What does Sup Forums think of Trainspotting?

What does Sup Forums think of Trainspotting?

It's no Trainspotting, that's for sure.

One of the best movies ever made.

great film

Yeah it's pretty good
Sequel's also good but it's kinda pointless. Still worth a watch

It's shit. The heavy EU accent they all had ruined the whole movie.

Use subtitles, maybe?

5 stars

there was too much babble
i laughed a lot in the scene where they started playing eurobeat in a car sequence

Really good, sequel is also very good (loyalist bar scene might be funnier than anything in the original film) and not pointless as the other user says. If anything it's an example of how to handle a sequel to a cult film right.

>EU accent
wtf is an EU accent

It's Scottish ya wee cunt

For me, it's USA kino.
"In a word: pleisure. It's like, my pleisure in other people's leisure"



an hilarious romp

You can stop doing that anytime.

For me it will always be remembered as the movie I tried to show my ex and she said she couldn't understand what they were saying and we got in a fight over it. In retrospect I should have just put subtitles on, Begbie is a bit of a challenge.


The LYNCH'D meme is funnier than the DUDE meme at least

>heavy EU accent
Ah. Square go like, you specky wee cahnt.

Are you triggered?

Your ex is a dumb cunt.