Gary Johnson General - "We don't take bribes or give them" Edition

>Who Gary Johnson is in 1 minute

>Are you in?

Upcoming events:
>Miami: 8/17 at 07:00 PM--Wertheim Performing Arts Center
>Las Vegas: 8/18 at 6pm -- The Foundry SLS Las Vegas
>Albuquerque: 8/20 at 01:00 PM-- Albuquerque Convention Center

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>Good news for Gary’s debate chances:
>Gary at 16% with Latino voters, only 1 point behind Trump:

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Who will match my $15 today?

I used to respect Gary Johnson.

Turns out he's more of a lefty idiot than an actual libertarian.

He'd force a Jew to bake a cake for a Nazi

On Immigration
>Having served as Governor of a border state, Gary Johnson knows the complex issues associated with immigration reform first hand. Solving immigration problems is not as easy as building a wall or simply offering amnesty.

>We should appreciate and respect the diversity of immigrants that come to the United States to be productive members of society. But we also need to recognize that everyone who comes here is not so well-intentioned.

>Gary Johnson and Bill Weld don’t want to build an expensive and useless wall. The only thing a big wall will do is increase the size of the ladders, the depth of the tunnels, and the width of the divisions between us.

>Candidates who say they want to militarize the border, build fences, and impose punitive measures on good people, ground their position in popular rhetoric, not practical solutions.

>Governors Johnson and Weld believe that, instead of appealing to emotions and demonizing immigrants, we should focus on creating a more efficient system of providing work visas, conducting background checks, and incentivizing non-citizens to pay their taxes, obtain proof of employment, and otherwise assimilate with our diverse society.

>Making it simpler and more efficient to enter the United States legally will provide greater security than a wall by allowing law enforcement to focus on those who threaten our country, not those who want to be a part of it.

>Practical Reform. No Walls. Incentivize Assimilation.


Cant Parry The Gary

>Q: Where do you stand on gun control?
>A: I'm one of those who believe the bumper sticker: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The first people who are going to be in line to turn in their guns are law-abiding citizens. Criminals are going to be left with guns. I believe that concealed carry is a way of reducing gun violence.
>Q: Do you carry a gun?
>A: I don't, and I don't own a gun, but I'd still just as soon have the concealed carry law. If the guy who is going to hold up a car knows there is the possibility of a concealed weapon, he may think twice. We don't have that law here.
>Q: But the statistics show that people don't use guns to stop crime. They use them to hurt themselves or innocent people.
>A: Yeah, but there is deterrence in the legality of guns. It's also part of the Constitution.
>Q: The NRA disagrees with any limits. Do you?
>A: I don't believe the laws regarding guns are effective. We're allowed to bear arms. It's part of a free society.



whats so bad about that?

Open Borders Cuck

only the votes for jill stein and trump are going to keep hillary out of office

nice looking cock

Gary Johnson is a successful 2 term governor of NewMexico. New Mexico is pro-gun and Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

Weld was a Republican Governor of Massachusetts where Democrats outnumbered Republicans 4 to 1

>End the gridlock
>Elect Johnson and get shit done in Washington

Johnson Weld sounds like an archaic torture practice

Nothing, Im OP



Like I said he's an open borders cuck who wants Pedro to take your job

Vote for Trump or Clinton if you want your President to be an overweight slob.

Selective Immigration wouldn't let the guy wearing water bottles as sandals take your unskilled job

The only selective immigration is kicking your kike ass out.

Pro TPP! Great for Mexi.. I mean America!

>According to statistics, our 22 of our veterans commit suicide every day. That's almost one every hour.

>So in order to raise awareness for this problem, Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins was on a quest to get people to do 22 pushups on camera. One for every vet lost per day.

>While in Cleveland, one person Jenkins ran into was none other than Libertarian candidate for President, Gary Johnson. Upon asking if him if he would take the challenge, Johnson put his tie back and got down to business.

>The poll revealed that 38.7% of active duty members prefer Gary Johnson, with Trump and Clinton trailing with 30.9%, and 14.1% respectively. It should be noted that this poll does have a margin of error, so more precise numbers may be different.
>Among the Marine community, an overwhelming 44.1 percent chose Johnson, while 27.1 percent chose Trump, and 12.7 percent chose Clinton.

>The majority of the Air Force respondents chose Johnson at 39 percent, but Trump next at 29.9 percent and Clinton at 12.9 percent.

>Trump ranked the top choice for the Navy community, at 32.4 percent, versus 31.7 percent for Johnson and 22.9 percent for Clinton.

>Despite Clinton's underwhelming performance among active duty troops in the poll, their family members preferred Clinton at 29.4 percent to 27.5 percent for Trump. Johnson came in third, at 24.5 percent.

>Trump came out on top among members of the military who retired after serving at least 20 years.

>Retirees preferred Trump at 37.4 percent, compared to 32.2 percent for Johnson and only 11 percent for Hillary Clinton.

>However, when former members of the military who served fewer than 20 years were included, Johnson came in first, at 36.1 percent, while Hillary Clinton garnered 12.6 percent.

Im actually a skilled worker so unlike you some random person off the street cant take my job. Learn a trade that cant be replaced instantly and maybe you will see a wall is stupid

An interesting nugget from the big new Pew Research Center poll of the 2016 election: Among voters under age 30, Donald Trump is at 21 percent … and Gary Johnson is at 22 percent.

Johnson was the best Governor of New Mexico.
Trump and Clinton are fucking embarrassing

I just gave $20, anyone else going to donate today?


Just fools into the Cult of Trump, useful idiots

Trumpgen refugee reporting in.

Give me the tl;dr not clicking your link on the guy. Most concerned about guns and ISIS.

Gary Johnson TPP, BLM, and CTR edition.

He was a 2 term Republican governor of a pro-gun blue state

>two anti gun narcissist open borders globalist faggots

Thanks for Correcting The Record, bizarro Mexico.

Says the trumpfag who can't read