Glenn Beck is a Pussy Ass Bitch!

Glenn Beck has shown by his actions that he wants Hillary to win.

He used to say he was anti-abortion.

But he is putting an abortion feminist in office.

He used to say he was for fairness among the races.

But he putting a racebaiting anti-white anti-male feminist in office.

Glenn Beck is WORSE than Hillary. Because his pouty, whiney, crying ass is so anti-Trump that he wants Trump's enemy to win.

Fuck you Glenn Beck.

Hypocritical, pussy ass bitch.

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You know your party is in trouble when Glenn Beck is the voice of reason, huh.

He has no reason.

Just butthurt and a snide kind of whineyness.

He does not speak for the GOP.

He is the cancer in the GOP.

Glenns just a symptom. Trump is the cancer.


>Who cares that she would be a puppet of shadowy behind-the-scenes manipulators;

Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked;

>Who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous;

Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband;

>Who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical;

Who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations;

>Who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical;

Who cares that she tittered in giggly glee about getting a child rapist out of jail time;

>Who cares about her crimes and her crazies : Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media (who are deep in the tank for Hillary), so that is the story somehow.

Day after day after day.


Hill shill detected.

I wish some patriot would step up and kick this guy in the nuts as hard as possible. His radio show makes me cringe

He's the Cuckservative poster boy

I feel immasculated and beta the moment I hear his whiny bitch voice

I'll be voting for Hillary, who is clearly the best candidate in the field to be president, yes.

>Are you Glenn Beck?

Hypocritical Glenn Beck.

Why is he so dedicated to making Hillary President of the United States?

Why does Beck want Hillary to pick 4 Supreme Court Justices?

Why does he hate America so much that he would enable that?

He is evil. And evil has a mellifluous voice.

Never trust a man who cries all the time.

It is like he wants us to see him cry.

Like he wants to fool us into thinking he has a heart.

Fuck him.

He fooled me until he was tested.

And his real nature showed itself when the chips were down.

Evil, evil man who wants my sons and daughters to grow up in Hillary's America.

patriot from muhfeelistan it seems.

Mormon leadership need to tell their members to get behind Trump. They can be scared into voting for him if they are told the new justices will ban proselytizing.


I am concerned that Romney has given so much money to the Mormons that they will bend over.

Hope not.

Hillary will ruin us all.

Pic related is Glenn Beck's biggest fan, outside Beck himself and his on-air minions.

No argument here, Glenn Beck is a pussy ass bitch.

Is this Mrs. Beck?