How will Trump make America "great" again?

How will Trump make America "great" again?



Jesus. Miley got THICK

Miley has always been thick.




That ain't miley

high-cut leotards
good anime

Trump is going to bring back the 80s

I admire the fact that you guys are still entertaining the idea of a Trump presidency despite the fact that he's getting trounced in the polls. I've lost all hope myself.

(((polls))) before debates

Destroy the nanny state

consider my record corrected.

The Brits can tell you a thing or 2 about polls m8.

He won't.

by making the rest of the world worse, this is also how the USA got great in the first place.

By not allowing mudslimes like you in to the country

He won't

most pict disappointing

Oh no.

Shit my dick

By winning , winning big and keep on winning.