Britain's most notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary is finally facing jail


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I thought he worked for MI5?




Hope he gets along with the skin-head nationalists in prison...

Supporting ISIS is illegal in Bongland?

When do you think the retaliation attack will be?

As someone who has just been on jury duty, there is a weird sense of dread about delivering a guilty verdict to the clerk.

So the British government is going to pay to house him in the local ISIS recruitment center for a few days? I'm sure he's heartbroken about the future Street cred.

i thought he was an MI5 plant anyway

he's much more likely to radicalise muslims in jail desu

This has been a problem in the United States for a long time. In fact, many gangs are run from behind bars. They even recruit most of their people from there and target the ones that are getting out soon.

I think he should be relocated to a special facility where contact with other muslims is at a zero to minimum basis.




How old is that fuck

> implying he's not just a Muslim being Muslim

He said he'd convert everyone in prison to Islam if you put him there.

Anniversary of the date of conviction. That's the Muslim m.o.

unfortunately it's quite unlikely he will be in a very high security prison as he's essentially only in for hate speech. furthermore, muslims make up a very significant percentage of the prison population, so he is almost certainly going to meet some


Well you probably heard a case involving people. These are Muslims.

Quintessentially British.

>He said he'd convert everyone in prison to Islam if you put him there.

Good luck

>n April 1996 he was sent back to Belmarsh after taking a doctor hostage at Birmingham.[88] Five months later an Iraqi hijacker bumped into him in the canteen and did not apologise.[89] After a long period of brooding he then took two Iraqi hijackers, along with another inmate named Jason Greasley, hostage in a cell.[90] By his own admission he was "losing it badly" and ranted about his dead father, saying that any "funny business" would result in him "snapping necks".[91] He sang and laughed and forced the Iraqis to tickle his feet and call him 'General'.[91] He demanded a plane to take him to Libya, two Uzi sub-machine guns, 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and an axe.[91] He released Greasley, but began chanting "I want ice cream".[92] He felt guilty after hitting one of the hostages with a metal tray and therefore insisted the same hostage hit him over the head four times so as to call it 'quits'.[92] He slashed himself four times with a safety razor, but agreed to release the hostages and walk back to the segregation unit.[93] Another seven years were added to his sentence, though this was reduced to five on appeal.[93]

holy shit lmao, theres a reason they made a movie out of this guy


after all the shit this fucker spewed out of his mouth i'm 1488% percent he's ratting hajis to the police

>While in prison in 2001, he married his second wife, Fatema Saira Rehman, a Bangladeshi-born divorcée who inspired him to convert to Islam and take the name of Charles Ali Ahmed.

Closer than you think.

The guy was running around for years on how they'll impose Sharia, overthrow the government, basically treason, was on massive welfare the whole time paid for by the state, and now finally guilty on supporting ISIS. The best was this loud mouth was nice and quiet in the court, none of his ignorant theatrics in the courtroom, sat there nice and quiet. The whole thing is this guy was preaching hate and treason for years, they did nothing, they finally try him for supporting ISIS all after the fact they let him run around spreading stupidity for years. Good job idiots.


Supporting any organisation that promotes racial hatred or violence is illegal as are memberships to any such groups.

Tell me Americunts, hows that free speech working out for you?

Trump should mention this fag, good news chaps.

Pretty well. The closest thing we ever had to choudary was awlaki and... Well, you know what happened to him.

And yet what he did would not be a crime in the US because of muh free speech.

Get your shit sorted out, the only reason he got away with it for so long is because he was a solicitor and knew where not to tread legally.


The 1st amendment would have protected that scumbag

Charlie Manson never murdered anyone, but he's in prison for the rest of his life. Why?

Because he talked his followers into doing his dirty work for him in the Tate-Labianca murders.

Choudary talked his followers into decapitating Lee Rigby and traveling to Syria to jihad for the Islamic state. If he did that in America we would waterboard him.

I love guentanomo

We should of hung drawn and quartered him years ago.


Actually they've known he's a supporter of ISIS for years and regularly had Mi5 agents attend his "seminars" but the common-law protection of speech in this country is such that he couldn't be prosecuted until he used a key word in one of them - he urged people at a rally to swear "an oath of allegiance" to ISIS. Oath has a particular meaning in law - and on this basis the terrorism legislation comes into play.

We need to get rid of those loopholes

It's simple enough. Merely recognize Islam as an evil religion of hatred and terrorism. Then you can prosecute people for being Muslim, and protect your free speech at the same time.

It's all fun and games until the government throws you in with him for right-wing hate speech.

throw the Jews and Christians in there too since their texts have bad words in them.

I've never been more pleased on Sup Forums.

Jews and Christians aren't flying planes into our buildings and bombing our marathons.

We tried that once. It led to jury verdicts becoming absolute in the case of a not-guilty verdict.'s_Case

Good, fuck him that paki cunt, if i had the money i would arrange for him to be raped and shanked in the showers

I'm sure there's someone that will happily do it for free

I don't see anything in there about the religion of peace. Want to try again?

>Jews aren't flying planes into our buildings
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

>source: my ass

I hope so, ill go visit him in the nick and give him some money

Anjem is a honeypot snitch.
t. Actual knower.

Anjem is not a nice man. He's about as terrorist as you can get without actually strapping suicide vests to 16 year olds and promising them 72 virgins. He'd already be convicted of incitement to murder if he hadn't studied law and been so careful not to step over the line.

It's the difference between
>True muslims should rise up and slay the infidels in the streets
>You there, you are a true muslim are you not?
>>uhhh yeh
>If you are a true muslim, you should slaughter all non-muslims you come across in the streets

He made a mistake. Good riddance.

Source: his own fucking source.

Man I love it when morons don't read.

He's got a French flag, that's how you know he's a Muslim.

Jesus, the Tom hardy movie barely scratched the surface of this guy

>lel this is such a victory!!!
Fucking idiots. Anjem was the only one telling us exactly what Islam has in store for us, and we lock him up? Clearly the left don't like truth-tellers speaking on behalf of the horror the liberals excuse.

Locking up the few messengers who'll speak truthfully about Islam and the awaiting terror is a dick move. That faggot was red pilling more by being a free man preaching Islam and terror than he will now that he's behind bars.

Dude should have been killed ages ago by some patriot.

At least he's finally facing SOME jail time, but he'll no doubt use his shifty connections to minimize it. Someone should honestly just shank him to death on the street one day.

Yes, but he was red pilling the muzzies too

You know I have to go with Bill Whittle on this one. America doesn't have loads of problems, it has one problem: a traitorous press.

Because if there were any fairness to the media whatsoever then they wouldn't portray Islam as peaceful despite all the attacks, and Americans as violently islamophobic despite NO retaliatory attacks.

Because if any white guy hunted down and murdered anjem choudary, no matter what he said or did, the left would screech about Muslim haters forever after that, and use it as an excuse to bring in more Muslims.

What has lemmiwinks to do with choudary?

Why can't people like this just be found dead in suspicious circumstances? Security forces could make it happen and no-one would care who did it.

Because that treatment is reserved for Hillary Clinton staffers.

It harms recruitment when security forces murder their own.

Also all that's going to happen is he will radicalise dozens more people in the prison.

Well then, fire him out of a cannon, at the Sun. We'll see if he can proselytize then..

This guy has the biggest shit eating smug grin I've seen in years.

>someone gets sent to prison for free speech
>Sup Forums supports it

God I fucking hate you guys and your hypocrisy, you really are becoming as bad as tumblr

When he gets locked up it's solitary confinement for him I hope.

Otherwise he will convert all of those "moderate muslims" doing time for "petty crimes" to true muslims following Muhammad's example by joining ISIS.

>guy preaches about how islam should dominate and decimate all of the countries of the West
>Does it for 20 years
>our exemptions on freedom of speech are specific, narrow and well-defined precisely to stop the Crown for using it as an excuse to squash people it disagrees with
>Has law degree, knows what words to use and what words not to use
>Mi5 tails him for ages
>He finally fucks up once
>Gets sent to prison for 20 years

Ameriburger Sup Forumsacks want to throw our reasoned version of the 1st Amendment under the bus because mooslems. It's like poetry.

>free speech
Sauce for the goose, in the UK. So.. why not?

Good job and throwing away an easy source for information on potential terrorists.

Fucking nanny state morons.

Yet he and his ilk are largely responsible for the present state of the UK hate-speech laws, and laws regarding "religious insensitivity". Couldn't of happened to a nicer guy. Dr. Guillotin would be proud.

We want you to not commit suicide by muslim. I just heard a report that the Rotherham "Asian" rape gangs are STILL operating, and the police and city government are STILL covering it up because they're afraid to be called racist.


Oh no, we don't have free speech. We have freedom of beliefs... which is a bit messed up, because it's about the only thing you can't prove.

When I hear a muslim talk about ww3 is a coming... that's fine, because I don't report it, because if I reported it, I'd be called a liar and arrested. I think people, particularly liberal labour voters don't realise where the leave voters, who voted on immigration, are coming from.

I don't care unless it is in some shithole like Saudi. I want him to suffer in third world prison conditions

He does. Sentence will be suspended or he'll be under house arrest with free internet and visitor privileges


nice """"""""free speech"""""" you got there UK

Don't kid yourself, our prisons are full of Muslims. A lot of them get radicalised in there after going in for petty crimes. He'll set up a terrorist indoctrination camp in there. They should drop him out of a plane somewhere over the Pacific ocean.

We should deport people like him, or if they are proven terrorists, execute them. They're still a danger in prison

Does this tie in with the Muslim mayor cracking down on hate crime, or what this an old charge?

If that old fart really has been spreading islam for 20+ years and we combine that with every islam inspired terror attack that has happened in the west. He is pretty much a war criminal. Criminals don't deserve rights

>They're still a danger in prison
All according to kiekeku. Prisons are notorious for radicalizing inmates into Islam.

As expected of a government operative.

"hoist with his own petard"
This irony is lost on too many people in this thread . The imams and clerics that fought so hard for the fucked up state of your offensive speech laws are finally bitten in the ass by them. Maybe, they will work on "reforming" their scope after a few more examples are made.

>recruiting for ISIS
>direct incitement to murder kuffars
>free speech

yeah I'm not thinking this dude is a cool guy or anything but wtf guys? this is horrible

>facing jail

just send him here or even better in serbia. that goatfucker would be on express elevator to 72nd circle of virginless hell pit in no time.

fucking bongs

>go and kill a bunch of people in the name of the Islamic State
>free speech

Fuck off Ahmed

How does that prove that he was an informant Ahmed? Tonnes of mudslimes in the West drink party and have gay sex and still believe to be real mudslimes(tm).

Until they decide to redeem themselves and run over some kuffar with a truck in order to get into heaven and save their soul.