Describe your political ideology in a sentence

Describe your political ideology in a sentence

>Social Democracy with strong Nationalistic bent

Other urls found in this thread:

Deport all the Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

Go away evil dogger

Only good commie is a dead commie.

>Social Democracy with strong Nationalistic bent
You can't have that. The entire point of Social Democracy is to have evil outside forces control the country and intentionally hurt the population

Were better than you are when we stick together, watch how successful we can be by not letting you hold us back.

The state must prioritize its citizens' interests over those of outsiders.

Libertarian nationalism

Fuck if I even know anymore. Sup Forums made me crazy.

Libertarian Nationalist

Libertarian Nationalism that slaughters anything that isn't white or white-asian.

A strong state to defend common rights and combat external threats, decentralized rule within state to engage populace and allow for local culture and traditions to survive and thrive.
Tldr: Hardcore nationalist with libertarian streak

>Mix of everything, fascism, socialism, capitalism and a bit of liberalism

america first

go away evil dogger

Constitutional Direct Democracy with confederate states that unify federally only in declaration of war or enviornmental disaster.

Nationalist Basic welfare state otherwise state can fuck off.

Go away evil dogger.

Socialism in one nation.

Gay couples should be able to defend their weed farms with fully automatic rifles

I am a proud white male.