Euro gf

>euro gf
>she comes to America
>trying to explain American politics to her
>she's pro-gun, pro-drug legalization, pro-choice, anti-social security
>explain to her that that's not a valid combination
>she gets mad
How do I get her to grow up and choose a side? At the moment she wants everything her own way even though I've told her she needs to pick one or the other: Democrat or Republican. I can't believe how immature she is.

By telling her that she's in America now and can believe whatever the fuck she wants you fascist fuck

>pro gun
>pro drug legalization
>pro choice
>anti social security
>not a valid combination

are you sure, user?

What the fuck? I'm not telling her who to vote for, I'm just telling her that she needs to pick a side, either side.

Yes, it's part Republican, part Democrat, part insane.

Kys statist scum
No stepping

I mean, I get that euro politics is retarded, but she's supposed to be smart and she's in America now.

>Caring about her political "alignment"
How fucking stupid are you?

Ron is pro-life.

I don't care which party she votes for, only that she does vote and take part, because I believe it's important.

You are just a fantastic faggot.
She got it right
You are the one who can't see beyond sides and is trapped in the lies of the government's.

Goyim the way is republican
Don't listen goy
The wat is democrat .

Neither one faggots.
Your girlfriend is smarter than you ,take care of her she is a rare gem

Has anyone ever met a person who was pro-life and not a complete mongoloid ?

I don't mean this an insult, really I'm asking ... so far all pro-lifers I've seen have been literally retarded

My mother is a devout Catholic she's always in Church but even she admitted to me once "you know, there's one thing I disagree with hte Church, I can't agree with them on abortion" LOL

She's just using you to get a foothold in the states so it'll be easier for her to be comfortable here once she dumps your retarded ass.

I'm not sure how smart she is, she's going to end up going on election day and not managing to vote for anyone.

>giving a shit what cunts think
But her opinions are right.

Is this bait?


She already has US citizenship, she was just raised in Denmark. She doesn't need to use me.


this is faggot bait and you should definitely kill yourself

Does, does she also disagree with the official Church stance on contraceptives?
>I'm not sure how smart she is
Obviously very since she has such correct opinions.
>not managing to vote for anyone
If there's no one running who represents your views why vote just because? And every candidate doesn't need to tow the party line 100% or even run with a party.

The clock is ticking then

She's a Libertarian, faggot.

How is this not a valid combination?
Sounds like a classical libertarian

>not a valid combination

u ヲot

>She doesn't need to use me.
She's already fucking Jamal behind your back, be a good cuck and let Jamal do it in front of you.

What clock?

Do you mean for our wedding?

that's what I am desu I just flip flop back and forth between whichever candidate I like the best based on pure personality

So why even make this thread?

It's neither Republican nor Democrat.

I can't shake the feeling that OP is having a clever ruse at Sup Forumss expense

She doesn't HAVE to do anything, these are her views. She's smart enough to know both party's are shit.

She's an autistic Libertarian.

>>explain to her that that's not a valid combination

According to who ? You are a retard.

But then who can she vote for without wasting her vote?

>everyone's view of the world should fit into two well-defined categories
>pepsi or coca-cola faggot make a choice!

Freedom of thought is so immature you have to go with the flock XDXDXD

It seems...


I'm embarrassed that foreigners understand this better than my own countrymen.

Look I get that in euro countries you have about 50 different parties and your governments are usually coalitions, so voting for one of them isn't necessarily a wasted vote. But in America it works different.


Such is life in the ancap paradise?

>Have gf
>Talk to her about politics

top kek OP

It's her freedom not to vote for either party, maybe she could vote third party with Gary Johnson, the libertarian, but even he has problems like TPP.

Whoever she wants and if there's no one she likes then she won't vote.

She's euro she can't vote in the elections

Pepsi Max >>>>>>>> Cocka cola

Yeah, in America everyone votes for the top 2 parties while complaining that there are only 2 parties.

>the bipartisan system doesn't make sense
>yeah that's why I'm voting independent
>lol enjoy wasting your vote faggot!

>anti Social Security
She's a keeper.

What the fuck is wrong with believing in the maximization of freedom for citizens?

Fuck you and fuck your bait.

2 years of Clinton and anyone can vote. They'll be opening up polling stations in Caracas and Albania.

No, she grew up in Europe but she was born in America.

>explain to her that that's not a valid combination
Lmao good job

Alright asshole I'll hold your hand through this one.

Tell her she should observe the political climate of this country through news, TV, radio, Internet, whatever, form her own conclusion about what issues are most important to her and vote in that direction.

I'm fine with legalizing drugs but I'm also pro gun. Can you guess which way I usually vote?

To me the gun issue is paramount. If they strip us of our rights to protect ourselves, the other issues won't matter.

Indeed, but that isn't of any relevance.
For example democrats are unwilling to accept that free humans are allowed to own and bear arms and republicans want to tell free humans what to consume and what not, so both aren't a real option for a real libertarian.
Also as you explained it sounds like she is an citizen of an EU country and not one of the US, so it dosen't matter since she vote for parties within europe

Are you kidding? That's an insane stance!

And now the thread is over.

Yeah, get rid of it so you can have even more "Defense" spending.


I love that Worf guy.

>gimme a huge cut of your income and I'll give you a small percentage back a few years later, maybe, if there's any left over from the ghetto handouts.

She's a US citizen, she was born in America.

Then she should vote for the Libertarian Party or not at all

I guess you waste your vote? Or maybe Republican because you're mature and you can put aside wanting drug legalization. That's what I'm trying to get her to do.

Yeah, she's smarter than you.

God forbid she breaks out of the circus around allowable opinions and thinks for herself!

I mean if she wants to waste her vote that's fine but I won't respect her for it.

>explain to her that that's not a valid combination
>I've told her she needs to pick one or the other: Democrat or Republican


you are the reason american politics are in such a trash state

maybe it's you who needs to man up and vote for the candidate that comes closest to your positions (she's clearly a johnson missile) instead of treating politics like it's a sports match? reality TV really is degenerating american society into idiocracy

If we weren't spending money on Social Security, we would have around $700,000,000,000 extra dollars in the federal budget every year. Every single year. What exactly are we buying with that money right now? We're buying broken dreams. We're spending more money than most countries make in a year and we're spending it on jack shit. People are complaining about crumbling infrastructure, meanwhile we're wasting trillions of dollars on an archaic ponzi scheme from the Great Depression!

I talk politics with my gf all the time

She's a retarded randroid, but I love her despite the fact she would probably be willing to sell me for food if shit hit the fan

Plus arguing about anything makes the sex that follows more intense

God my bitch is cray

>Tell her she should observe the political climate of this country through news, TV, radio

>Tell her to take a trip through the anti Trump propaganda factory

Its also wasted if she would vote dems or reps that dont represtent what she belives in

Is this some advanced bait or is it that hard to understand for Americans that in EU people are used to having more than 2 valid choices?

Who are you voting for exactly?
Do all your opinions line up 100% with that party?
Are you going to expect her to respect you for voting for another party?

No, but my views line up about 90% with the party I vote for, and the other 10% is not that important to me.

But then at least she'd get representation for some of her views.

too bad all the recipients of social security are pretty much the ones who hate on government spending

they would NEVER let the GOP take away their hard earned gubment monies. And why should they? Ayn Rand got SS.

Which party?

The news will also cover the debates.

If she's smart enough to follow politics and draw her own conclusions from a mix of different sources, she'll be able to see through the anti Trump train that's running through this country.

Let me guess, you think we should just leave people to starve and freeze on the streets.

>gubment monies

Social security is a payroll tax. The government leeches off what you earn before it gets to your pocket, then give some percentage of it back to you. The government isn't being generous and it's not hypocritical to be anti-tax and receive SS - it's your fucking money in the first place.

Democrat, but it doesn't matter, the point is I am politically mature and I have chosen a side.

Ur gf is right and ur a typical american. There is only black/white. No in between.

Im not even sure ur trolling

Yes I vote Republican.

Thank you for reading between the lines on that one.

>2.300 billions on healthcare and welfare
>almost the GDP of France


Are you suggesting that Social Security is preventing that?

I'd be down for taking those 700,000,000,000 and using them to build homes and give food. Literally anything would be better than right now. We're just throwing it into the ether.


>Mature and I have chosen a side


Are you sure you're not just making the standard Democrat move of refusing to tolerate disagreement, and not-so-subtly trying to force her to vote for "your side"?

Just to clarify, I don't care which way she ends up voting (obviously I would prefer Democrat) as long as she doesn't waste her vote.

I'll be a little disappointed if she votes Republican but I won't stop her.

>le Republican or Democrat are the only two choices in politics, even for non-Americans.


>obviously I would prefer Democrat

You just explained the entire point of this thread you touchy feely beta shithead

Tell you're girlfriend she needs to find an alpha Republican that can make decisions on his own.

>I am mature guys I swear
>I- I have chosen a side!!

kek american "voters"

Damn right you won't stop her.

If you're disenfranchised for voting for the two major parties, wouldn't voting for third parties, over time, add more political diversity?

If you're just going to vote either one, even if you don't like either of them, the party won't know that, they just know that you voted for them.

If you don't like a product, don't buy it.

You're just feeding back into the two-party system.

So shes a Libertarian?

Sounds like you need to get with the program OP, its 2016

It's a nice argument, but empirically it hasn't worked in America. Third parties are still wasted votes after all this time.

Don't worry OP, I see what you did and I laughed.
>Sup Forums doesn't understand basic satire

Also, this.

Voting based on one electionbis actually just short term reactionism.

Voting 3rd party over and over, and slowly working to convince others and expose the 2 party Elites, is long term strategy for true liberty.

>Third parties are still wasted votes after all this time.
Because people like you, still vote for major parties even if you're not satisfied. You've just given up.

they might never win, but if a third party gains enough traction to at least change the outcome of the election (very possible this year), then the two prevalent major parties won't be able to get away with appointing whoever they want no matter how shitty they are for the ticket

it's enough of a difference