seriously caused electro-chemical reactions
Fuck off. Ice core samples show continual warming and cooling.
What is an Ice Age? How many have we had?
How did the Vikings populate and farm Greenland? (must've been pollution)
How come CO2 falls to the ground in a grow room? (it's heavier than oxygen)
How does it MAGICALLY float up through a lighter substance and then get "stuck" in the atmosphere?
What is "ClimateGate" Mommy?
Where's my tendies? I said the talking points from the guy with the collared shirt!!!
How much lube do you need to get your head out of your ass?
There have been at least five major ice ages in the earth's past (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Karoo Ice Age and the Quaternary glaciation). Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.
>le greenland is melting
>Implying the earth is round
That's true.
>doesn't show multiple years for comparison
God isn't real. But neither is evolution.
and a tip of the fedora to you my good man
>not an edgy degenerate
Explain this:
CERN Scientists and the "God Particle".
Don't think TOO hard there dummy.
This is probably the edgiest post I've ever seen on Sup Forums. And I've been here since /n/iggers.
Catastrophic man made climate change is something you have to have faith in since it's impossible to prove through experimentation.
That comic strip is off.
The "roundness" of the Earth can be explained by observational science and experimentation. Gravity can be proven though experiments and observation.
Micro-evolution can be explained through observation. Macro-Evolution can't.
Intelligent design is proven when a bioscientist genetically engineers a microbe.
Catastrophic man made global warming is a "prediction" based on shaky science.
I was in the presence of someone who died and it totally felt like a large wave of energy leaving his body.
Also in the presence of an animal that died. The energy wave was much less "powerful."
There is like feedback.
Ah yes, the long history of Englishmen btfo'ing the uneducated
What's 'Denialgate'?
Why is every successive month the hottest on record since 2012?
What is 800 000 years of natural co2 and tempurature fluctuations that suddenly aren't being followed anymore?
What are those direct co2/tempurature link readings they studied over the last ten years that undeniably proves global warming is man made and is real?
What's the deal with all naysayers being funded by 'think-tanks' like the heartland institute or friends of science, who recieve their money indirectly from fossil fuel companies?
Why is the great barrier reef bleaching and dying?
Why are tornadoes and monsoons becoming larger and deadlier?
Why are islands in the pacific disappearing from rising water levels?
Why are more people dying from over heating every summer?
Why is there larger algea blooms effectively turning the florida coast into a green mush pond?
Why is the arctic almost gone?
Why has greenland lost one trillion tonnes of ice in four years?
>undeniably proves global warming is real and man made
gee I guess that humans caused all those heating and cooling periods during the time of the dinosaurs then
Not a single one of those is real.
If there's life after death, why can't I remember my pervious lives?
The earth is flat though desu
Satan doesn't want anyone to know the truth about God's existence, until it is too late.
You haven't meditated hard enough.
Never! I saw God. I'm not afraid of Satan.
This has so much potential, but for some reason I feel our reddit based population is too shite to put together ones on white genocide, guns, black oppression etc.
>If greeks where white, then whats THAT
>shows picture of nigger slave in greek times
Gee, not my fault you don't understand a relatively simple concept.
Climate change in past != Humans can't cause climate change
The relationship between ghg's and earth's tempurature has been observable for thousands of years, so naturally if we start adding extra to the atmosphere it's going to get warmer, use your fucking head dipshit.
You aren't awake.
>hurr durr we contribute to climate change so it's all our fault!
the only dipshit here is you.
You're also forgetting that literally all of the environmental problems you listed stem from China and 3rd world shitholes like Brazil, India and Africa.
I'm all for global warming, and I hope it's real. We all know blacks can't swim, so the more and more sea levels rise, the better off we'll be.
Earth should have been regressing into another ice age, but instead we've pumped enough co2 into the atmosphere to see levels eartg hasn't seen in over 800 000 years, and we are directly observing the negative effects.
Just because you don't read avout this subject at all then spout your opinion like it's fact doesn't make it true. Pull your head out of the sand.
That's not true, Ft Mac in canada had the largest evacuation alberta has ever seen, wildfires burn larger every year and we saw that affect canada, alaska, and half of russia's boreal forest. There was mass flooding in texas earlier this year and now Louisiana, and increased temperatures allow insects from '3rd world shitholes' to migrate north and spread diseases like malaria and zika. ALSO the middle east will become unlivable from heat in the years to come and you will see even more migrants, so it is most definitely a global issue.
If race isn't real on the other hand ...
>that's not true
>doesn't provide any proof that it isn't true
I've never seen anyone who's retarded enough to believe that the smog over China and India doesn't exist without even bothering to fact check it first;
do you even have any achievable solutions to the problems you mentioned, or is it all the same 'muh ineffectual gub'mnt programs' that haven't managed to get anywhere because get this, most of the pollution doesn't come from places where people actually put an effort in to stop polluting.
Your only other option is to get rid of all the shitskins as the only people who even give a shit about the environment enough to try and fix it are white people and japs.
>the evolution one
But kike-enabling liberals think evolution is (((((RACIST))))))) when applied to humans to explain niggers sub 70 IQs. And what republican-analogous groups were opposing gravity??
This proves nothing - people report the same experiences getting blacked out by pilot training centrifuges
I read your post wrong, I thought you were saying that only 3rd world countries were experiencing problems.
But regardless, Canada and the USA emit the most co2 per capita.
To say that it's someone else's problem is irrational, we all must do our part to curb emissions.
Canada's oil sands emit 3x the regular amount of co2 in oil extraction because of how our resource is situated.
The best way to fix these problems is continued R & D, solar, wind, geothermal, maybe even nuclear but admittedly I don't know enough about that, carbon taxes work too. For example, I know in the uk that plastic bag consumption dropped dramatically when there was a small tax put on to their purchasing, and carbon tax has been shown to work in British Columbia. And in Alberta, they are designing the carbon tax so that regular citizens get co2 tax rebates so only companies truly emitting get hit.
Another thing to do is spread awareness, and stop denying it.
it does amerifiend
While all those options are cute, solar and wind are terrible at producing energy and have to be backed up with coal and oil. How much money are we supposed to throw at green energy until it produces something of value rather than feel good vibes?
my point is that we're already doing our part you complete twit. It's not going to change shit if the other 70-odd% of the planet aren't doing anything at all.
citing the top 2 c02 producers means jack shit if you fail to mention how close to that metric the other 10 or so following countries are doing with regards to climate change, it means even less when you consider that per-capita measurements are an incredibly poor method of judging c02 production when china has about 4-5 times as many people as canada and america combined, very similar to India.
the only workable solution that will provide enough energy for all the people living in a given country that you listed in your post is nuclear energy. none of the other sources are anywhere near as efficient or cost-effective at the current time. thisis what I mean by ineffectual gubmnt programs; they fund shit that's retarded and spend all their time dismantling nuclear plants as a result of public fear because 'oooh muh chernobyl'.
raising awareness of the isue doesn't mean jack shit either when you can't even raise awareness of anything except typical libshit talking points without being able to list anything else on top of it. All you'll end up doing is telling people half the truth instead of the whole truth.
spreading awareness abouit 3rd worlders and pollution also works great for redpilling people, so you get to kill 2 birds with one stone.
you need to try harder mate.
First world emissions have pretty much peaked since they no longer see rapid population or industry growth.
Say I have an idea, let's create a global council that says we need to reduce carbon emissions to 1920 levels over the next half century. We've got the technological base and capital to slowly transition but all those emerging 100% fossil fuel dependent economies improving the lives of brown people in poor countries are going to be so fuuuuuuucked lol.
Global warming is a real thing, but it's not man made, it's been cycling for millenia.
Holy fuck you are actually retarded
What's it like dropping out of community college
Flat earth, Flight and Evolution deniers aren't prosecuted for their opinions. that's the difference.
Global Warming deniers actually have hard counter evidence and that's what is making man-made climate "experts" call for persecution of so called wrong think.
>he only has 400 thousand years of history.
They still had brain activity then though.
>global warming deniers are being prosecuted
how so? They're just being ridiculed by the scientific community and almost everybody on the internet but that's about it. Also they're enjoying that sweet, sweet energy company bux for being a denier.
Nobody in the 15th century seriously thought that the Earth was flat. It was explained in 6th century BC, and was known by the elites pretty much since the time of Plato. In fact it became common knowledge by the 11th century. People knew that Earth was round, they just assumed that the ptolomaic model was correct, and that the Earth is in the centre of the universe.
TFW you don't care about global warming but nobody is listening to you about how nuclear power is the future.
which would solve whatever global warming problems humans actually cause.
A related difference is that reforms pushed by people who believe in worst-case climate change scenarios will have immediate and significant negative impacts on human well being. Access to cheap energy has improved life expectancy and HDI in every country that obtains it throughout the history of fossil fuel technology. Yet one of the common proposals is an 80% reduction in carbon output over the next 50 years. Enacting this would literally lead to billions of deaths worldwide due to the inability to grow, preserve, and ship the massive volumes of food enabled by fossil fuels. People who expect alternative energy sources like wind, solar, or even hydroelectric to be able to replace fossil fuels (particularly for transportation energy needs) within this timeframe are ignorant, bordering on delusional.
None of this is to say that humans aren't causing global warming or that the consequences of global warming won't be catastrophic - but if you reject these sorts of proposed carbon limits based on their negative impact on human well being you get labeled a "climate denier". Then god help you if you work in politics or worse, academia.
Technically the earth is the center of the universe. From a certain point of view of course.
>muh the universe is infinite so there is no center meme
except we can point to the center of the universe where the big bang started.
Transportation is something like %30 of emissions and lots of countries don't have the capital or political willpower to build nuclear plants. It would certainly help significantly but it's not a complete short term solution
but the earth is flat and gravity isnt real
then we nuke them...
Really? Where is it? Where did the big bang start? Is it in the Milky Way galaxy? You know that we can't observe the WHOLE universe right? Only the observable universe. And if you look in every direction from earth outwards you would see the edge of the observable universe. So the earth is the center based on your frame of reference.
it's that way >>>>
>pretends to defend science, reason and truth
>rape history by claiming that people thought the Earth was flat in the 15th century
Nope. I grant you some points for making an argument less retarded than what ordinary geocentrists say, but if we take that "certain point of view" then we need to assume that every piece of matter in the universe wobbles from time to time. Hell, the pieces of matter that are really far from us wobble at speeds higher than the speed of light. Because that's the only way you can explain a deviation in Earth's axis of rotation. Pretty silly, eh?
>this is term perturbed over time
>this means correlation of time always means people
Shut the fuck up Al Gore. All your models were incredibly wrong.
Why do all liberal's arguments basically all sum up to "see look people used to say/do things like this and what you're doing is similar" ?
>le fedora may may xD
There is literally no proof evolution is real, it's like religion for atheists.
>Why are tornadoes and monsoons becoming larger and deadlier?
>Why are more people dying from over heating every summer?
>Why is the arctic almost gone?
Strike these and you'd not be fallacious and probably right.
>If Islam is violent and dangerous, explain this!
the earth is round
the gravity is a lie
evolution is a lie
global warming is true but not man made