>The director halts the action and Lorca, played by British actor Jason Isaacs of Harry Potter fame, steps off the stage. The episode’s writer, Kirsten Beyer, approaches to give a correction on his “for God’s sakes” ad lib.
>“Wait, I can’t say ‘God’?” Isaacs asks, amused. “I thought I could say ‘God’ or ‘damn’ but not ‘goddamn.’ ”
>Beyer explains that Star Trek is creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a science-driven 23rd-century future where religion basically no longer exists.
>“How about ‘for f—’s sake’?” he shoots back. “Can I say that?”
>“You can say that before you can say ‘God,’ ” she dryly replies.
Kristen Beyer is supposed to be some sort of expert on canon but doesn't know that Kirk himself said that humans find "the one to be good enough" in regard to gods?
Jaxon Bennett
Fuck yeah Im honestly getting more and more excited about this new series. Finally in good and competent hands.
Bentley Evans
I'm sure characters said 'for god's sake' in the other series. I seem to rememer O'Brien saying it on DS9
Cooper Brown
When will he get back to locking up and experimenting on Brit Marling? Fuck this abortion of a show.
Though I'm pleasantly surprised that religion won't be playing a role in this sjw-feminista shitfest. (Unless the mandatory word for god will be Allah of course.)
Daniel Allen
>>Beyer explains that Star Trek is creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a science-driven 23rd-century future where religion basically no longer exists.
A Koo Chee Moya
Noah Taylor
what does god want with a starship?
Grayson Green
They LITERALLY had "why does GOD need a starship" line in a movie about GOD.
James Reed
Just change it to Allah for diversity brownie points.
Jayden Gray
How about "Filthy Kikes", can you say that?
Camden Hill
Plenty of atheists say oh my god or for christ's sake
Eli Robinson
Who Gives a fuck ?
is this what Cinema turned to ?
Ian Brown
I feel like McCoy said something like that
Cameron Harris
Is this a joke?
Joseph Ross
*Hell, a better example is Catholic Spaniards saying "ojala" (literally "may Allah will it"), even though they haven't been ruled by Muslims since the 1400s.
Caleb Barnes
>Beyer explains that Star Trek is creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a science-driven 23rd-century future where religion basically no longer exists. But that's so fucking stupid, every other species has some sort of unified religion that in many cases is actually real. Why can't humans have any sort of religion?
Jacob Taylor
I cant wait until Mr. Plinkett tears this show apart! XD
Adam Edwards
Pretty sure Kirk said it a few times himself.
Liam Rogers
They probably have a muslim character in there somewhere anyway.
Oliver Clark
pretty sure McCoy says it in Wrath of Khan
David Reyes
>Why can't humans have any sort of religion? Because humanity has evolved past such things. Yet they act as if human women are human men's equals.
Matthew Hernandez
Wait a second, now I'm not a big Trek fan by any means but
>>Beyer explains that Star Trek is creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a science-driven 23rd-century future where religion basically no longer exists.
Isn't this a load of bullshit? Has there not been some focus of religion from several races before, in the Star Trek universe? I swear there have.
Camden Sullivan
christfags fucking b t f o
Chase Martinez
>Beyer explains that Star Trek is creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a science-driven 23rd-century future where religion basically no longer exists. But this is fundamentally wrong.
Juan Cox
I'm quite certain bones has said "Good god man!" about a dozen times
John Campbell
McCoy quotes the fucking Bible in wrath of khan.
Angel Johnson
Worf is extremely religious while serving in Starfleet, not to mention all the Bajorans, who are obsessed with their prophets
Joseph Carter
God is just a figure of speech nowadays.
Samuel Powell
I'd bet my life savings they will include a muslim character.
Logan Watson
>confrontation with religious alien race disconfirmed
But I always liked, how the federation looked down on races, who still believed in God, or species, which believed they are God.
So no God at all? Might be a bit dull then.
Chase Cooper
I'm pretty sure he says "Good God man" or something similar every fucking episode.
This story can't be real. They devoted a whole series to religion (DS9)
Caleb Perry
It's easier to just say "we don't have religion in the future", if you tried to bring human religion into the show you'd have to make a lot of complicated decisions about how the various religions around today spread and evolve over the course of the next 200-300 years. Naturally that's impossible to do without elevating one group and putting down another, etc. So they just avoid it altogether by equally shitting on all religions by saying it just doesn't exist anymore. That's why other species can have religions and humans can't.
Brody Turner
Scotty plays "Amazing Grace" at Spock's funeral.
Xavier Robinson
Are they going to tell Aliens that they have no gods.
Luis Peterson
oh good, at least that actually looks like a transporter room.
Cameron Ross
Star Trek and Rick & Morty cross-over confirmed.
Aiden Ross
Oh so the language evolved so much past ours So we really shouldn't understand them at all then.
David King
this desu. for fucks sakes
Jackson Hill
I like this hallway. it's not blue and silver. (watch as red alert means blue lights because what the fuck)
Jeremiah Gonzalez
I hate those fucking uniforms.
Ian Peterson
Why are those people crudely copypasted on top of each other?
Nathan Green
Daniel Clark
>Doug Jones walks around on plastic hooves giv blooper reel
Zachary Torres
those are big shoes
Gavin Green
>that girl on the left T H I C C
those uniforms are shit they look like cheap cosplay
Evan Adams
I've heard "may god help us all", "for gods sake" and "godspeed", etc. a few times on DS9
literally nothing will top TNG set and costume design. sad to watch this desu.
Brandon Baker
(((Jason Isaacs)))
Kevin Williams
>be in Star Trek universe >literal gods like Q exist >hurr durr God and Religion don't real
Asher Thompson
so nice of them to hire RDJ
Nolan Anderson
Because no one takes the time to do a proper cast photo anymore.
Lincoln Reyes
Yet again I'm glad this show is in the hands of people who really know Trek
Brayden Davis
Bet they'd never tell a Muslim they can't say "Allahu ackbar hurka durka hubbada derka" though.
Jordan Rodriguez
I can swear I remember watching one of those movies where they basically spent the entire thing looking for God. Like actually looking for him in Space.
Hunter Miller
JUST further proof the writing staff have never seen star trek and that this ship will crash
Michael Gray
Landon James
>"Mankind has no need for gods. We find the one quite adequate." Blown the fuck out
Joshua Ward
Imagine thinking that one of the foundational concepts of human civilization and culture since its inception thousands and thousands of years ago would ever fully go away Not only does this stupid cunt writer not know anything about Star Trek, but she apparently knows exceedingly little about anything at all.
Christian Howard
Yeah. Even if the crew is 100% nominally atheists it's unimaginable that the English language has been deprived of the word "god"
As far as I can tell it's still contained in half the sentences in most porn.
Thomas Russell
Meanwhile the federation in TOS in canonically christian lol
Liam Perez
"my God, Jim!"
Tyler Ortiz
reminder that spocks mother was blacked and he has a half black sister cant make this shit up
Brandon Jackson
>tfw orville looks better wtf I love Seth Macfarlane now?
Fuck everything about Discover and fuck everyone involved in it's production.
Jose Ross
>Imagine thinking that one of the foundational concepts of human civilization and culture since its inception thousands and thousands of years ago would ever fully go away So imagine being Gene Roddenberry?
Gene went senile in the eighties and started insisting that all religion will die out in the future. He also said that nobody will care about male pattern baldness, and that humanity will no longer mourn the dead (even children won't grieve for lost parents).
You're only outing yourself as a casual for not knowing about Crazy Gene.
Christian Hall
Star Trek: Rick and Morty edition
Robert Hill
>Gene went senile in the eighties and started insisting that all religion will die out in the future Amazingly enough he still wasn't driven to autistic screeching over the word "God"
Q introduces himself as a god when he meets Picard, by this logic Picard's response should have been "You're a what? A Gop? What's that?"
Kayden Reyes
Jose Kelly
yeah, although they could easily fix them by spending more money.
Alexander Cox
I'm fine with this if they weren't going to have space muslims either
John Fisher
well said
Grayson Clark
Ryan Butler
this is acceptable. what the fuck were they thinking?
Nolan Ramirez
David Sanchez
My waifu
Christian Taylor
Can't wait for this scene
James Price
what a goddamn mess
Anthony Hill
>They worship the Sun...of god >Everyone smiles
That "expert" is as full of shit as Voyagers Indian expert.
Colton Collins
Wtf? People out of shape in federation?
Juan Turner
Weren't there several episodes in TOS with religious overtones? The twist in "Bread and Circuses", for example
Or when it's implied that Kirk believes in the Christian God when he meets Apollo in "Who Weeps for Adonais?"
I'm not really into Star Trek and even I know this shit
Elijah Rogers
in the future, the all forms of military accept all body types =)
Ayden Butler
Bullshit. There were no fat people in TNG. They should have kept this idea. Also, how could they get this fat, if their replicators only give the healthy food.
Isaiah Adams
I remembered the Galaxy class Enterprise having festivals of all religions happening every few weeks
Brody Martin
Crusher says thank god in the episode when Picard and Wesley crash on the desert planet when the get rescued.
Bones would strap em into a treadmill and not let them out
Levi Nguyen
Beverly is a filthy ghost humping whore traitor.
Nolan Thompson
>leaf radio
Hunter Martin
>Dammit, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a fitness instructor.
Luis Russell
it's a podcast
Luke Carter
Does /thicc/ Riker count
Elijah Jenkins
You have to have a double digit IQ to believe that religion will ever cease to exist.
Joshua Peterson
>people will be less religious in the fu-
Gavin Hill
>Beyer explains that Star Trek is creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a science-driven 23rd-century future where religion basically no longer exists.
So this guy has never watched a single episode of Star Trek. Great.
Thomas Perry
>That whole episode they're shitting on the natives for being pagan sun worshipers >When they find out they're christian they all do a 180 on them.
No way in hell we're getting anything like that now.
Carson Scott
> Universe is causal > Matter is contingent > .... the material Universe was made in and of itself
so progressive
Ryder Carter
Secularization drives people towards religion. It's part of the reason for religious fundamentalism actually - as religion gradually gets pushed out of the public sphere, there is an equal and opposite reaction.