, and bad with money" to become part of the black identity? That shit is supposed to only be done by oppressors. When the Irish were the new poor minority in America they didn't fucking demand the media portray them as drunken potato-loving wife-beaters.

I get that there's some desire to stay separate from "the man," but isn't wishing for better things wishing to become the man? You can't have it both ways.

I guess what I'm saying is that this hoodrat bullshit does more to hurt blacks than anything a white man could ever do in the current political climate.

One word: Rap.

There's absolutely nothing that Sup Forums loves more than self-loathing black comedies.

And hot bitches. Don't forget the hot bitches.

It's easier to glorify what you have than to try to achieve more.

I mean, I don't doubt that rap has an influence, but the problem seems wider-spread than that. There's this growing sense of pride in the things one should be ashamed of. Fat pride. Bigot pride. Stupid pride. People saying stupid shit like "If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best!" and "gurl you're perfect no matter what!" which effectively translates to "I'm an asshole!" and "Don't bother trying to improve yourself!"

It's like everyone stopped paying attention to reality in favor of stroking their own ego 24/7.

>When did they willingly allow "poor, violent, and bad with money" to become part of the black identity?
It's not all black people, but for some of them, that's all they think they're ever gong to get after so long of nothing else.

It's this PC bullcrap. Instead of people being aspirational and trying again and again no matter how many times they fail they choose to embrace their current state and call it culture then call for it to be celebrated and anyone succedding where you failed either having their glory shared with the whole race or being considered no longer part of the group

>PC bullcrap
It's a real culture, destructive or not. You can see it however you like, but putting into print something that some people identify with isn't automatically aligned with PC bullcrap.

The PC bullcrap is the idea that rather than celebrating success and trying to emulate it we should celebrate flaws and weaknesses

Acknowledging these things is fine glorifying them is not. For example Britain acknowledges it's former Empire but it no longer sees itself as inherently better than them

PC, or politically correct, is referring to efforts to make content inoffensive to any possible group.

Glorifying hoodrat culture isn't PC.

I guess I'm just confused as to why the modern poor (not just black people, chavs and white trash and hispanics alike) have so much pride in their current situation while at the same time trying to escape it?

The only racial group I see that seems to actually vehemently dislike their lot in life when poor is asians. My brother-in-law has a Chinese mother and he has plenty of stories about how ashamed she was to be living on food stamps and would save as much as she could while the other families on the block would be selling their stamps at shitty rates and taking out payday loans to get sneakers.

Oh, hey, and what do you know, his mom's attitude got him out of poverty and now he lives with a nice income and a jewish wife in south florida

I think you're expanding PC to mean more than it does and you assume too much.

It's because they make it through enduring a harder life, the way they see it. While the middle class and up has mom and dad's money and connections, they see themselves as more self made survivors.

No, because for some reason black people can't make anything that isn't about hood shit satire or "the struggle".

As a black man, I can safely say __no.

I don't remember that being in Batman Brave and the Bold.

1. They've have before
2. Who's to say you can enjoy the hood shit satire
3. Black People managed to get America grooving the the creation of Jazz and Swing which on it's on was about partying and having fun
4. Learn more.

>It's because they make it through enduring a harder life, the way they see it
Interesting, but if that's the case shouldn't they be glorifying attempts to escape that life as opposed to what passes for "success" inside the hood?

Shouldn't the kid speaking with proper elocution and learning applicable life skills in spite of the hardships he faces be glorified instead of the gangbangers and rappers?

Do black people believe the only way out of the hood crime or music?

Because people generally don't like to see their situations portrayed as a negative. There is also a rebellion mentality that goes with it.

The primary consumers of black pop culture are white people. Black people are a minority demographic in their own media. That's not to say there isn't media make specifically for black audiences, but that most mainstream stuff has a target audience of 18-34 year old white people. Demographic are a motherfucker.

Q is the greatest thing about Trill League.

I'm not talking about music.


Jazz and Swing happened before black culture went insane in the 60's and started doing random crazy bullshit just to differentiate itself.

Back then if you told someone that a new black mother ordered double desert from the hospital and then named her two kids lamongelo and orangelo (lemon and orange jell-o) they wouldn't have to ask themselves if that actually happened.

>Shouldn't the kid speaking with proper elocution and learning applicable life skills in spite of the hardships he faces be glorified instead of the gangbangers and rappers?

Yes. For some reason you think Rap culture is the only aspect of the life of an African American's experience in life. When rap is even controversial in the community. You know how many old people shun it in the black community? I

>Do black people believe the only way out of the hood crime or music?



The various black people with every day to day jobs and the other blacks with other professions in the entertainment world besides rap. Though rap is one aspect of it.

It's almost like you've filtered out other examples of why what you're saying is wrong, in favor of supporting your claims and beliefs. Or maybe you truly don't know and this is a moment of educating you.

But that's a creation other than hood shit or satire. It's not to be exempted from the conversation at hand.

But I was under the assumption that we were talking about cartoons and comics.

Does it really matter? If they make a story that doesn't heavily involve that, then the complaint is that they're trying to shy away from it and pretend it's not there. If they make fun of it, they're accused of glorifying it and being uncreative regardless of how the themes might've been executed.

We should be trying to better ourselves as people right fucking now but we're discussing comics and cartoons.

Barbershop and Carwash easily come to mind and I can list black sports movies because you somehow forgot those.

Perhaps you could provide some examples of black-focused media where the smart kid escaping poverty is glorified?

In b4 spider-man

It's done in a ironic fashon.

Even in Cartoons there's various by black creators that aren't hood shit or satire. Static Shock was neither, though it did take place in an urban environment.

Are you even American? You've got some serious flaws in your english.

>Perhaps you could provide some examples of black-focused media where the smart kid escaping poverty is glorified?

You want me to go through at list of black created tv shows or cartoons? I can do both easily.


I typed that loosely without care of grammar, because rarely does that come into play on Sup Forums. At least on Sup Forums anyway.

nigga this ain't a challenge, I'm asking you to show me something that was popular in the black community in, say, the past five years or so that didn't buy into thug culture.

>fresh prince
was 26 years ago

>Do black people believe the only way out of the hood crime or music
It doesn't seem that way since 39 percent of welfare is spent on them while they are only 12 percent of the population. They also commit half of violent crimes. They sure aren't attempting to focus on a good career to try to get out of the hood.

Not that guy, but my grandma liked to watch shows with black people because she thought they were funny. Not sure if she meant the shows or the people, but when I'd surf the channels for her, she's request I got back to the ones with "the blacks."
Anyways, there was this one about two roommates, one who was the cool guy and one who was the responsible guy. The responsible guy would almost always come out ahead or would be right about stuff. It was some old show. Then there's Finding Forrester, if you want to count that. There's that one new show about female black mathematicians working for NASA or something. Speaking of black shoes, those aren't really about rapping, crime, or sports.

Go back to /stormfront/

Black people are disproportionately poor and the poor have always been a disproportionate amount of crime. The question here is why black culture appears to glorify wallowing in poverty.

Maybe the answer is "It doesn't but the media makes you think it does and black people are really held back from full socioeconomic integration by racist policies."

Maybe the answer is "the media and peer pressure has created a negative feedback loop that convinces black americans that they can't escape poverty so don't try"

Considering the way white trash acts in this country these days (with the exact same sense of misplaced pride) I'm inclined to believe it's closer to the latter than the former.

That was posted before the time margin stated. Would Black-ish count at all?

>Does it really matter?
Yes, do something else
>If they make a story that doesn't heavily involve that, then the complaint
Why would anyone complain for a black person not doing the same tired shit all the time? Static shock is okay. We don't need any more boondocks and black dynamite stuff. We already have enough of that in black live action movies.

Well what do you mean by "they". user was more than likely referring to blacks who weren't responsible for things like violent crimes.

Why all these restraints? The last five years? Why not the last ten years?

Alright whatever.

>The Game
Very popular among the black community. Does not by into thug culture more or less the lives of very lavish athletes and their relationships.

Very popular in the black community. Basically just a bunch of whores. It's like the black version of the golden girls except everyone isn't old.

>Everybody Hates Chris
The misadventures of a young Chris Rock and his family who lives in the ghetto. Except Chris isn't a thug but is surrounded by negativity. His brother is a weeaboo and sister is a jackass. His mother is a stay at home mom and his dad runs a delivery truck.

You made this very difficult when you restricted the time frame. Most black stations like BET only run reruns of older shows that are popular in the black community.

It's a sentiment I see here sometimes. It's whenever a black person is portrayed as not being an absolute stereotype in media. I'm not saying most people feel this way, but every now and again I see it pop up.

>Go back to /stormfront/
How is what I said stormfront?
>blaming the media for blacks acting like niggers
Yes, there are black people who genuinely hate the ghetto shit but there seem to be a larger amount of blacks that would rather ruin everything.

Why the last five years. Even the shows that show Blacks in the "hood" are about them uplifting their families and diverging away from the negativity.

Good Times is like one of the biggest shows in Black history, and it shows 2 hard working parents, a smart asshole younger brother, a artsy comic relief older brother, and your typical teenage middle sister. The show displays how the family is in a fucked up environment, but still hold moral values true.

There's even an episode where the older brother joins a gang and he finds out that it never ends good.

>there seem to be a larger amount of blacks that would rather ruin everything.

That's where the media comes into play. I never got why Sup Forums seems to blame everything on the media, but when the media portrays a certain group unjustly they seem to buy into it. Despite them thinking the media is brainwashing the world.

Don't fool yourself. There's more poor white people than poor black people in America, but the poor blacks still commit more crimes than the poor whites, proportionally.

It's an entirely cultural issue.

>why all the restraints?
>you made this very difficult when you restricted the time frame
Because I'm talking about what I perceive as a continual degradation, a modern phenomena of the poor seeming to give up on upwards mobility.

I do remember a time when movin' on up was the goal but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Hell even if you're talking about Boondocks, that doesn't glorify thuggish culture, it mocks it. Anytime anyone ever does what the thugs wants to do or lives by their code it ends up bad for them plot wise.

>. I never got why Sup Forums seems
Why are you bringing up Sup Forums for no reason? The media doesn't make niggers act like niggers. They act on their own.


user those statistics are proper fucked by the war on drugs.

Everybody Hates Chris was one of my favorite shows. First time I was introduced to Terry Crews.

It's not unjust. The media goes out of its way to portray blacks as a persecuted group who didn't do nothing, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. See: Black Lives Matter

>blaming the media for blacks acting like niggers
>acting like niggers
Stop doing that, nigger means black person. It's not a separate insult that you can use and not be considered racist.

Was the Boondocks popular with the black community?

I always thought McGruder was something of a black pariah.

Drugs are bad for you, Laquandel. It's not the man trying to keep you poor, it's society trying to stop you from making their kids into drug-addled criminals.

Shut it down, mods, the stormfags smelled the discussion.

Actually it is a separate insult and isn't inherently racist to say. Your move.

Next you're going to tell me there's sex in the Champagne Room.

When exactly was this?

Even in the 70s with the Jeffersons you still had Blaxploitation and shows about how life in the ghetto wasn't so bad.

Even in the 90s with gangsta rap at its peak you had A Different World and Living Single.

see link
I don't know what race you are, but you're acting like a real whiny nigger right now.

>but there seem to be a larger amount

There's your answer right there. Attention from news, entertainment, and other media sources inflate things until they seem larger than they are.

>people who say things I don't like can't be natives to this website, they must be foreign invaders from another message board

pretty bigoted of you pham

Explain how the discussion is stormfront.

>Was the Boondocks popular with the black community?

Dear god, yes. It's pretty much the Dave Chapelle of animation.

Having grown up in rural Alabama, it's the same shit with white trash. However, you have to understand that it's possible to like aspects without liking the whole.

Yeah but at the same time if you like some of the designs of the machines in transformers 2, you can't get away with saying you like it without looking like a total fucktard.

I don't remember anything before '89

In the 90's it seemed like even the rap game was about escaping poverty and celebrating that fact

It was the late 90's and 2000's when reality TV started exploding and this vapid "I'm a perfect celebrity no matter who I am or what I do" started to come into vogue that upward mobility seemed to become secondary at best to glorification.

>Attention from news, entertainment, and other media sources inflate things until they seem larger than they are.
Living in a couple black neighborhoods myself, I wouldn't say so. My grandma still has to listen to gunshots almost every day. where I lived as a kid wasn't as bad but the media isn't doing anything to the shittyness of black culture.

I came here....to discuss a fucking comic about super heroes.


I'm so tired of this shit. For the quality of the board. Just for once when you wanna talk about politics, why not just go to the board for said thing.

>can't be natives to this website

he's talking about Sup Forums you tard, it's a board literally 1 click away from here



nice try, adolf


This video says it all.

No, he's talking about the white nationalist website stormfront.

You should check it out if you haven't heard of it before, it's pretty good for a laugh. We Wuz Aryanz n norse godz n sheeeit

Celebrities are the equivalent of a hero or atleast they seem to have become at some point

this woman is doing things to me

I wasn't saying it's not bad, I'm just saying that the problem seems even larger than it is. Black people escaping the ghetto isn't focused on as much as black people embracing the ghetto, so it seems like most black people like being ghetto dwellers.

The only other black people the media seems to focus on are music idols and sports stars, which are bad influences for a completely different set up reasons.

DC Young Animal series when?

I'd watch just for her

I'd rather there be separate insult and a distinction, than being grouped with niggers. It's just as racist.

Same reason there's redneck culture. They want to glorify the culture they've cultivated, even if it perpetuates crime, drug use, etc. Not all black people love it, but a lot of black people are poor enough to be in that culture already to enjoy seeing it in the media.

>newfag stormfag doesn't realize that Sup Forums has referred to as /stormfront/ since back when it was still /new/