Give me one, just one reason why marijuana shouldent be legalized and taxed.
Give me one, just one reason why marijuana shouldent be legalized and taxed
>That ID
Big pharma. No other reason.
Wew lad that ID
why the fuck should the government get even more money?
>tax weed
>use tax money for programs like rebuilding infrastructure, schools, putting back into poor communities
>decriminalize it
>reclassify it
>Make anyone not with a permit to grow or sell pay a big fine
Incarceration rate shrinks rapidly.
Because with legalization and taxation comes regulation. The government will enforce strict rules regarding THC content or whatever. Get ready for some dank ass weed that takes 3 joints to get a decent high senpai
Colorado for example threw a lot of money at improving their schools and infrastructure
People will start grow it everywhere, less money for big guys.
Because too many people profit from it being illegal.
The prisons, the police, the pharmaceutical industry...
So you don't want better schools, roads and hospitals?
While we're at it. Give us a reason why shouldn't we legalize all drugs in their purest forms?
>pro tip you can't
Do we really need another substance akin to alcohol to be legal?
That sounds like it should be legalized so they can't profit off it
Because it's less bad than tobacco or alcohol
Because pople will find a way to buy it even ifit is illegal, if it is legalized you can tax it and take money.
cause it makes people suck at work.
Shut up and get your prescription amphetamines.
Do we really need to be cramming our prisons with people who had a plant? also
People will find a way to break most laws, this isn't an argument in and of itself
Thats not how taces works
Government collects all the money into one pile and spend it on the shit they were wasting it on anyway
So anything that generates money should be legal? Should child prostitution be legal too because it generates money? People find ways to engage in that too, just like marijuana.
I have one reason, and its a big one...
More niggers would clog up our prisons because they'd be out of a 'job' as the local weed dealer. They would then be forced to either turn to robbing or dealing harder drugs.
>he thinks there needs to be a reason for laws to exist
They should decriminalize all drugs
Users will be safe to get help
Dealers can be target through focus and info from users
Yeah, but as long as they do make money off it they'll fight tooth and nail to keep it illegal.
safer than alcohol.
I'm all for it provided any type of social security is abolished. Because it creates slackers and I don't mind slackers as long as I'm not pay for it.
Because consent of the governed saw it outlawed. It should also only be legal with the consent of the governed.
Overuse leads to declined mental capability over the long-term
costs more, smoked every day for 10 years. Almost two months quit and still suffer cold sweats. The only thing that has kept me going is I moved houses and completely cut off from supplier and have gone every night drunk with sleeping pills since quitting.
I would like to smoke again but I fear a half year , years long break will allow me to do so with responsibility. But 24/7 smoking fucks you up.
cocaine, just a plant bro
opium, just a plant bro
poison ivy, just a plant bro
bro, how u gonna ban venomous snakes like bro its nature
like bro humans are separate from nature bro like
toxic waste is natural bro cause like its a natural production of humans doing what they do naturally so like bro
how u gonna ban murder bro like its just natural for me to want to kill ppl like bro
dude weed lmao
It makes people lazy(less active) and they also seem less caring- no life goals etc. Well, guys around me who smoke weed regulary are all like that. I would only legalize weed for medical use. I think people with cancer or chronical pain would appreciate it.( no (((chemicals))) or chemo)
>Users will be safe to get help
Cigarettes and alcohol arguably cause more damage than weed. They are legal and taxed. Regarding prostitution i think that as soon as some turn 18 years old they can do whatever they want.
If the government can receive funding it is.
Because taxes are evil.
youre a fucking faggot
smoked daily back to back to back to back for 7 quit a year ago, sucked for a week. i didnt resort to other highs to fill my time
i began improving myself by learning languages and being athletic
the problem is you like being high, not that "dude i cant sleep hurrr"
man up and do some productive stuff.
regardless of your ruined dopamine receptors or addictive personality, you can live without being high.
And at some point, being sober is more of a trip than being high. Except its free per gram, and actually helps your body rather than hurts it.
Stop leaning on your crutches cause with a little training your legs will work just fine.
3B tax revenue from one product in one state.
I am literally taking a smoke break while between doing chores off a list I made because I don't have anything to do today.
NEET house cleaners unite!
Because taxation is FUCKING theft
Do you want me SHOT?
say what bro?
Pharma industry wouldn't want a natural plant on the market that is more effective than their billions of anti-depressant pills
One NEET star of pruductivity for you! now srsly my flat is clean as my drug tests
There would be a HUGE profit margin if legalized and taxed, and sold at around the same price it is now.
Fun Fact: Even with electric lights in an inefficient indoor grow, it only costs around $3 to $5 per ounce/28 grams to grow.
I say legalize,
I have chronic pain, talk about being lazy I am sober, I don't even drink and every day after 5hrs of work I come home and cry on the carpet for 4 hours as I stretch my back out and lift weights.
I think I would be much more productive with some form of pain meds
It is
Shits weaponized
No all the government money goes to those rich people, are you stupid?
shut up neanderthal lands
Cigarettes and alcohol are a cultural thing that would be hard to make illegal today. If they were introduced today they would be illegal, because arguably they're two of the worst drugs we have.
I don't see how making another drug legal would solve anything.
Some states in America have seen an increase in DUI's after they've legalized marijuana, which have led to deaths.
But to give you a reason, the alcohol industry doesn't want to lose money so weed will be illegal as long as they keep sending lobbyist to keep it illegal.
Blacks will still grow and sell it illegally. Whites will be the ones who purchase it and pay taxes on it. Weed revenue will go towards rebuilding spic/nigger areas while white areas (if there will be any left) will have to budget without the aid of that revenue. Weed is for niggers, senpai.
>Blacks will still grow and sell it illegally.
To who? If it were legal then anyone could grow it.
yeah but how much MJ can make you impaired?
I'd say we legalize it just to give stoners one less thing to talk about. Kind of like legalizing gay marriage so the mantra is forced to move into trans rights which just looks ridiculous in comparison.
>dude WEED
OK sure.
>... dude Meth
To add to this, dumb people will defend what those lobbyist say because they are brainwashed dumbfucks. So safe yourself some time and stop arguing with the people here
He's an idiot. I'm a legal medical grower, been doing it for many years and have never met one black grower.
>regarding THC content
>Drug that literally can't kill you
Why does she have the book 'Stuff White People Like'? Is she doing research?
.>Cigarettes and alcohol are a cultural thing that would be hard to make illegal today. If they were introduced today they would be illegal, because arguably they're two of the worst drugs we have.
>I don't see how making another drug legal would solve anything.
Your argument is typical attempt at sleight-of-hand that prohibitionists use, implying that drugs laws stop nearly everybody from using. If cannabis were legalised, a very small number of law-abiding people would start using cannabis and cause a very small amount (compared to the total) of social problems directly resulting from their use.
>my flat
breh, I have a house and yard. now I'm off to clean my toilet and shower.
You won't fear saying that you're a Meth addict if Meth is legal and there's no threat of imprisonment or being killed by your dealer friends that don't like cops.
I would gladly make tobacco illegal, I can't stop smoking it unless someone physically locks me up in prison without it
Just make all drugs legal, the useless ones will remove themselves fom the equation quickly.
Unfortunately stoners still cant get a grip of their lives and will remain home but at least their welfare goes for goverment regulated weed anyway and fastfood joints will quadruple their income. I'm talking about proper 24/7 smoke weed errday people and not about recreational users.
the alcohol jew would lose shekels.
>If cannabis were legalised, a very small number of law-abiding people would start using cannabis and cause a very small amount (compared to the total) of social problems directly resulting from their use.
Can you actually get imprisoned in burger if you try get help for being an addict?
The reason they don't make tobacco illegal is so no one will find out what is really causing all the cancers. So they just attribute it to smoking.
>causes cancer
>causes psychosis in 100% of users. 1 joint = 1 more damaged brain
>no mention of it the bible
>people give it to their epileptic kids instead of the MEDICINE doctors give you
>causes frequent masturbation
>its a DRUG..
Fuck that green devil
Because regulating it is wastefully expensive and ineffective and the only arguments for continuing to do so are emotional.
>only if you smoke it
>Actually the jews used hemp oil in their anointing oil
>it is safer and more effective for epileptics than other drugs
>I hope you are trolling
Because it's for degenerate.
I have nothing against the plant itself, but pot smokers should all be hung.
but why?
Because the Deep State depends on illegal drug sales to fund black projects.
Is this bait?
Lol the id.
Fuck pot. Fuck people who like pot. Fuck everything you stand for.
Wtf I love pot.
for you
it smells bad
Even a slight increase in the population taking some sort of drug that causes impairment could cause issues.
People who drink sometimes still get in their car though they're driving under influence, even when repeatedly told not to.
My point is, people are irresponsible, and adding more drugs to the equation won't help.
And no, I don't believe the ones who currently smoke are in any way more responsible. The fact that they're breaking the law is an attest to that.
Keeping weed and other drugs illegal makes it more likely that, when young blacks are searched, they are discovered with these drugs, and will be incarcerated and added to "the system."
They are going to do impulsive, illegal shit their entire lives, we may as well start early. Yes, I know whites and spics get caught in the dragnet, but you get the point.
>And no, I don't believe the ones who currently smoke are in any way more responsible
why are you missing the point so hard user? it makes me suspect you're stupid and your opinion should be discarded. that's an entirely reversed reading of that other user's comment...jesus
Fuck off statist
>akin to alcohol
People blame their use of it for crimes they committed and not the choices they made, much like alcohol.
English isn't my first language. Now go SHART IN MART
It smells like the purest, most concentrated triple filtered feminazi freebleeding 24/7 boycott sit in body odour money can buy.
That reason alone is enough for me to tell it to fuck off.
I reckon the government should enforce "being high to get high" rules where they legalize it, but you can only smoke it at 20,000 fucking feet so no one else has to smell that shitty garbage but the people who want it.
The tax on the weed can pay for the
that makes reaching 20,000 feet cheap and easily possible
Because taxes are legalised theft.
he was saying that the people who will START to smoke pot AFTER its legalized are most likely law-abiding, responsible citizens as until this point they have respected its ban and refrained from use