>Britain’s most high-profile radical preacher Anjem Choudary faces 10 years in prison after being found guilty of supporting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), it has emerged.
>Britain’s most high-profile radical preacher Anjem Choudary faces 10 years in prison after being found guilty of supporting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), it has emerged.
>sentenced to 10 years in prison
>not deportation to the IS
This. Instead of wasting tax payer money on feeding and housing this roach just put him on a flight back to the desert.
Atleast its fucking something for how cucked the British law system is.
I don't understand how he is still alive. Like can one of you limeys kill him already?
Prepare for mass protests by the religion of peace.
Kek wills it.
>inb4 happening where they take hostages and demand his release like in the old days of terrorism
All his m8s are in jail it will be like a holiday camp for him.
Just throw him into the sea
Dubs will make it happen
Britain finally growing hair on it's Balls
Inb4 50% of Muslims in London riot.
This. The only thing, this will bring is him preaching his gospel to fellow muslim inmates, basically bringing him a 24/7 audience to his views.
unfortunately, if he is thrown in prison, he will look like a martyr and it will help his cause, plus he will radicalize more people in prison.
there aren't really any good alternatives here i guess
You mean all of London.
>Inb4 50% of London including its Mayor riots
Legally, we can't until we've finished severing ourselves from the EU.
>yfw May is just holding him there to be ready for future deportation
>believing the radicalized meme
come on m8, theres no radical islam. Theres islam, period. Every sandnigger in prison is already a sandnigger that should be shot in the face.
This, because the Bureaucrats in the EU make the policies they affect the laws regarding immigration amongst others.
It's all red tape BS. Blame the Bureaucrats in power for letting this shit go on for too long.
Honestly, they should have just thrown Choudry to the masses and have them tear him to shreds.
Really? I guess Fox News has to find a new Psycho Imam contributor. Never want to see this creep again.
Shame the death penalty for treason was abolished some time ago.
Is britain uncucking itself?
Is such a thing even possible?
Why send IS more people, just enable death penalty for treason and terrorism.
Is there even a death penalty in bongistan?
This is bad, he was an MI5 honeypot.
>Only 10 years
How about a .25 cent bullet to the back the head? There saved their tax payers money.
Death sentence. Also getting black-sited and being simply "gone".
Outlawed in the 60's
>>sentenced to 10 years in prison
Nice comfy place to convert criminals to Islam.
Why the hell don't the criminals beat the shit out of him? Don't they have any pride?
In crISIS actor fantasy jail more like.
institutional Islamophobia
It's all of the Eastern Europeans voting for the right.
This terroristophobia needs to stop
about 13-15% of the UK prison population is muslims
compared to about 5-6% of the general population
Well that's racist. We need to end this bias.
i hate this cunt. this is probably the best news i've heard all day.
black crime stats don't work in USA and they certainly wont work in its mother country
That photo was debunked, the faggot who photoshopped it forgot that lightening the red in the photo also affected the double red lines on the road.
We don't have double orange anywhere in the country.
Fuck off back to your own country. You know that's bullshit; all the Poles voted remain and all of them vote in Labour - why?
may is a muslim apologist you dumb cunt. if anything she'll pardon him
the australian shitposter is right you know
Great job UK! Now the rest of Europe needs get uncuck itself and jump on that bandwagon. But 10 years in prison, They should fly him to Mecca at about 20,000 ft and let him practice base jumping without a parachute.
Is england finally uncucking itself?
Hitler did nothing wrong because he was trying to get to the Volga Germans
I want to go to UK with some friends and find this faggot abu haleema and shave off his fucking beard
have one more
>10 years
I hope he'll get a pig dick covered with bacon in prison for breakfast.
too little, too late
All UK Muslims utilize terrorism to self aggrandize, mosques are corrupt. Never going to forget/forgive.
Ban the burq, ban mosques, ban Islam.
This doesn't make up for anything.
what on earth are you babbling on about?
get back to fixing my fucking toilet
>10 years for thinking bad thoughts
At least it goes both ways now.
Don't forget to force feed him pigs feet, because bacon is too good for him
>10 years in prison
>not death by burning
praise kek
it's about time you drowned in shit
Now, he'll finally be taken to where he belongs, another place full of Muslims. There, he can learn his lessons and help to create more Muslims.
You can't deport him to somewhere he might get killed - it's muh human rights.
And now he gets to be a martyr in prison.
Should have just sent him to Syria.
Why send him to ISIS? The guy is a trained lawyer and could probably be of use to them. He should be executed.
Wow it only took a decade
that's his idea of paradise. better to lock him up in prison and make him watch degenerate gay porn until he goes insane
This is all nice and dandy but we all know this cunt will probably be out within 2 years for "good behavior" and left to carry on spewing his bullshit all over again.
We're a fucking joke, pure and simple.
it's too late now.
he humiliated the brits in every possible way on every level.
now he's gonna radicalize even more in prison.
only option was to send him to syria then drone strike his brown ass.
>ban Pigslam
Do you think we could do it if we reclassify it from a religion
We need him out of jail, this is bullshit. Choudary's freedom has made us arrest magnitudes more Islamist cockroaches because they all flood to him. Choudary is an MI5 asset whose purpose is to funnel the new generation straight into the prisons. I guess he isn't worth much anymore now tho.
You can't deport somebody to a region where they might be tortured. That's a violation of the European Convention of Human Rights.
He can't even be deported after. The ECHR and EU are not related. It's a common misconception. Even Russia is supposed to be under the ECHR.
Damn Britain is really uncucking itself this year
Cheers lad. New empire when?
The UN universal declaration of human rights or whatever it calls specifically denies all said rights to anybody whom the UN doesn't like today.
Ergo, we can deport anybody we don't like to secret torture camps. Kind of like our NDAA: anybody for any reason can be deported to a foreign torture camp under the aegis of having any suspected relation to """terrorism""" at all, and it would take an act of Congress just to know that said person had been disappeared like in Cambodia under Pol Pot (whom we funded through """charities""" in Thailand).
Chop his head off and put it on London Bridge.
The UN has little power compared to the EU.
You take that back or I'll motion to convene a special debate session on whether or not to pass a non-binding resolution on issuing a STRONGLY WORDED statement about that!
You're right, however May herself has long wanted to scrap that and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. It would make sense that any future reformation of our human rights laws would coincide with our secession from the EU.
What game is this? Free download or you gotta pay?
At fucking last
He's not even in jail yet
Will probably get to live away from the skinheads who'd happily scalp him though
I'm so happy he's finally being put away. It's a little too light though. I'd rather a life sentence or capita punishment.
that's a new addition to the islamist prison gangs then
also he'll be out in less than 5 years
>You can't
you can. all you have to do is do it.
Fucking gnome.
>yfw you realize muslims will dominate europe by the time he gets out and treat this man like Nelson Mandela
tfw you will never get to have a booze up with Anjem.
I wasn't going to drink today but damn this calls for a celebration.
Going to get me some fine British ale after work tonight.
"we don't fear you" t. man who is scared of being arrested
>the subversive agent is not being drawn-and-quartered, with his nigger head on a pike in front of Buckingham
low energy :(
I want to see these niggers get skinned alive and left to bleed out like the animals killed by the soul-less, dog-eating Chinese on a daily basis. I'd love to see a bleeding heap of nigger corpses next to a bunch of nigger throw rugs.
It'll never happen though :/
This. Why send him to prison to live a life of luxury, paid for by me while he indoctrinates his other inmates.
Hang him from tower bridge and be done with him.
>some fine British ale
Nah, it has to be either Fosters or Woodpecker cider.
Hell I could do Foster's. One of my favorites desu
Jesus, i hate him more for his choice of cider than his radical opinions.
What do you think made him go full Islam? I think a Stacy may have broke his little brown heart and he snapped.