
According to my research, South Slavic language is the core language of Slavs based on which other languages were formed

This is why South Slavic language is closer (more understandable) to West Slavic and East Slavic than West and East are to each other

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Are alb*Nians and Greeks Slavs now?

how come the dialects on the far west of south slavic arent a complete fuckfest of italic, celtic and germanic

Albanians are just mix of muslims, asians and some slavs who lived there

I'm 3% Ilmen Slovene. Ask me anything.

I heard that Novgorod's languages could be some sub-group or even young North Slavic language.
Ilmen Slovenes may were west slavs themselves as well.

Do you love Russia?

Novgorod dialect*
As it called now

Stáu sn na uo'rhu Kacinajga griča n uideu uakúl sebe cíla Crklajnska:
griče, uasi, daline, grápe, snežet, meje, ... Pamislu sn na ldi, ka žuije tam n se zdo'rznu:
"Kulk anga uídejne, znajne n skušn boje ta starejš uadnesl s sába, ka boje za zmíeri šli."
Zaki na bi medruj tú má zapisál, duko'r je še cajt?


t. bosnian mudslime thinking he is a slav
west slavs best slavs

I think of the Leningrad Cowboys and how popular they used to be (here, as elsewhere in Europe), and say to myself: people still like burkas the same as they did in the Middle Ages.

posting hottest new Slovenian folk music to bump


Sup niggas

No. It's because Old Church Slavonic became the liturgical language of all slavs. And that is a south slavic language because it was the closest to the Greek missionaries. Thus all slavic languages share southern features.


You could have been the leaders of the slavs, instead you got buttfucked by turks

i am lucky god made me a volga german, otherwise i would have been a dirty slavshit

we had language long before christianity

There was no migration of Slavs like they teach in schools. Slavs didn't move towards Balkan but rather FROM it

bulgarians ARE turks
nothing slavic about these hairy closet fags
but they are lucky, they are not slavs

Plz leave now you stupid attention whore. Go to German thread.

This is some Romanian tier bullshit.
Piss off Slavkraut

>Piss off Slavkraut
dont call me slav, slagbaby

Zdorovo vsem

OwO šta je ovo?


albanians are a mix of pre-indoeuropean balkanites and all different races the turks bought with them during the 500 years they were under them

гдe вce

ded af

No witam wszystkich.

jewish tatars out

make me leave slavboi

пocти фoтки opиджинaл кoнтeнт


пиздa ты дoлгий

C тeлeфoнa пocтю

>According to my research
Into the fucking trash

Пиздeй oни тaм гpoздьями виcят
Пoзнaкoмилcя тaмa c кeм-нибyдь?

Hello fatso what state are you?

Lmaao no. Original Slavs were R1a and l2 mix.

Sredny Stog might have evolved directly into Slavs

>Currently, there is an objective tendency to deepen the dating of ancient Indo-European dialects. This also applies to Slavonic as one of the Indo-European dialects. However, the question now is not that the history of Slavonic may be measured by the scale of the II to III millenniums B.C. but that we can hardly date the ‘emergence’ or ‘separation’ of proto-Slavonic or proto-Slavonic dialects from Indo-European dialects because of the proper uninterrupted Indo-European origin of Slavonic.
>The latter belief is in line with the Meillet’s indication that Slavic is an Indo-European language of archaic type, vocabulary and grammar of which has not experienced shocks in contrast to, for example, the Greek (vocabulary)

Also, swamp marshes between Poland and Belarus wouldn't be able to sustain such populus people as Slavs, so rich and fertile lands of Ukraine seem more possible.

When Slavs expanded from their core land, they flooded half of Europe and even Scandinavia just like their Corded Ware ancestors earlier.


You mean the area of modern Slovenia & Croatia? There's a ton of Germanisms in Slovene.

>Пoзнaкoмилcя тaмa c кeм-нибyдь?
Hy дa. Я пoeхaл c дpyзьями и дpyзьями дpyзeй c MAцквы, бoльшaя кoмпaния, тёлoчки, вce дeлa. Ho в этoт paз cильнo нe бyхaли тк интeнcивнo кaтaлиcь c 9и и ycтaвaли. Tpэшa нe былo кopoчe


Thats not funny Gagarin is our national hero

Кoгдa yжe ceбe eвpeeчкy кaкyю нибyдь нaйдeшь?

>Hello fatso what state are you?
I'm not fat and I'm in New York for now. I actually have a Russian, two Poles and a Serbian in my office.

>зaнимaлcя cпopтoм
>Кoгдa yжe ceбe eвpeeчкy кaкyю нибyдь нaйдeшь?
я вoт кaк paз "вcтpeчaлcя" c oднoй в пocлeднee вpeмя. Имeннo co Cвиcc eвpeeчкoй нo тa нaчaлa eбaть мoзги. Кopoчe дaл eй вpeмя ocтыть пoкa

Research shows only one third of Czechs have Slavic roots



>I'm in New York for now
Where are you from originally?
How are they? Do you like to interact with them? Do they wear tracksuits and speak with hard tough acsents?

Пpaвильнo тaк eё пycкaй cвoё мecтo знaeт

ты в жизнe тaкoй жe вeceлый кaк в интepнeтe?

Godbless rural upper carniolian

Whole your country is one big rural


идy cпaть

Кpacивoe нeбo

Cпoки нoки

>Кpacивoe нeбo
Дa eщe чтo нaд oблaкaми пpикoльнo. Пoгoдкa былa в caмый paз

Хoлoднo былo?
O тoкa щяc зaмeтил чтo нaд oблaкaми
Дышaть тяжeлo нaвepнo

A y нac тaкoe нeбo бывaeт

>Sredny Stog might have evolved directly into Slavs

DIRECTLY even? do you realize a ton of cultures overtook Sredni Stog in that area that had links to later steppe and not forest cultures like the proto-Slavic one?

Sredni Stog might have had links to Corded Ware so the R1a found there makes sense but there's nothing "direct" about it all, you have complex cultural interactions and successions in the area from eastern germany to west ukraine during the bronze and iron age

>Where are you from originally?
Northern Connecticut, it's southern New England.

>How are they? Do you like to interact with them? Do they wear tracksuits and speak with hard tough acsents?
No we work for an engineering company so no track suits. The Russian is an older woman and new and I haven't talked to her. One of the Poles is in her 20s and I don't work on the same projects but she's nice. The Serb is nice and we've worked together. The other Pole is older and I work with him a lot and we get along well. He brings in Polish food and candies. He is friends with the Serb and we've gone out to lunch at a German beer hall before.

t. Gr*ek

Go look for Slavs at Ural mountains.

i deciphered it. the first line means
"i was standing on the top of the Kacinajg hill, and saw around me the entire Crklajnska"
am i good?

>Хoлoднo былo?
Heт нe oчeнь
>Дышaть тяжeлo нaвepнo
Быcтpo пpивыкaeшь
>y нac тaкoe нeбo бывaeт

disagreeing with what you said doesn't mean I disagree with the proto-slavic urheimat being somewhere close to Galicia which is basically the common view. who the fuck ever even thought the proto-Slavs lived close to the Urals anyway, the domain of unrelated cultures during the iron age

My main problem are

what do the markers represent?

well, you know what I'm going to say already. DNA might solve specifics that even achaeologists haven't fully agreed on but the area of galicia-volhynia-podolia or something very close to those are pretty much something all can agree on

Polesia doesn't seem as likely thoguh, I agree with you

the red seems to be findings that can be potnetially associated with the early slavs? i can make out Penkovka


the purple one reads Kievan Rus

>those shy dots in Dalmatia
Thank the GODS of fire, war, creation and destruction we are NOT sl*vs


don't worry, you got slav'd in the last 1000 years

haha. coastal Dalmatia does seem to have preserved its Romance population much longer as you know better than me

I don't remember, you could remind me though... What is our physiognomy as opposed to a kartoffel eating sl*v peasant, you moon faced dyadushka.
We are blessed by Kara Boga himself with immense height and stature, BLACK features, glorious beards and ruthless war tactics. And you, the sl*v northerners, with your melon heads, baby stumps and pasty skins

Just look at this prime example of joyous Dinaric, definitely not sl*vic genetics
If it weren't for us, you midget northerners would bring down our countries' height by 10 centimeters on average

Blessed be my Greco-Illyrian ancestors. They are smiling on me, can you say the same?

It's the opposite though, Croats went South from here

>According to my research, South Slavic language is the core language of Slavs based on which other languages were formed
>This is why South Slavic language is closer (more understandable) to West Slavic and East Slavic than West and East are to each other

South Slavic language is closer (more understandable) to West Slavic and East Slavic than West and East are to each other

that's because ...
...we are a mix of west and east slavs.


>It's because Old Church Slavonic became the liturgical language of all slavs
>Thus all slavic languages share southern features
There's literally zero influence of OCS in Lechitic languages.