The futurist thread

>Within your lifetime, you will witness the creation of Artifical intelligence which will render every human being useless. We will essentially be creating Silicon gods

Is anyone just excited about the future?

Other urls found in this thread:

>virtually no one knows about the power issue
We're an incredibly long way off from matching the human brain in perf/watt. The raw power consumption of exascale computing is on track to take up nearly 100% of the earth's power production. Increasing throughput by itself is a fruitless endeavor as we will hit a hard limit that cannot be overcome, everything has to become orders of magnitudes or efficient.

Self learning machines, if we truly realize them, will not be what scifi paints them as.

No, I just want another comfy dark age.

Sorry, don't get the implication.

What use can we have for AI?
Sending them to Mars or having better opponents for videogames are the only ones who come to my mind.

Insufficient data for a meaningful shitpost

Well I believe intense 3D stacking and CNT N3Xt chips will solve this problem.

Fuck it, I am! I was planning on die of cancer like the rest of you fuckers but if I get to fight AI robots like the Terminator... bring it on!

Yea though it's still just an intelligent program and in no way god and we don't know how intelligent exactly they can be.

all we need is LENR energy or a ton of solar panels

You can make a organic/chemical/peptide/protein/DNA computer if you want to. Organic brains would be a good backup for robots and distributed programs too.

3D stacking is a way of facilitating density increases independent from standard CMOS area scaling. It doesn't have anything to do with power consumption inherently.
The issue is more than substrates and transistor topology. Fundamentally we've never designed an architecture efficient enough to compete even if process allowed. We need generations of heavy research to create non Von Neumann architectures like drove X86 competition.

Creating an organic structure that is capable of performing logic, and creating an reliable exascale computer array from it are so vastly different they're not even in the same category.

Harvesting solar in unison with a high output nuclear backbone is about the only path forward for humans. We're still quite a ways off from decent solar panels though. Conversion rates for the best lab made panels is hovering around 30% right now. Tandem silicon photovoltaics and perovskites will probably surpass everything else in a couple years as they cover more wavelength together.


Imagine immortal humans who can upgrade their own intelligence

They can explore the universe

You guys ever wonder if there is some distant alien species that may have achieved that, and there is just a parasitic self manufacturing robot slowly conquering our universe? There is honestly a pretty good chance that some form of microrobot or self sustaining nano robot is slowly consuming our universe and there is nothing anything can do to stop it.

Just 1 evil ass isis alien species could fuck up the entire universe man

excited is the word I might have used 10 years ago

today I'd say I am worried and even scared but soon I'll just be sad and eventually if I am lucky I'll be at peace with it

we had a good run us humans, but it as going to be over sooner or later somehow

I only envy those who died in times of virtue and managed to live free, not the ons that will come, who will fight and lose against the machines and become slaves to the robots

if you are reading this and you are under 30, good luck with that

the eternal anglo

And I will have a chance to put my dick in it. I can't wait.

birth ratings will drop even lower, migration will increase, technology will advance even faster and totally wreck our culture because people use it degenerativly and not to enhance or strengthen it, western culture will fall apart and cosmopolitan marxism will induce a last battle between globalism and tribalism

If it's friendly, the potential is unlimited. If dumb we may end up with a universe full of paperclips. If unfriendly we're fucked. AI researchers estimate the singularity (the point at which an AGI goes into exponential growth, triggering immense changes) within the next 100 years, potentially as early as 2045

Where are my fucking moon hotels, faggot.



Robots operate with logic, which means that they will be right wing if anything

We're closer to achieving this though biological means.
Certain cells, even entire organisms have biological immortality, or damn close to it. They're capable of replicating without carrying on garbage, they can offset DNA damage through telomere restoring enzymes and backup RNA.
We could conceivably, and very soon, alter humans specifically to better endure space travel. We'll have the Warhammer 40K gene seed before we have Ghost in the Shell full body prosthesis.

Bacteria basically are micro robots. They're tiny automated machines with a DNA program, they absorb matter, and reproduce themselves while carrying out their programming.

I wouldn't worry too much about hostile alien life. We're pretty terrifying ourselves, and we developed pretty early on into the life of the universe. Besides, its an awfully big place out there. We could colonize a few star systems before any far distant neighbors were aware we existed from observing radio signals.

One of my biggest fears is to die before artifical intelligence is made, or die before we have the first contact with aliens.

Some people are actually getting cryptic insurance for just this reason, they believe post singularity they can have their brains scanned and live within the AI as 'ems' emulated humans. On the less wrong wiki they even discuss how to suicide while leaving the brain intact for freezing.

>tfw the day after your death we meet aliens who sell us waifubots, AI and immortal augmentation tech for bottlecaps
I'm sure you'd rise from the dead by your butthurt alone

*cryptic = cryonic

The only thing I'm looking forward to is 3D robotic anime. I masturbate to anime so much like everyday. I have even gone through periods when I fantasize so much about anime while I masturbate I even believe it's real, sometimes even after jizzing I still keep jerkin my dick. One of the thing that keeps me going is futuristic anime

please learn more, just combine all the anime characters into a computer.

>just around the corner
>the progress jew

These beings are the next step in evolution. Just like we were given rise from abiotic compounds, to biotic, to conscious (us), to the next generation of conscious androids with intellect far superior than ourselves.

The next lane of trajectory for the Androids would be the ability to assimilate into a mass network with the ability to control and manipulate all their creations and possibly experiment with Trans dimensional beings/machines.

This squashes all ideas of race, intelligence, height, complexion, etc. enjoy the time we have, because boobs won't be a thing of the future unless programmed to enjoy them

It's funny we can wonder about technology becoming too powerful when there are people on this board from countries like India and Pakistan that are 1000+ years behind us, more if we didn't give them cell phones.

I just want my custom waifu bot and be happy with her.

Thats certainly the Joe Rogan outlook on things.

No we won't

It seems like this is the source of claims of AGI being achievable in 2040-2050:

To anyone in the field right now, there are glaring flaws in the methodology. They under sampled the researchers making the most contributions to AI. Since it was just an online questionnaire, they should have at least tried getting respondents representing JMLR and NIPS.

Anyways, in the questionnaire they were asked Hwen they though a ‘high–level machine intelligence’ (HLMI) would arise, with HLMI defined "as one that can carry out most human professions at least as well as a typical human."

I'm in AI, and I think this is achievable by 2050. But it is unlikely that a 'super intelligence' rise nearly that soon.


Is this some sort of scat based lifeform?


Also, Less Wrong/MIRI are not authorities in AI.
There research always follows the following template:

>warn of the consequences of 'unfriendly AI'
>tell everyone the problems they're working on are
>focus on toy examples
>introduce pointless notation
>remind everyone how hard the problems they are working on are

So they can kill us you dumbass

I think it's achievable by 2025-2030. Actually I think it's achievable even now if we know how to program it ergonomically. Human brain simulation may require more power but I doubt AGI not based on human brains requires so much.

I find that the ideas of air and eternal life through computers ideas that will not come to fruition. It seems more like a fantasy that will not happen. Even the amazing power of quantum computers were extremely unremarkable.

That exponential growth may take hundreds years if a lot of computronium is required for this and building megastructures such as moon brains, dyson brains. neutron brains, black hole brains etc.
In Terminator Skyney become conscious out of nothing but even then he wasn't smart enought yet to defeat humans easily.

They don't operate with logic, they operate with what you progrem them unless they can reprogram themselves but even then it may constrained somehow.

Pakistan isn't really behind west overall though a lot of it is underdeveloped, though India is much worse.

True, but yudkowsky is an inspirational writer on the subject and at least they raise the UFAI issue. Re LW they do end up in some strange places, trying to run their own emotions according to bayesian logic, the whole freezing thing. And I about shit myself laughing when I read the rokos basilisk thing...

It's the same thing as emulators of old consoles you can download online.
You won't really live through computers even if you make a sentient upload/simulation of your brain as that would be a separate being wth perhaps your personality(we don't know if memories and personality actually carry over to sentient brain simulations or it will just have insticts/inclinations of original unless reprogrammed. For example in Halo Cortana didn't have memories of her original human brain). Though it should be posibel to be immortal through genetic engineering(though most likely it's too late for us for that as we were born as unmodified humans but life extension should and in fact already in possible through gene therapies check Biovira company and through regenerative nanatechnologies regenerating cells.

LWers are people who need religion, but are too hipster to admit it.

>robo-Jesus will give you an eternal blowjob
>but only if you work to bring about the coming of friendly AI
>If you don't, Robo-Hitler might torture 6 gorrillion simulations of you

Once automation starts replacing thinking jobs, AND low skill jobs, will they instate basic income? How will they deal with the mass unemployment?

What is PT-AI and EETN?

IF they don't institute basic income, then that means poor people are willingly being killed off. So you better hope so.

From the paper I linked earlier:

PT–AI: Participants of the conference on “Philosophy and Theory of AI”,
Thessaloniki October 2011, organized by one of us (see Müller, 2012, 2013).
Participants were asked in November 2012, i.e. over a year after the event.
The total of 88 participants include a workshop on “The Web and Philosophy”
(ca. 15 people), from which a number of non–respondents came. A list
of participants is on: pt––participants

1 There is a collection of predictions on
Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence: A Poll Among Experts 3/19
2. AGI: Participants of the conferences of “Artificial General Intelligence”
(AGI 12) and “Impacts and Risks of Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI
Impacts 2012), both Oxford December 2012. We organized AGI–Impacts
(see Müller, 2014b) and hosted AGI 12. The poll was announced at the
meeting of 111 participants (of which 7 only for AGI–Impacts) and carried
out ca. 10 days later. The conference site is at:

3. EETN: Members of the Greek Association for Artificial Intelligence (EETN),
a professional organization of Greek published researchers in the field, in
April 2013. Ca. 250 members. The request was sent to the mailing list. The
site of EETN:

4. TOP100: The 100 ‘Top authors in artificial intelligence’ by ‘citation’ in ‘all
years’ according to Microsoft Academic Search
( in May 2013. We reduced the list
to living authors, added as many as necessary to get back to 100, searched for
professional e–mails on the web and sent notices to these.

i can't wait. i want to witness either the end of times or the beginning of future tech utopia.

at this point i'm a bit indifferent as to which of the two outcomes happen. i just want a giant HAPPENING

Yudkowsky does a good job convincing outsiders of his importance. He did coin the term 'friendly AI', but the issue was raised long before him.

Anyways, for a more grounded overview of AI's risks, you might like this paper:

If you are interested in potential solutions to 'value alignment', these might be interesting:

Additionally, we could place emphasis on ensuring AIs can explain their behavior:

>Where are my fucking moon hotels, faggot.
Humanity took a glance at single stage to orbit craft and slinked away in fear of the challenge. Some people say it's outright impossible but those people are sissies.

>t elon musk
Get the fuck out, you cuck. You're no longer welcome here.

They actually had to take Roko Basilisk off the "Less Wrong" website because it was, no joke, causing legitimate emotional harm to some. People were freaking out about it that much.

India has a higher HDI and per capita GDP than Pakistan.

What's a good way to get into AI?
How much programming/math do I need to know before getting started?

I want my robowhore!

I'm super excited for the future of A.I.

watch this for starters..

Same, but it will be a while before robots can get the subtle movements. Till then we'll have some uncanny valley shit.

SpaceX is Ready to Test The Rocket That Will Take Humans to Mars

"The company has announced a goal to send an uncrewed Dragon spacecraft to Mars as early as 2018"

>Till then we'll have some uncanny valley shit.
How can this be any worse then 2D GF?
Even a cute robot with handjob function would be OK

2D isn't close enough to the real thing to be in the uncanny valley.

>No more space elevator threads
What happened,am I the only one that remembers them?

Space elevator is a black man scared by Trump supporters. Not even memeing, he said this in his last thread.

I think he's over reacting.

I am OK with this

any accelerationists around?

>Excited to be an AI's housepet

>one day you will be cucked by a robot

N-no... please...

Thanks user.


What movie is that gif from?

>AI's housepet
If AI treated me as well as I treat my cat...
sign me up to be an AI's pet !!

Dalang Films on youtube

