Who is hyped?!
New BBC epic miniseries based on the Trojan War and the love affair between Paris and Helen.
Who is hyped?!
New BBC epic miniseries based on the Trojan War and the love affair between Paris and Helen.
>Zeus is Black
We wuz godz
>Black """british"""
>Black """greek"""
>Black """culture"""
Wat, why? Look you wanna do the whole blacked thing whatever be a Fucking tool and push your shitty agenda but what the fuck does Aphrodite have to do with troy.
>What is the judgement of Paris
Why are Sup Forumsbeards so easily offended?
Why is Sup Forums so afraid of Sup Forums? Serious cases of Sup Forumsphobia is this thread. Just accept it. It's bigotry if you don't. Sup Forums enriches Sup Forums board culture. Why are you so against anonymous immigration? Sup Forums posters should be allowed to immigrate to any board they want while being free to express their board culture. You are not some right wing neo nazi are you?
5 niggas and a hot 7/10 ginger chick. I think that I have already seen his episode on BLACKED
what part of Africa was Achilles born?
kekidy this guy is right. We must welcome the pol refugees because diversity of opinion can only make us stronger
You guys know the Greeks frequently altered their own stories to make them more interesting right?
Greeks invented the cyclops and many other mythological beasts, but knew that adding a black protagonist is going too far.
>to make them more interesting right?
How does "adding a bunch of niggers" play into that?
Because its a different story you racist fuck.
>ancient Greeks played by niggers
>literal greek Gods played by niggers
how the fuck is this okay again?
How is it not? No one complained about Brad Pitt even though he isn't Greek.
Grow up.
Aphrodite only fucks Aries and Anchises, father of Aeneas. Further, she came from Zeus' dismembered cock
sorry, shoving niggers in something doesn't make it more interesting
Thats your subjective opinion. Sounds like you are just racist. You could always just not watch it.
Except it's not.
Oh look, another Sup Forums bait thread.
Adaptions of a work /=/ the exact same work
>Sup Forums alt-right pussies cry about literally everything
Because brad pitt had "honey" colored hair as Achilles is described as having in the iliad. The black dude is bald
Why are white people so insecure. You guys would never have complained about how they used white actors here.
Hello I'm here to talk about black people
I for one absolutely LOVE black people.
Ok so they didn't get the hair right. Literally who gives a fuck. Its obvious you just don't like black people because you are such an insecure baby.
Stop with your Sup Forumsphobia
jesus christ black people make up 3% of the population of britain. what the fuck is up with this shit
Then what if I casted some white guy as Othello? Would you be upset?
The point is that the actors race doesn't matter.
I read Tron: Fall of a City
So its fine then. So you dont mind if Othello and Nobunaga were portrayed by white guys? Its fine either way?
It would be very problematic
Yes I don't mind
Lol can you fucking imagine the """thinkpieces""" that would spew from the alt-left if anyone dared SUGGEST they were seriously considering inverting the racial dynamic in a production of Othello?
Let's not pretend for a second that this casting isn't motivated by a vocal public outcry and media complicity. im 1000% for diversity and normalizing non-white faces as leads in film/television but this is absurd
Shakespeare intended him to be black though so it only makes sense to have a black actor.
Thats just dumb though. White people get to portray everything, let others have a turn now.
Because the play is about outsiders struggling in an environment hostile to them despite their best efforts. Using a Moor as the protagonist makes sense given when he wrote the thing.
You could convey the same message with an all-black cast against a white Othello, but no one will ever dare do it because alt-left would start literal riots over it.
Are there no good stories from Africa?
Africans living in Britain are western and have as much claim to western stories as you do. Sorry if your racist pea brain can't handle it.
Slavery, colonization, dictatorships, machete genocide. I guess that last one could work as some sort of zombie movie with a twist.
Depends who you're rooting for
>literally every guy is of color except Aphrodite, goddess of love and sex
christ, they are trying too hard.
No really, what's wrong with giving traditional African stories some screen time?
The BBC should do a racebent remake of Zulu (1964)
Why would a show on troy not have fucking Hector?
Producer: Barney (((Reisz)))
Because the western canon (which no certain race owns) already has enough stories
You can never have too many good stories.
It does, OP wanted to use a picture that had black people for more controversy.
Another movie pushing (((their))) agenda and the day of the rope continues to be postponed.
I just checked entire cast on imdb, no Hector.
Check the wikipedia article OP linked
gee I wonder why the sex goddess is literally the only white in the entire cast
I hope there is a scene where she seduces Achilles and Patroclus
Can't wait for the story of Shaka Zulu staring Matt Dammon
Can't wait to see Achilles son take her as a war trophy.
along with phoebus aphrodite is the principle god on troy's side lad
she's always rescuing aeneas and paris from shit
Oh, phew! OP picture is what comes up when you Google the cast though.
>this is the face that launched 1000 ships
Marky Mark as Muhammad Ali fucking when?
it's the BBC
they have strict diversity quotas for anyone who works for them
I assume they'll show the judgement of Paris which is when Eris isn't invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, so she throwa a golden apple with the words "to the fairest" written on it. This causes a big argument among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite over who is the most beautiful goddess. Paris of Troy has to decide who gets it and picks Aphroditeafter she promises him the hand of Helen of Sparta.
This. I think its like 20% have to be of African descent.
You are joking right?
Why do people pretend to like black people?
I live in a city with 672,000 blacks in it and I've never met a pleasant one
There will also be an Aeneid break off series based on the founding of rome.
I had a nice legit autistic black friend in middle school. All the ones I met after him were retards, thieves, animals, often all of the above.
Lot of people that like them a) never actually spent time with a group of them, or b) just like them for the diversity alone
Hotel Rwanda?
Not everyone is a racist like guys are. Why don't you go back to your containment board.
Ok Jean-Dequan
Greek here, this doesn't mean that niggers should be shoved in our stories.
t. Turk
Lmao, no certain group owns the story you retard.
By the way you aren't allowed to post unless you paid your depts.
Tell me what country you're from.
t. Anglo-nigger mongrel
Greatest one on earth. Now pay up.
only non-retarded blackoids i've met was a weeb and some girl i fucked in high school. Maybe being a weeb puts the guy in the retard category as well. He was very nice and polite though.
>you will never know how the fall of troy went down
>all you get is shitty Roman fanfic
You live in Switzerland? How would you feel if they made a movie about the Swiss Pikemen being portrayed as niggers?
2bh I feel bad for you, I remember 20 years ago with my friends we used to go get a "greek sandwich", nowadays we just go get kebab from some turk. How does it feel being culturally appropriated so bad?
I literally wouldn't care. Grow up.
I've never met a single black person that likes it when blacks are shoved into roles that should obviously go to a person of a different race, in fact in my film class, the black people said it's just blatant pandering
To stop this show we need to argue that this is cultural appropriation and the entire cast should be cast with Lovely Greeks.
You wouldn't care but the plebs who don't bother reading books and eat up anything do.
Well whites don't have a culture, so you can't appropriate something that doesn't exist.
>British Broadcasting Channel
Well there's your problem right there. Let me know when the limeys make a movie about King George III and Lord Cornwallis starring Idris Elba as both characters.
If they casted a black character with a white actor there would be outrage
it's not for black people, it's so people with too much time on their hands can feel good about 'changing' something.
I had admittedly forgotten this part of the story. Makes sense then. HOWEVER
>make all the male gods black
>keep the female gods white
Then they shouldn't do that.
how dare you diminish the horrifying effects of whitewashing and cultural appropriation
Are you seriously implying that Greeks don't have culture?
Um sweeties? Where are the Indian and east Asian actors?