Why join the US army

People hate America, spit and stamp on the flag. Why join the army and fight for these cucks America Sup Forums when they hate your guts. Your entire country become cucks, SJW and feminists so...

Why risk and give your life. Honour is not a reason anymore. They don't want you not care for you.

Why Sup Forums?

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Because it will prepare you for the upcoming race war.

Hello Achmed!

Because exceptions to the rule such as SJWs, feminists, and cucks are just that: exceptions.

This, tbqh. I'm joining because it'll put me in a good position to survive once shit hits the fan.

To make myself strong for civil war

They need to help the Jews create Greater Israel and the world government.

(but don't expect any thanks)

NWO: Communism By The Backdoor

I already did my time, and I don't recommend it.

It fucks you up, and once you get out, you realize how fucked you are.

Get combat training for the upcoming race war, and get to kill muslims with no consequences. Where is the downside?

Because gibsmedats. That's why I'm enlisting in the Marine corps today.

People join for a myriad of reasons. The military is one of those things where you get out what you put in, but on the same hand don't have high expectations because you'll be in with some class A dumbasses.

Sometimes the Army will fuck you, that's just how it is. You join to serve any other benefit is really secondary. Only the nigs join for muh benefits.

Combat arms is whiter on average, motor T is full of jamals, MI can be cool if you're actually deployed, and any posting stateside gets monotonous

Going air force after I finish college. Ill have 2 degrees in Criminal justice and IT (memes, I know)

I gonna try for CCT, JTAC or TACP

Never served in the AF but hung out with a few TACPs on deployment. They're cool dudes and all liked what they did


I was an air assault blackhawk crew chief for 6yrs. Flying around in helicopters all day ( was stationed in Hawaii and then Colorado) is fun as hell. Best job I could ever imagine. Plus getting to shoot machine guns and no do stupid shit all day is great.

It depends on what you wanna do in the army. Aviation is in my opinion by far the best, since its treated like a normal job.

7am: work maintenance meeting
7.30am: do daily preventative maintenance on assigned helicopter
9am: assist with what needs to be done around the hanger/on other birds
11am: get my 1hr of PT
noon: personal hygiene/lunch
1pm: chill at the smoke shack
1.30pm: flight brief
2.30pm: take off on training flight
4.30pm: land and do post flight maintenance checks
5:00pm: go home

This was my normal day. If it wasn't for stupid military politics, id do it for my entire life. But its pretty annoying when you are always dealing with drama that higher ups use to fuck with you.

I joined, went to AF, blew up some sandniggers with hellfire missiles. Good times. Now they pay me $4k a month to go school.

Feels good man.

I am thinking about enlisting once I get my associates in EE (Just so I can lock in the credits I already have).
Then I am gonna use the GI bill to go the rest of the way.

Looking at RF Trans or something in the 1Nx4/5

Problem is I am gonna be an old fart by then 23~24 and 4 years means I won't get out until 27 or 28.

>Now they pay me $4k a month to go school.
I think you mean they give you 4k per semester for school unless I am mistaken

I too know this feel. So many regrets. Sometimes I think about going back to do something else and improve on my first run, but then I realize I'm retarded and experiencing Stockholm Syndrome.

I would join the US army even if it is going to steamroll my country.

Anti-army cucks have to realize that people don't become soldiers because of political reasons. They just like the adrenaline rush/getting new friends/get benefits/travel across the world/kill someone etc..

TFW I can't even join the army of my country because the fucking demand is too high

joining the military upgrades your status to a first class citizen, civvies don't have any benefits.

In some ways this is why I don't mind if Hillary wins. Let the snakes and rats eat each other for a while until these morons wake up and say "What happened?", "Where's our security?", "Where's all the real men?" "Why am I surrounded by filth and niggers?"

I enlisted in march and I leave for basic in three weeks. The only reason I'm joining is for the adventure.

>inb4 this idiot went in as open general
>Worse he signed a 6 year contract
I hope to god you didn't go in open general. And everyone I know who signed up for 6 years wants to kill themselves and wish they only did 4.