>Record global temperatures for less than 150 years
>Records keeping happens to coincide with industrial revolution

Fucking Shill Science

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Implying correlation is causation is bad science, but not investigating the correlation further is bad science, especially when a case can be made for it. Regardless, humanity should transitioning away from fossil fuels anyway because there are only so many liquefied dinosaur remains we can dig up before the industrial world collapses. Why anyone outright OPPOSES research into new avenues of energy and subsidization in order to increase development, is probably is a Big Oil shill.

The climate even correlate the original "scientist" actually cut the medieval warm period just to get his point across. This is poor science that led to global ignorance.

>measuring improvements in thermometers
>sun actually getting hotter
>CO2 is the least potent greenhouse gas

these "scientists" are fucking retarded. they predicted increased FREQUENCY and SEVERITY of hurricanes in 2000. meanwhile we havent had a major hurricane (cat 3+) in something like 13 years. longest period without a major hurricane in recorded history (since like 1850).

>transitioning away from fossil fuels anyway because there are only so many liquefied dinosaur remains

We are always getting better at using less for more and as of yet it is the oly source that can provide us with energy when needed while simultaniously limiting waste.

How so? well as of yet batteries are very limited and it is nearly impossible for us to save massive amount of energy. So when a wind generator is being blasted with air to generate energyu most of it is wasted because we cannot keep it, it must be wasted or sold for nothing because nobody needs excess energy.

The point is not to abandon but to get better at it and to eventually discover the process to generate fossil fuel for less power then it needs to be produce.

>We are always getting better at using less for more
And there will come a time where there will be no "less" to use. It is a simple fact, that fossil fuels by their very nature, are not spontaneously generating.

Secondly, as for battery technology, and wind and other such things, their main advantage is that they don't run out. While energy transfer may be less efficient, in the long run it is a superior form of energy as it doesn't have definite end date of use. Furthermore, I'm not only pulling for these forms of energy. I very much agree, that carbon chains are probably our best bet at storing energy, but who knows what could be developed if larger funding was granted towards basic research.

>the process to generate fossil fuel for less power then it needs to be produce.

Before you weigh in on scientific matters, please be at least educated enough to make such blatantly stupid comments. What your are suggesting is literally impossible, and defies the basic laws of physics.

>yes, good goy. Cheap renewable energy is bad, keep buying up expensive oil. The earth isn't dying, what do those pesky scientists know? Now run along like a good consumer

That's nonsense, you'll get sharp dip soon.

The only sharp dip will be in the global population due to famine caused by mass extinction

This video demonstrates clearly enough for anyone to see how the current climate record is *mostly* bogus:

They've changed it so many times, and the disparities are obvious. He also lands the killshot around 3/4 through when you can see that the extent to which the temp data is doctored is in line with how much CO2 they believe has been outputted.

Anything this political is rigged. You only have to look at the fact that researchers who challenge AGW get their funding cut off and their lives destroyed, while pro-AGW researchers get prestige and money. With those conditions (enforced entirely by the US government) you're going to generate all the make believe fancy science you want.

Sun activity is historically low, the upcoming years probably about ~100 years will be with record low temperatures.

>pic related
We are fucked

We will go lower than 1810 levels.
Remember 1810? Nice time it was, right?

The only things one can argue with are the non conservative models of the various predictors of climate change. And while that's a "big only", it's not enough to shut down the entire idea that we're subtly shifting CO2 and temperature stats ever so lightly enough to create additional problems.

We can see evidence of the CO2 by how it's affecting the ocean. Bleaching of coral and oceanic dead zones have been increasing fairly quickly. Oceanic dead zones also severely harm our fishing industries. Normally dead zones are created through algal blooms or corporate waste disposal into the ocean, but we're at a level of CO2 where enough CO2 is dissolving into the ocean to bond with the H2O present to create carbonic acid. Not only does it deoxygenate the area but it also slowly shifts the acidity of the ocean.

This all said, it'd be nice of us right wingers could set the stupid narrative on climate change and get stuff done as we usually do instead of letting the Left set the narrative and want to just tax us all to death instead. Based Right should be looking after *all* of our economic interests.


>So when a wind generator is being blasted with air to generate energyu most of it is wasted because we cannot keep it


gas & coal power plants turn down production in that period.

Thanks to based wind turbines we put less CO2 in the acidifing oceans.

Just that the sun does not get hotter, user
The sun is actually cooling down in recent years while the earth is getting hotter.

don't believe retarded republican propaganda, believe scientists.

>gas & coal power plants turn down production in that period.

That's not what happens Kuraw. It gets wasted.

>Thanks to based wind turbines we put less CO2 in the acidifing oceans.

Except for all the CO2 it requires to build and maintain.

>And there will come a time where there will be no "less" to use. It is a simple fact, that fossil fuels by their very nature, are not spontaneously generating.

By the time this happens prices will rise and people will have an alternative already. Stop hating poor people

>Secondly, as for battery technology, and wind and other such things, their main advantage is that they don't run out.

no but they happen sporadically in a fascion that is not projectable properly

>While energy transfer may be less efficient, in the long run it is a superior form of energy as it doesn't have definite end date of use.

neither is fuel if we find a way to make it. Which is an ongoing project developped in cadence with fuel recycling(fuels power with emission 0)

>Before you weigh in on scientific matters, please be at least educated enough to make such blatantly stupid comments. What your are suggesting is literally impossible, and defies the basic laws of physics.

It's an actual project dick. no it doesnt break the laws of physics

>Sun's getting hotter
Lol no

Fossil fuels have been accumulating for millions of years, we've been using them for hundreds, I've always been skeptical of the thought that we're actually running out.

>That's not what happens Kuraw. It gets wasted.

no it does not, explain pic attached

Global warming is a hoax fabricated by the Chinese to destroy American manufacturing capabilities.

It doesn't actually matter. The sooner the world gets off the petrodollar the quicker the cancerous interweaving of banking cartels and politics can be ended.

There is literally no downside to cutting fossil fuels aside from MUH CHINA.

I've seen one of you in denial idiots use a graph of global temperatures for the last 500 millions years to prove that the earth warms up and cools down massively without humans.

And that's true. But it was a strawman that this person made. Scientists don't even claim the Earth needs humans to heat up.

But if he wasn't retarded, he'd have seen in the graph that ever since high amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse effect gases releases by humans, the Earth's temperate is rising FASTER (key word here) than ever before.

The earth temperature is going to rise in 50 years faster than it ever had in 5 million years.

You're not making any sense. Change in temperate can still be calculated in Earth of the last hundreds of millions of years.

What matters is how fast changed happened. And the last 50 years has seen a higher increase than any tens of thousands of years of global temperature (key word is global and not some local temperature).

I'm not sayinf they are not slowing down, I'm saying that regardless there is waste done. Further more, the plants are not closed and continue pumping emission in the air to prepare for the wind slowing down.

Not only this, they break all the time and cost an arm to fix.

it does not help.