Texas Independence Thread
> www.thetnm.org
Good idea? Bad idea? Does decentralization lead to strength or weakness? Will it improve people's lives or hamstring them?
Texas Independence Thread
> www.thetnm.org
Good idea? Bad idea? Does decentralization lead to strength or weakness? Will it improve people's lives or hamstring them?
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best idea.
Oklahoma here, can we come too? We have oil.
if texas became independent will all the liberals leave Austin?
Okies welcome. The more the better
> Texas secedes from US
> Austin secedes from Texas
wouldn't mind this desu
I'm for it but it will never happen, the us military has too many large bases to simply let Texas leave the union.
Can we wait for trump to build the wall?
Yes, led by that wheel chair bound clown of a guv. C'mon man.
t. Texan
A house divided against itself cannot stand. And the federal government has no more right to.
Whether it be Texas, or Alaska. The spirit of America needs to move on. Its been perverted in Washington, not maliciously maybe. But it has.
I will not take part in an experiment of increasing federalization and marginalization. America wasnt founded on the principle of, an indivisible nation-state, it was founded on the idea that men could choose their own destiny. On the idea that men had the right to be free.
Ours was, and still is a holy cause of liberty.
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
I wouldn't be against it, but it's never going to happen
Texas will be blue in 30 years. Independent or not.
>Texas goes independent
>Republicans can never win another US election
>Democratic Republic of the Americas then conquers Texas
Good ridance
it would be a zero sum game, you would end up destroying texases industry which would be a huge blow to the usa, you might as well just swallow the bitter pill and ally them, so you can still trade
we will watch them burn
if they werent sitting on oil, id say good riddance, give them away to mexico
The state wouldnt have rights to the oil. If the state did decide to leave, the infrastructure would go away. The industry would leave to avoid tariffs and taxes. Services would crumble.
It would essentially turn into a mad max scenario.
> implying the state doesn't have a sovereign right to its own resources
> implying a federal entity is necessary to build fucking roads
> implying the US would try to avoid trading with one of the larges economies in the world
> implying that upon independence people wouldn't just keep going to work and living as usual
Lot of assumptions that have been pounded into your head by public schools. Decentralization is healthy and should be welcomed.
But that's all wrong.
> see: Brexit
Good idea. Maybe they can save themselves from living under perpetual progressive yoke.
Protip: No republican candidate will win again. Too many liberals and immigrants for that to happen.
we will watch them burn
some will join us but for some it will be too late
they will serve as an example to us all
I would move to Texas and support its independence.
Fucking love Texas.
checked and welcome sven
Texas is still somewhat of a bastion against liberal cuckoldry
Although with the mass diaspora from california (due to liberal taxation and regulatory oppression, the irony) that may slowly be changing
we gotta stop it now, close our borders and start physically removing
OK they only stipulation for Texas seceding the Union is that Texas has to take California with it.
The US will never let Texas leave. There's a huge gash in the middle of the nation if that happens.
I think Alaska is a more realistic possibility, and given the numbers involved, a workable idea.
if cali leaves they gotta do it on their own.
> texas can't leave cus it'll make the us map less pretty
If Texas were to leave other states would leave with them because of how big an economic powerhouse Texas is.
Civil War 2.0 when?
Thanks user, I'm one of the few conservatives in Sweden and since birth I have known that Texas is the place to be.
Yes, I heard that Austin have become the new hipster/liberal capital in the US.
I'm on your side.
It's not about how pretty the map is. It's about having a potentially hostile nation right in the middle of your own country.
America has a ton of its resources and infrastructure based in Texas, and I think they would have to try very hard to keep it.
Countries lose areas at their periphery in times of weakness, not in their heartland. And no one questions the value of Texas and the centrality of that state to the US, both in terms of energy as well as military prowess.
If this happens I'm going to immigrate to Texas.
>it was founded on the idea that men could choose their own destiny. On the idea that men had the right to be free.
unless you're mexican and your destiny is america, in that case "you have to go back", right?
Get in line.
Just like the Civil War
You know damn well the federal government would destroy any state that left just to make a fucking point
Try coming in legally for a change. You might be surprised at the the difference in attitude.
War's not even necessary. It's even a bad idea- how many US troops would be willing to fire on their own countrymen simply for wanting to exist separately?
Excellent. If the shit hits the fan and independence doesn't happen, Switzerland is my next choice
It's not 'right in the middle', it's on the southern border. Who do you think is more likely to be hostile? Texas or Mexico? If anything, a Texas buffer would make life safer in the US.
build wall or come here legally
Texas has tried to protect its borders from illegals getting in but are constrained by the federal government who control border control. We have people across the country, in shitty lib states like Vermont with 17 people who aren't white, telling Texas how to control their borders. We are sick of the federal government telling us what we can and can't do to protect our state, to protect us from refugees and to protect our elections from fraud. This is the next basis for the civil war, the return of states right because of a failure of a federal government.
Texas leaving means republicans won't win an election, if Hillary legalizes all illegals, we won't see another Republican president anyway. And final note fuck California transplants in Texas. "we know best but we left our failing utopia so let's ruin Texas next"
So... Texas want's referendum, huh?
Dear Non-Texans
Fuck off, we're full
>Texas secedes from the union
>Now they have to deal with at least half of the Mexican border alone
What a great idea.
If the Supreme Court becomes controlled by Hillary and begins stripping us of our rights to where no civil resistance is possible, I would say secession or revolution would be the only options.
The south rises.
Actually it is.
They can use their military to police the Mexican border instead of US Border Patrol.
Except that the current military of Texas is under control of the Federal Government. They would have no choice but to pull out all government funding and forces.
Texas would have to fund their own military, buy their own jets, tanks, etc. It would cost them hundreds of billions of dollars.
based. immigration is absolutely fucking the economy, the schools, and the culture
> a significant portion of students in my high school and my job a few years ago were illegals
> guess who was starting shit and ruining the school
> guess who was doing shitty work for the same minimum wage
Bitch please. Immigration? Sure. But slowly, slowly. Texas culture is valuable and I don't wanna become the next Mexican state.
I heard Putin is in on this plan as well... I respect Putin and welcome his help
Difference is we'll actually be able to do something about it instead of being hamstrung by Washington.
> it's not actually that hard or expensive to maintain a strong border
> the federal government just happens to be inefficient and shitty and counterproductive
hoping it doesn't come to that. I plan to be safely in Switzerland before then
Texas joins NATO, US pays for our military
That they can pay for when they stop sending money to the US in taxes.
There's probably a ton of combat vets in Texas that are willing to stand up to lay the groundwork for a good military.
>okies welcome
How much do Texans pay in Federal Taxes a year?
The Texas National Guard is managed by the state.
Texas pays the federal government $300 billion a year and receives only $100 billion in benefits. The surplus could easily pay for a military.
If 4% of Texas's GDP (which is average) was spent on an armed force, it would be the 5th strongest in the world.
Texas will fail without aide from California.
California is the only state that would be stronger by itself.
>inb4 drought
We export 100 billion gallons of water to China annually.
Hey man I'm Californian, I recognize all the problems of this state, conservative, and an avid supporter of the second amendment.
When I finally manage to ditch this shit hole I'm just going to tell people I'm from Pennsylvania.
NATO probably wouldn't recognize Texas as a sovereign country. The USA would be salty about it and would do all it can to make sure Texas either burns or rejoins the union.
US federal taxes would become Texas federal taxes. You'd have to fund the army that way.
I know a number of commiefornia transplants.
Most are based.
One is an actual dindu remover.
You are honorary Texan. Most Cali transplants seem to be affluent whites from suburbs, I know from experience that the valley is less cucked but never seen someone from say Bakersfield here. Just wealthy suburbanites jacking up our housing prices and never shutting up about in and out.
In the past 20 years California has lost 3.4 million population. Must be doing something wrong
It would be the US's loss, as Texas would be a major trade partner to lose.
You really just think they'd let Texas just secede from the union?
It would be pretty fucking easy for the US and Mexico to agree to block all trade coming in and going out of Texas. They're your only two land borders.
The waters surrounding Texas are still considered US waters. The land borders are with America and Mexico.
They could easily blockade all trade coming out of Texas.
not if they wanted to feed their oil addictions
>In the past 20 years California has lost 3.4 million population
We still are the most populous state in the country. That 3.4 million is a godsend really.
They would be cutting off the 12th largest economy in the world. Would not be economically a good idea.
Texas would become part of Mexico within a week, and anyone that didn't somehow become a Mexican citizen would lose the right to own land.
Not a good idea, but the rest of America could survive pretty well without Texas. Texas needs the trade more then the world needs Texas.
They could easily decide to starve you economically into submission.
If Texas legalizes weed then I'm in, otherwise fuck texas.
I would murder every last texan to keep that clay as part of the US because a shit ton of cross continental internet backbones run through there.
Even blockaded (which would gain Texas massive international support) the state is entirely self sufficient, with its own power grid, farmland, and manufaturing and retail sectors.
The US would literally have to bomb TX or sabotage it in some other way to really hurt us
Good luck killing everyone in the highest guns-per-cap state in the US and maybe the world
It wouldn't gain you international support from where you need it. The rest of the world listens to America, they have to. We'd do what they say to do.
If you want to be self sufficient, that's fine. The US and NATO would purposely ostracize you from the rest of the world.
Is weed really that important?
I'm just indifferent about legalization, slightly a supporter of.
Self defense rights and gun rights are far more important.
Bad idea.
Form a coalition with like-minded states to amend the constitution or succeed.
He said men not dumbass fucking beans
The single most important issue today is the national debt, for the reason that it has the potential to end all of our other freedoms.
Behind that are the fundamentally all-important right to self sovereignty and property... which yes includes w33d n gunz
If current trends continue, and god forbid if Hilldawg gets ellected that's not going to matter.
At least Texas retains the right to lawfully secede. If a group of people have the ability to make their own boat to save themselves before the ship crashes, they should take it.
>Bad idea?
Again don't you see what is happening here?
The mexicans are trying to take Texas back for shit mexico!
They are doing what happened before, they want to declare Texas independence and then the mexican majority will vote to rejoin mexico.
How can you faggots not see this?
I agree the debt is the most important issue today which encompasses a host of other things such as outsourcing, etc. The legalization of marijuana is probably the least important issue facing us today.
mexicans have no business benefiting from the labor of whites.
That is the whole point, most of them are shit people and cannot meet the requirement to come here legally.
If you legalize weed you can make a lot of free money in taxes.
I agree, but it's really not that big of a deal.
USA under Clinton
> welfare state
> shit economy
> every skilled person is now in Texas
> nigs nogging 24/7
> shitheap
> no hope of reform because nogs continue to vote leftist
> sensible immigration policy
> state pride
> strong, market driven economy
> natural resources
> fierce determination
> self defense
Can we see which one is going to look objectively better to the outside world
> implying that Texas's formidable arsenal and gun-loving population couldn't be counted upon to defend against a shit tier Mexican army
> especially when Texas is likely to get help from foreign governments
Marijuana itself is a manifestation of the right of self-ownership, which includes drug use, weapon ownership, and basically anything else that doesn't interfere with others' self ownership. But yeah. weed itself is way inflated in importance cus
> muh stoner culture degeneracy
Colorado has made billions in the first year alone off one single commodity. Should it be taxed? Fundamentally, taxation is an abridgement of personal liberty, but practically I'd rather pay a vice tax (which I can avoid by not toking up bruhhhhh) than an unavoidable property or income tax. Pragmatically the weed taxes would allow for a reduction in mandatory taxes.
Immigration is the biggest issue, most important issue. If we keep letting in millions of illiterate third world criminals, we will never balance the budget and reduce the deficit.
*debt not deficit
They kinda go hand in hand.
Immigration has the added twist that the native culture is harmed and the economy is actively nerfed, instead of passively like it would be if immigration wasn't a thing but we were still in massive debt.
We've whooped Mexico twice now, do they really want to go for a third? Besides the fact they've barely had the land to claim it has their own, Native Americans or Spain have a longer claim to the territory than Mexico.
I say immigration is a close second and is heavily tied to the debt and economy.
San Jacinto was a bloodbath thanks to General Houston's (pbuh) superior military tactics
Comfy picture desu
To add on this, the problem is more with native birth rates which look bad for future economic projections.
The solution obviously isn't to flood our countries with foreigners who end up being an economic burden more often than not, but the non-feelies argument for mass immigration is made of "Well there are going to be less people in 30 years, which means less working taxpayers so we need to start importing them now to avoid this"
and rightly so. Separatist states like scotland and texas should be punished
Please stay in for now, if Trump loses B fucking out so that all Trump supporters can move there and elect him as president, thus starting the second republic from there.