HBO apologizes for "Confederate"


Other urls found in this thread:

>be Dabids
>promote SJW agenda
>End up being sabotaged by that agenda
It's poetry


Why is the Emmy so phony? I recall they didn't even get nominated for S1, which is the best season and they ended up winning every time in their shitty tumblr OC seasons.

All award givers are phonies. They consist of rich, mostly white liberals who pander to the sensibilities of their underlings so that more people watch. The funny thing is the SJW agenda is not the mainstream mentality, but our culture is still dragged in that direction.

>Joss Whedon creates Buffy the Vampire Slayer
>years later, is slammed for being a sexist because stupid feminists can't understand nuance
They eat their own, every time.



>the "no true honky" fallacy

>people get upset about dear white people
>"lol get over it :^)"

>people get upset over show that's not even out yet

they are jewish

m8, White people didn't bring Black people to America, it was almost entirely JEWS who did this. Jews were the vast majority of slave owners and at the same time there were White slaves and plenty of White people who earned as little or less than a slave. This behaviour is typical for Jews, Israel is the worst perpetrator of human trafficking today. That whole region is infamous for still having slave labor. Slaves are forced to build the world cup football stadiums in Qatar, the skyscrapers in Dubai etc.

Now consider who acts as the closest "ally" of Black people in the US today. Who keeps manipulating Black people today? Jews. Black people are still on the plantation, still used for personal gain and to everyone else's (read: White and Black people's) detriment by the same tribe of slave owners who brought them to America in the first place.

Can't believe how much HBO has changed over the years. Could you even imagine this scene on HBO today?

I love it.

More like
>people get upset about explicitly anti-white show
>for allowing some "white" people to work on it

>muh dik


tic toc whitey

America is going to go to shit so fast it's not even going to be funny

I don't understand the premise behind this show. Ok, the Confederacy *somehow* fights the Union to a standstill (if you have any knowledge of the period though you would this is essentially impossible without MASSIVE British assistance to the Confederates) and the division remains. But that doesn't address the fact that by the time of the Civil War slavery was a dying institution (the industrial revolution affected agriculture just as much) and was not central to the South's rationale for war (Lincoln made it central to the North however by issuing the Emancipation Proclomation but that was mainly in the hope that slaves would start an insurrection). I like alternate history but this just seems retarded. I could see Jim Crow laws still being enforced but it wouldn't be just like 1865. Heck even in The Guns of the South there were black Confederate soldiers.

Although seeing as this is just a cash-grab by two no-talent hacks who never read a history book I guess I can't expect much.

>that last paragraph


So is it cancelled?

>don't worry we have black friends

>it's a Sup Forums celebrates creators getting forced to apologize for making a non-PC show episode
Hey, what's this? A horseshoe?

>If you fight your enemies they win logic

The celebration comes from D&D willfully enflaming this movement that is now biting them in the ass.

It's humor at its finest. Now the question is if the idiots even realize it.

yeah up your ass

maine and west virginia
literally /ourstates/

The best part is how he still tries to win their approval... is like he has some kind of psychological complex.

Jurassic World was a terrible movie though

I'm pretty sure the actual purpose of the emancipation proclamation was to keep foreign countries out of the war, because they wouldn't have any reason to justify backing the south if the war was made to be an anti-slavery one rather than a regular civil war.

The emancipation proclamation served several purposes. There was the hope that it would spark slave insurrections and runaways in the Confederacy, it served to cow slaveowning union states like Kentucky and West Virginia, it made it harder for foreign nations to justify helping out the South since basically all of Europe had banned the slave trade at that point, and it was an appeal to liberal voters and congressmen back in the North.

With that being the case it makes the premise even worse. The only possible scenario where the Confederacy stalemates the Union requires a huge amount of foreign aid and possibly soldiers. Even if the Confederacy didn't engage at Gettysburg it still would have been a battle of attrition they couldn't win and I doubt the Union would have lost it's will to fight or seen such a public outcry against the war and settle for allowing the CSA to exist.

Asinine premise for what is undoubtedly going to be an asinine close.

*asinine show

How did it cow Kentucky et al?

The emancipation proclamation was just horse shit that the great dictator used to justify more of his federalist power grab.

It was a show of power. When it was issued everyone knew that the Confederacy was a lost cause and that it was only a question of time until the Union bled it dry. KY and WV were habitually causing problems for the Union because a lot of their people supported the confederate cause (being slaveowners and all), so what the Emancipation Proclamation said was "toe the line or go join their sinking ship."

You underestimate how little of an appetite most of the North had for war.

HBO is the epitome of Jewish Cultural Marxist subversion. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

>South in "Confederate" won the war because they acquired massive amounts of aid from the British Empire. In this alternate universe the UK didn't have easy means of finding replacement cotton -- redrawn colonial borders -- and so they were much more willing to support the Confederates.
>major plot point is that the postwar nu-South is basically a Banana Republic for England and as such they're a bunch of poorfags with no education, economic independence, or political self-determination
>kept their African slaves but the price was turning their whole country into a slave to the Brits
If D&D weren't stupid I could see this being interesting

Blacks hate Jews and just see them as smarter whites. To them, there is no difference

Maybe you should join some nignogs and save muh palestine if you're so butthurt about jews

He's hot, like him to fuck me

It's just a dream sequence to show his own insecurities. Didn't actually happen in the show

>ITT: We sum up this thread

>the celebration comes from SJWs getting away with it

>who are white

And I'm not even highlighting this for them being Jews, it's insane that articles are written like this. America will not recover.

damn how will the goyim ever recover

If you like his style Harry Turtledove wrote a series with this as the premise. Basically once WWI breaks out it's the CSA and Great Britain versus Germany and the United States.


But the people making money off of it were the only ones with opinions that mattered. Any popular uprising against the war would have seen Lincoln send in troops in a flash.

Soo the show will be cancelled?

I certainly hope so because it's an idiotic premise and will do nothing but pander.

>when you realize Dunkirk was a parable

>who are white
>better work with these two black guys to even it out

Only in the west can blatant reverse racism be perfectly acceptable.

Armond, pls.

And then he made a series where aliens who are addicted to ginger like cocaine, invade during WW2 and end the war. Pretty trash

>we're sorry
>we hired some black people
>do you like us now?




I'm beginning to think this whole routine is on purpose, because fucking up and apologizing gives you way more publicity then just releasing your content without triggering retards.

I also love, how some people can just say Nigger or draw Swaztikaz, and no1 misinterprets this in any way.

I actually didn't get the memo that you were no longer allowed to make a show about slavery unless you were black yourself, but I'm kind of relieved because hopefully this means less of that preachy garbage will be produced altogether.

>Benioff and Weiss who are white


But you are white too, kid.


The south will rise again!

I'll never understand the whining about slavery.

People act like everyone owned slaves, as if they were some cheap commodity you could go to the local gas station and get. Most people didn't have the land or the house that would warrant the need for slaves. They were a luxury.

Secondly, blacks were sold into slavery by their fellow countrymen. Not to mention that there are more slaves in Africa than there ever were in the US.

Lastly, why am I supposed to feel guilt over something I had nothing to do with, but at the same, blacks should benefit for something they had nothing to do with? If anything, slavery helped the modern black man because without, they'd all still be in Africa.

Hang on, the British Empire was anti-slavery by the time of the Civil War. I know we're perfidious cunts but would we really invoke a domestic shit storm just to potentially fuck over the Union?

I can't tell if these people are pretending or not.

>I'll never understand the whining about slavery
Autism is a hell of a handicap.

>Blacks hate Jews and just see them as smarter whites. To them, there is no difference

For some raisin, imbeciles have this idea that A. Only whites owned slaves -- or that even a significant amount of whites owned them, B. Only the United States owned slaves, and C. That anyone living in the US has been affected by something that took place over 150 years ago.

No idea why it persists.

>sharp criticism on social media

whenever I read this nowadays I know everything that comes of after this cannot be taken serious

Basically, it's an excuse and a way to get over-representation.

>They'll work with Malcolm Spellmand and Nichelle Tramble Spellman, husband-and-wife TV veterans who both are black
Unless they were directly enslaved, what the fuck does it matter?
Do they think blacks have some genetic insight into slavery that we whiteys are uncapable to grasp?

No. England assisting the Confederacy is an insane proposition.

>why is an image about aspies posted a lot on Sup Forums

The funniest part about this is both of the writers are black.

>always with the same filename

get a life loser, everyone hates you

So white teenagers complained online that this would interfere with their Confederate self-insert fantasies so they put pressure on HBO to kill it? Could have been alternative history, Civil War Kino.

Why are they rushing GoT and starting this show anyway?

Also every African American slave has been dead for a hundred years why are niggers so sore about it still? They are the infants of race

How is depicting Confederates as racist, an SJW agenda? Have you people gone right off the deep end?