I'm traveling here

What should I expect/prepare for?

I'm not asking on /trv/ because I don't want /trv/ answers. I want to know what Sup Forums says.

I know you guys will be honest with me.

Check out the big cities in the north, every single on of them is worth a visit alone, also ofc. the nightlive.
Stay away from the south tho, nothing but poor farmers

Pickpockets. Muggers. And good food.

Women are whores as fuck.
So if you're at least good looking/rich, prepare to fuck every day.
If you aren't, Italy is hell on earth.
A lot of niggers too, in the last 10 years I saw niggers appearing EVERYWHERE.

Best food on earth, tho.

>be naive american
>go to naples
>get scammed

Do you want meme answers or helpful ones?

Anyway, expect good food everywhere except for big touristic hubs. Have a local you trust from the city you're visiting tell you what zones to avoid and which ones are worth visiting.
Small towns with 1k to 60k inhabitants are the best ones when it comes to comfiness.
I'd suggest staying in a hotel in a minor town (they usually cost less than hotels in bigger cities) and using a rental car to move around. Avoid public transportation like the plague.
Beware of gyppos, they can be easily spotted because they're dark skinned as North Africans and dress as Slavs (track suits, cheap slothes etc.)

here where? there are a lot of different italies to visit

Wasn't planning on going way north but, if you can sell it, I'll consider it.

I've read about this everywhere.


Not going to Naples. Am going to Amalfi, though.

Tryhards and world cup thief.
Also gypsies.

Red pill me on Turin/Torino.

Expect a nigger on every street corner. The 'migrants' get drafted into gangs which sell junk to people. They stand at every street corner so that they are extra visible.
Unfortunately Italy doesn't have laws against begging and such so the police just drive by on their mini motorcycles.

Probably the shitty part of italy. Which is italy.

>A lot of niggers too, in the last 10 years I saw niggers appearing EVERYWHERE.
:( i dont like this "new europe project"

I only have one public transport trip planned and I'm staying in hotels and villas.

The plan right now is basically everywhere in/around/between Amalfi and Florence. Could change if something's worth it. No Naples.

We have such laws, but if they arrest someone the judge liberates him and they are poor so a fine is useless, they simply don't pay it. They are above the law.

Why nothing in the north? Liguria, Turin, Milan, Veneto

Thank God I live in a police state. The only beggars I've seen are broke white liberals who couldn't afford university.

CONS: full of commies and immigrants, bad weather, the most polluted city of italy
PROS: traffic is not chaotic, not too expensive.

if you go to amalfi u should take at least a quick tour of naples if you are smart

Spotted the (((Greek)))

Rome is alright. Lots of beggars. Florence and Venice are cool.

>Pickpockets. Muggers.
Just keep your valuables in your underpants. Also, try wearing your backpack on your front like chinks do. Completely mitigated then.

I never had a problem with this. Maybe it's because I'm brown though.

> Wasn't planning on going way north but, if you can sell it, I'll consider it.
> Not going to Naples. Am going to Amalfi, though.
> everywhere in/around/between Amalfi and Florence

Naples is like Amalfi.
Avoid interacting with Terroni as possible, they are con-artists.
Go to Lucca as soon as you can, if you go to Florence.
The best little-average city on the planet.
Too bad you can't go to Siena to see the Palio, it finished 3 minutes ago.

>I only have one public transport trip planned
Erase it now, and find another way to move.

Really great city.
No nightlife, but really a great city.
Esoteric as fuck

Yeah mate, sorry to say this.
I live in a small village, when I was a kid we had no niggers. This year in first and second grade school we had more niggers than italian.
The nearest city has entire blocks with no italians.

Fuck the UE, sometimes I hope ISIS will try seriously to win so maybe the sheeps will start opening the eyes.

>Expect good food going to Italy.
>Food is good.
>Food remains good.
>Suddenly realize Italians only have Pizza, pasta and salty bread.
>Been eating literally the same meals every day all week.

Amalfi is beautiful, but unless you have local friends or relatives they will suck your blood and trick you into many unimaginable scam.
Make a friend on kikebook or other social before you go to Amalfi/Naples.

if you look like this you will have problems

Good thing about pasta is that it comes in TONS of varieties and different condiments.

> New Pakistan teaching how to eat

I bet you never ate our fish or our meat, dear Jabbar.
Try "Spiedo" next time, sucker

Looks like a cool guy.

Everything I've heard or people I have experience with (at least, in the States) who are from or have been to the north are kinda these fashionista, wannabe, new money types. I'm just not into that scene, so I planned on avoiding it. The one up north I was kinda interested in seeing was the Liguria area. And I'm into history so I planned on spending a lot of time in the Florence area, particularly.

>Avoid interacting with Terroni as possible, they are con-artists.

Do you mean the south?

>Go to Lucca as soon as you can

That city and Siena are two in that region I definitely planned on visiting.

>I only have one public transport trip planned
>Erase it now, and find another way to move.

That bad?

>Poor farmers

Only refugees are farming, people on the south are full of money and they are all land owners and have the property of many building.

The problem of the south is the public corruption, but private people are rich.

And this is way money not should be given for pro south programs to give money to private citizens.

not into fashionists types mmm. go to calabria or puglia then

>they will suck your blood and trick you into many unimaginable scam.

Explain, please? Just expensive, in general? I expect to spend a decent amount of money there, I'm not a hippy or backpacking it or anything. Or are you talking about something more?

Ha, I don't look like that, but I agree with .

south italy is ok if you are "smart" enough and don't trust people.
Problem is most americans are too naive and get scammed all the time.

Ha, I live in an American city that is no stranger to scams, pickpockets, muggers, gypsies, etc.

> Do you mean the south?
yeah, terroni are southeners.
They become nice people after 20 years working on the north, but when they are/come back to the south they are/become again beasts.

> That city and Siena
Nice choices. As I said, Siena is at its best 2nd of July and 16th of August (today), 'cause the Palio.
It's still a good city on other days, but as I said the real gem of small/average cities is Lucca.

> That bad?
Let's say this.
In the north public transport is efficient. But the average people you can find on it probably is worse than the average people you find on a Detroit's ghetto.
The more you go to the south, the worse it becomes.
If you are in Toscana (Lucca, Firenze, Siena) it's not that bad.
Starting from Rome and below, it becomes a nightmare.
You risk sometimes to wait for a train that's been suppressed, you'll never know it, and wait something like 8 hours for the next one and it has a 5 hours delay, so I waited 13 hours with no way to learn updates.
Source: me, two years ago in Puglia (where two trains had a frontal wreck one month ago 'cause manual navigation with no electronic countermeasures for the whole train route in that region)

The entire country is just one big meme

>If you are in Toscana (Lucca, Firenze, Siena) it's not that bad.
>Starting from Rome and below, it becomes a nightmare.
>You risk sometimes to wait for a train that's been suppressed, you'll never know it, and wait something like 8 hours for the next one and it has a 5 hours delay, so I waited 13 hours with no way to learn updates.

I only planned on taking one train, from Rome to Florence. The rest I have a car.

>where two trains had a frontal wreck one month ago 'cause manual navigation with no electronic countermeasures for the whole train route in that region)

Jesus Christ, Italy...

car in rome. bad choice.

No, I meant, I'm dropping first car off in Rome, spending some days there, taking a train to Florence, and then getting another car.

when are you going to travel?

Next month.

don't listen to the retard memesters, the south is comfy and redpilled
the few niggers don't try any funny shit because they know they are getting lynched if they do and the gypsies only do what the mafia allows them to do

I think Op is into art cities. So he should not come to terronia. But if he wants to see more picturesque people, he should defo go south. Don't expect to find so much italian stereotypes north. They are almost all south.

New money? It's like the opposite
If you are into history you can't miss Venice

> Jesus Christ, Italy...

23 dead people, and the inquiry as now is going this way
"It wasn't my fault, I wasn't the one who had to authorize the first train"
"It wasn't my fault, I did authorize the first train but someone else authorized the second one"

It's kinda a dramedy.

You are so funny that I forgot how to laugh

romanians robbing you stay alert


This, was in milan and rome a month back. At first I thought the women were prostitutes because they were THAT into me.

Turns out being English, having a decent job and being /fit/ has it's advantages.

Try and at least attempt to speak italian, even if its complete shit. The locals for the most part respect your efforts.