Tfw if my people went back to Africa white people would be begging us to come back within fifteen minutes

>tfw if my people went back to Africa white people would be begging us to come back within fifteen minutes

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>>tfw if my people went back to Africa white people would be begging us to come back within fifteen minutes
Explain yourself animal

Then do it and use it as leverage to get better living conditions.

Why didn't you think of it on your own? Oh, right, I forgot what "people" you belonged to.


Pick one

Who else would clean up our shit

Bump for truth!!

They need you!


LOL no we'd be just fine. Can you take the Mexicans with you, too?
all jokes aside, nigger, you'd be dead in a few weeks, tops, out there. And I'm sure you know it, deep down in your dirty slave heart.You need us much more than we need you, unlike the spics, you add literally NOTHING to society and are a net drain. At least wetbacks do some menial labor for us, you don't do shit .
Stay mad.

they would have to fire like 90% of the cops due to such a drastic decrease in crime, which would result in mass unemployment



Do it anyway, the West doesn't deserve you


Americans of African descent live, work, and exist normally with Americans of European descent.

Americans, no matter their ancestry, would not care if African-Americans (read: niggers) went back to the place they idolize so much.

White guilt lefties aren't even real people.

If you fuckers came back here you would be crying bitch tears for fifteen years.

You're right, whatever would we do without massive crime rates?

>>tfw if my people went back to Africa white people would be begging us to come back within fifteen minutes

On the bright side, team USA basketball team would go completely to shit in the Olympics, along with the NBA and NFL collapsing.

The only people who actually lose in this ia jews, but I'm sure they'll find a way to make money off both sides.

Why the fuck are you still there? Are you insane?


>niggers leave
>sports now all white
>competition is normal
>never any domestic abuse issues
>never any rape issues
>fighting in sports never occurs anymore
>competition is still fine
I see no issue.

Why would you leave after you've built America brother? Send those crackas back to Europe!

wait I'm not done

Are you black/dutch?

even african blacks think american blacks are niggers. you wont be welcome there either.....

It would decimate law enforcement and prisons.

I'd miss you guys somewhat
You niggers do make entertaining chimpouts

>>never any domestic abuse issues
>>never any rape issues
>>fighting in sports never occurs anymore
>>competition is still fine

You're clearly smoking crack if you think disgusting red-neck trash won't pick up the slack in these sectors, if not the spics and cubans.



Even if white people doesn't need black thhey would beg them to come back because they love that diverse bbc so much.

All you dumb american blacks would defiantly get redpilled being sent back to Africa. Welfare HAHAHAHA. BLM? Get shot if your lucky get genocide if your not.

Dutch/Afrikaner here. Also, no way I want to leave. Just came back today from a week long shooting camp.

Don't worry, if we start to miss you, we can burn money, ban litter bins and train chimpanzees to shoot people at random and fuck the place up.


>>niggers leave
>>sports now all white

So Mexicans, Cubans, Haitians and Somalians are suddenly white now? Even with the nogs gone, there's plenty of other races that will still make whites the minority. Especially in the NFL and NBA.

Our youth unemployment is high enough and you want to come back? Kek

Good. It is a poor allocation of resources for us to have so many strong white men patrolling niggers instead of contributing to society.

Many positive things would happen in the US if niggers disappeared.

Mean standardized test scores in school districts would skyrocket because niggers bring down the average.

Inner-city violence would dry up because niggers are responsible for over 50% of violent crime despite being less than 15% of the population.

EBT and Section 8 programs would cost less to the taxpayers because niggers would no longer be abusing them.

Colleges would start admitting based on merit instead of race because niggers would no longer have to be coddled due to affirmative action.

Businesses would be able to set up operations in war-torn ghetto cities like Detroit and Chicago, thereby attracting families and restoring those places to their former glory.

States wouldn't have to hire nearly as many police and corrections officers because niggers would no longer be clogging up the legal system with their criminal behavior.

With all this in mind, the most positive thing about the disappearance of niggers would be the fact that decent white people wouldn't have to deal with those obnoxious, chest-bumping, painfully naive apes ever again.

>Sup Forums gets #WeDemandToGoHome trending
>violent crime becomes negligible, left-wing vote plantation crippled forever
>it's morning in America

This. Can't even get my grandparents to watch professional sports because they're tired of all the niggers.

Trained chimps can do a lot better than niggers.

And damn what an ID
>Che Guevara in a tutu

Beat me to it

Haitians and Somalians are black


If only there were some way to test that theory...

You know it's bad when a swede is laughing about blacks being wanted

Actually that has changed recently, my parent's generation(except my mom who's conservative) hates Asians and likes Blacks. My Dad and his friends(one of whom is black, literally token) constantly make asian jokes and even didn't talk to me for a month after I tried redpilling him on blacks and saying multiculturalism is a mistake. He says that he agrees asains shouldn't be here because
A. They can't drive very well
B. They keep buying up all the liquor stores
C. They are like drones with zero personality just sitting in their shops all day doing nothing but staring at the TV and talking to you in a monotone voice, and there are too many!
However he thinks blacks have a good personality, likes that they are tough and it teaches us Whites to be men and fight back to gain respect on both sides.
I kind of like asians more than blacks because
A. asians inspire to be smart, but from afar while they are still in their own country(mostly Japanese, I don't really respect Chinese, Indians or Koreans)
B. blacks no longer have any respect or honor, if you fight one you'll get jumped.
C. black men feel they are entitled to white women and don't even realize they feel this way because they hate themselves and would rather die in a gang or jail than create another black person who looks like them, they aren't proud of their features and want to blot out their race.
My Dad was super pissed but I didn't give a fuck, told him it was my first amendment right and my second would be to shoot his friend if he attacked me if I told him that, which I will proudly if my dad tries forcing me to hang out with him again.

Is that you, Obummer?

Then do it,
just think about it, once the white devils know they need you think about how much more gibs they'd offer to get you back?

In Germany we honourably call you "Africa's only White Tribe"

Makes you use your brain tissue to process information


did you get lost on your way to the breitbart facebook comments?



These men could be builders, artisans, programmers or anything else.

But instead they have to wrestle with a nog.


Literally no use for blacks in the modern world.

Uh, no, it would be the greatest thing ever, our city's would be safe, our taxes would be lower, and we wouldn't have to see blacks on television and listening to that damn jungle noise. It would usher in an era of prosperity and relative tranquility.

I like how it's really good too.

Lol no. Its a fact that if the US was all white, we would have a budget surplus. I dont have the link because I'm on my phone, but look up

Please OP, convince as many blacks as you can to move there and test this theory.


Checked, kek'd, and here's your (You).


>our city's would be safe
you mean like Spokane

>Spokane's crime rate is also higher for both violent and property crime than in 98% of communities in the U.S.[108]
>The racial makeup of the city was 86.7% White

I accept your apology

Sounds like usual american opinions.

>Project blackness on their "pet" blacks that are in the minority.

That is what you get when you let the electric jew form your opinions for you.

American nigs would not survive here.
Tyrone is no match for these feral niggers.

A cheetah could win olympic medals if we let it try, but we don't becuase it attacks the other players and shits on the track.

I have yet to see a single black cop in my city, and it's a disgusting liberal cesspool

Misread your post. Fuck me.

Top kek

What about Detroit, Baltimore, Flynt, St Louis, etc etc

Out of the few blacks in couples that I've seen in my life, not one was a black man with a black woman, and if they DO act white? It's cringey as fuck, like a white guy putting on a kimono and bowing/doing tea ceremonies.


mere proof that factors other than racial makeup determine crime rates

HOL UP. name one reason why we would want blacks in this country.
One fucking reason. I'll wait.

Actually you'd be wrong, they form the elite in nog continent.

The liberian experiment saw US nogs dominating the feral nogs.

>The Americo-Liberian settlers did not identify with the indigenous peoples they encountered, especially those in communities of the more isolated "bush." They knew nothing of their cultures, languages or animist religion. Encounters with tribal Africans in the bush often developed as violent confrontations. The colonial settlements were raided by the Kru and Grebo from their inland chiefdoms. Because of feeling set apart and superior by their culture and education to the indigenous peoples, the Americo-Liberians developed as a small elite that held on to political power. It excluded the indigenous tribesmen from birthright citizenship in their own lands until 1904, in a repetition of the United States' treatment of Native Americans.[17] Because of ethnocentrism and the cultural gap, the Americo-Liberians envisioned creating a western-style state to which the tribesmen should assimilate. They encouraged religious organizations to set up missions and schools to educate the indigenous peoples.

From wikipedia

Let's see that criminality broken down into race of the offenders.

Typing "Spokane" into jewgle brings up a 17hr old story of a double-homocide with a spic suspect, for instance.

When puerto ricans (considered white when they break the law) flooded into my town in central florida, violent crime rates soared as well.

Please tell me this is real. Lauren Southern was always wife material, but this might be earth shattering soulmate material stuff here.

Not true.

Here in Bongladesh, it's only 3% black, while 87% white. Nothing would change (except Grime music sales) if you left and went back to Jamaica/Nigeria.

Meanwhile, Poland is literally 0 Blackies.

Gotta say i have mixed feelings about nogs that act white. Part of me enjoys the fact they are respectful and actually make an effort to speak the national language correctly, but at the same time, this is a dangerous nog that stands a greater chance of polluting the gene-pull by doing this imitation game.

In a way i suppose i can understand ghetto blacks disdain/hate of oreo blacks. Oreo blacks are catfishes that are trying to get a leg up socially by being cheats and betraying their black brothers too.

>if you only account for church going, upper-middle class white people then whitey is the least likely to commit a crime

pic very much related


I kek'd so hard

>fighting in sports never occurs anymore

son what


A visual representation that no matter how shit your life is, you'll never be a nigger

Not really, now be a good nigger and fuck off. I think there's a riot going on, better get yourself a new TV

Kek, keep in mind blacks make up like 14% of our population.

You're a fucking idiot

Top kek OP. People would be celebrating in the streets.

You faggot already tried

I'm not moving the goal posts at all, I'm asking you for more specifics, specifics that do indeed matter.

I find it hard to believe that the whitest, poorest parts of the US have violent crime rates well below average (the Appalachians) while Spokane Washington's whites act differently on average.

done allready?
im not

Oh no our crime rates are so low the police and prison guards are becoming unemployed. Stop this madness come back, we need you to rape murder and steal from us again.

Only one way to find out.

Prove it

You forget that those were hardened slaves.
Today's US blacks are soft in comparison. They would probably die just from drinking the water in some places.

>economically most deprived segments of society are also the most likely to commit crime

wew, it's almost like you proved my exact point.

>I find it hard to believe that the whitest, poorest parts of the US
most lower class white people live in rural environments which are, as we all know, not as conducive to violent crime as urban environments - the same environments where majority of lower class black people live.

as soon as you get a lot of lower class white people in a condensed urban environment - like Spokane - you get comparably high crime rates

Sweden would, yes.