Just so you misogynist trolls know.
Just so you misogynist trolls know
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving a fuck about the opinions of women
Inefficiency of women shown here, she puts us in prison and then kills us...
>perhaps he wonders why one would imprison a man before shooting him in the head
All women are cunts and should be sterilized.
What if, one day all men of all races were to suddenly vanish. What would happen to women and how would life be in a man-less matriarchal world run and owned by stronk independent womyn who won't need any man?
Who cares what some lonely miserable Cunt thinks kek.
I recognise that cunt!
She's the one who wanted to put men in concentration camps, to be taken out "like a book from a library" by women.
Guess she changed her mind.
>putting people in prison only to shoot them later
Come on over Julie. Try to take me to prison for being a man. The problem with this line of thought is who is she going to get to gather us up and shoot us? Women! That's a good joke! Women can't fight worth a shit. First sign of adversity and they're a pile of tears and trembling flesh.
BLM is a movement of peace! Praise Micheal Brown (welfare be upon him)
>shaun king
famous white guy pretending to be black
>she gets her way
>all men put in prisons and shot
>human race goes extinct
Feminist WILL defend this.....
how is this not hatespeech? I suck at doublethink
We were so close to making him the next Rachael Dolezal too. He got so lucky Dylan Roof bailed his ass out by chimping out on old people and keeping the news off of him.
Its never too late to expose a wigger
they'd turn on themselves and nothing would ever get done.
That's cute! It really highlights the woman's dilemma which drives her fem brain crazy with shame, hate and impotent rage.
She, like most women is too physically weak to boss around any man she would enjoy touching sexually. But wait, it gets worse.
What women really fear, more than being beaten or killed, is being alone. Men are better about being alone as a rule and all the men she would want to touch sexually are vastly much better than women about being alone.
So bring in on you creepy cunts. Lol! All any man has to do is avoid you or slap you down and you have to beg someone to make it a crime and then do all the heavy lifting for you.
No wonder women are so fucking crazy. They have no other defense mechanism.
The Truth hurts sometimes.
What's the spoon for
Keep meddling with the beehive. Your contributions are great.
You attack them, they win. Give them attention, they win.
What ISN'T the spoon for :^)
Who does the shooting?
Have never kek'ed like that on pol
The Nazis
Shiiiiieeet pajeet (kek) ask around for a pic showing
"feminism btfo by "Expeditie Robinson"
(Dutch version of Survival)
shame i dont haves it no more
what a faggot
>lol, I didn't mean it. I'm just being provocative -Julie Bindel
Why even post anything she has to say? We can't know what her true motives are because I doubt anyone is interested enough to read her shit.
she is a flapping head. Just leave her to it.
Hehe I like her thinking. Then only certain men should live, eugenics isn't all bad!
dem digits
aren't lefties against the death penalty?
And who is going to be putting all men in prison? A bunch of overweight menopausal sand vagina bitches?
Your mouth's for eating though.
Doesn't she mean all white men?
It sounds kinda racist they way she puts it.
Whoa, this is hilarious.
Link to original?
Bang on. She wants to roam the world with dindus and bbc
Fucking Talcum X
How will they shoot if even the sight of the guns make them break down, start crying, and go into a fetal position? Further more, will they need to then turn the guns on themselves?
Talcum x lol. Is that the name of our white saviour to lead us from slavery.
Reported her for abusive hate speech
I anticipate twitter will act swiftly :^)
>Maybe he's wondering why you would jail a man before putting a bullet in him
When did Ricky shave his mustache?
came here to make this same joke, was not dissapointed
Alas, poor Yorick...
or perhaps i'm wondering why someone would put a man in prison before shooting him
Racist misogynists
Look at this brave women, she do whatever she can to make poor and scared people fleeing from war feel welcomed in their new country
What have you done for humanity latley?
She's a big girl.
Society fucking stops.
Should have a international mens day were all men take the day off.
For you
The popularity of radical feminism is waning and she's pissed. She's destined to be a shameful artifact from a malicious movement that brought the world nothing but bitterness and division.
Even women are getting sick of this miserable regressive bullshit.
Oh wow a mentally ill dyke has mentally ill opinions wow oh golly
If I took her tampon out would she die?
She's the one that wrote the article proposing the removal of juries from rape cases.
audibly, user... audibly
It would very stinky!
>What if, one day all LOOS were to suddenly vanish. What would happen to POO and how would life be in a LOO-less world run and owned by stronk independent pajeets who won't need any LOO?
Affirmative action.
Feminists are stupid enough to say stuff like this and still insist feminism is about equality.
Make a harmless joke on twitter about a woman? Expect to have your career ruined.