post kidkino
Post kidkino
Rescuers: Down Under
The Great Mouse Detective
Good Burger
All Dogs Go to Heaven.
Good stuff
Hell yes.
Anastasia was the best of the Disney ripoffs by far. Don Bluth deserved its success after 8 years of mediocrity. He probably should have stopped with it instead of trying more movies after. Hopefully the Dragon's Lair movie he is making right now is great and he can go out with a bang.
Great film. One of my favorites from childhood.
Another solid Disney ripoff but not to the level of Anastasia.
don't know if there only is a german version but this movie was damn great, even if it somehow scared me when i was younger.
>letting your children anywhere near imperialist propaganda
I thought it was okay when I was younger, but it hasn't aged well. Better dinokino is The Land Before Time and this.
The sound track there is subaru
Monsters Inc
Prince of Egypt
The Road To El Dorado.
english title is "Peter in Wonderland"
god damn
"Peter in Magicland"
Hey Arnold
I didn't know Rasputin was jewish
>Don't be a stiff, don't be just another slob spoiling the way the world can be
Power Rangers
True kino arriving, plebs not allowed to watch it
>To this day still have a fetish for fantasy cheesecake
How can it be the dawn of time if it takes place in the land before time?
I showed my niece this recently and she loved it too
That's not for kids fuck off
cant wait for the tv series
Tell that to my parents 25 years ago then.
Would you prefer the real story? Where the Communists murder Anastasia and her family?
I actually enjoyed the sequels but I think only until part 4 or 5.
Yes, I'd rather have the real story where the populace took arms to defeat the tyranny of a royal family that didn't care about them and don't care about them dying, whether by gunshot or famine.
The Romanovs got what they deserved, In 1918 Russia belonged to the russian folk for the first time in history.
>tfw that digimon theme song rap remix
Haha is this the one that had Charo in it?
Damn those tyrannical pre-teen girls!
based user
A young princess will grow up to be a despot someday.
There's no such thing as a "good-willed ruler", he who was born above normal men will never be capable of looking at their eyes.
fever dream disney knockoff cartoons are GOAT
Already saw it years ago and am sad they never picked it up.
I hope you're never given a position of authority.
>The Great Mouse Detective
>"Just let me be good to you"
>"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me"
What did children's film makers mean by this?
>a communist country
>ever belonging to "the people"
O i am laffin
Except the characters
I prefer Fivel Goes West
Pic stirs memories of long forgotten waifus
>the road to el dorado
Anastasia was shit.
i think there some freudian shit that happened when i watched this as a 3 year old
Literally 90% of my crushes have been russian qt3.14s that look like her, heck 2 of them even shared the name
obvious b8, movie was trash.
They should have stuck to the preview/intro that was in the begining of the toy story 2 vhs
I remember being mad as hell, because this cover of the VHS was not an actual scene in the movie, and the art wasn't a sharp and/or nice
Emil as well. Shit was tite.
the movie was such a downer, why did they always do this thing of ending a show with a movie that wasn't up to par with some of the best episodes and just left you with a feeling of emptyness inside.
Same thing happened with Lizzie mcguire
You're playing with the big boys now!
remember seeing this in the video rental store, thinking it looked dope but my mum telling me it wasn't for little kids
Not my proudest fap.
oh that's pretty
Let me bring em back
This shit made me tear up so hard as a kid
I want to fuck the swan.
Fun fact, it was one of the first movies to use raytracing in the CG. It was the only way to pull off accurate reflections in the ice field.
my nigger
True kidkino coming through.
>Not the fox and the hound
You had one job
Well hello there...
did somebody post fievel or balto yet
Both are great in their own way.
Pure kino.
I'm told this was my favorite movie during my early childhood, but I barely remember it.
>I forgot this spiderfu
babby me had pleb taste
Get your kids a VHS of this, but without the last 5 minutes. It will fuck them up for life.
>free education
>free housing
>free healthcare
>guaranteed job
sounds like a State that works more in the interests of it's people than any of the Western governments
>be Ukrainian
>starve to death
>be Christian
>worked to death in gulag
>be political dissenter
>get strangled in your home
Ukrainians are inhuman.
Christianism wasn't prohibited, it just wasn't supported by the state.
Kino to the max
Dark Crystal and Willow got a lot of viewings at our house.
>goat list
An American Tale
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Brave Little Toaster
Charlotte's Web
Iron Giant
Secret of NIHM
Sword in the Stone
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (nightmare fuel)
Great Mouse Detective
Oliver & Company
>no Atlantis?
>self destruct in less than 80 years
>"The people wanted this!"
That movie was dope but I never really got what the point was, other than "don't trust the butler"
It's actually not that great. Re-watched it a few years ago and some of the gags go on for so fucking long. For example the car chase scene. I literally shut it off.
Here's one for you, kiddos
This has aged like a fine wine.
This was my literal kino
The Pagemaster
Home Alone 2
Drop Dead Fred