Goat fucker finally in prison

How Anjem Choudary's mouth was finally shut - bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-36979892


Soooo... what? Whats going to happen to him? He getting deported?

His mouth is not shut until his head is no longer attached to his body.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great start to begin imprisoning these twats, but it should not end there.

We gonna see a happening in London?

What the reaction like down there, is that ginger muslim swinging his tiny ginger scrotum whilst piles of 'sharia zone' stickers spill out of his ginger pocket?

sending this guy to prison so he can just preach the religion of peace to criminals.

unless he's being sent to an isocube this is a bad idea

I dont fuck goats

That shit goes on anyway. At a glance, it is nice to finally confirm what everyone has been saying for years.

He's going to lead a prison riot.

?? ¿¿??

Mate. Now all the extremists inside will rally behind him, new hardcore following incoming, he's comfy inside

Repeat of what happened in Iraq.

I'd much rather see him with a straight tunnel through his head, preferably through the forhead.


About freakin time Britain, good job!

He'd be a big target in prison for anyone that isn't an islamist.

Issue is, does the system have the balls to put him in a prison filled with anything other than muslims? I imagine a few poles wouldn't mind doing extra time inside for his scalp, so to speak.

Damn, when I saw the news that an imam was shot, I thought it was this guy.

if he gets raped in prison will he have to hang himself?

that guy is literally the devil

Unless his words causes people to instantly turn to violence such as in starting a riot everything he says should be protected and his actions should be considered legal.

How hard is it for the police to watch the crowds of people he talked to, then investigate everyone that showed up more than once?
Censorship never works, and it far more productive to listen and observe than it is to silence.

The nanny state strikes again, and shoots itself in the head this time.

Exactly. The only way to make sure a rabid dog doesn't hurt anyone is to put it down.

So what the fuck was he actually charged with? This stupid article sounds like it was written by a woman with ADD.

They should break open his jaw and use it as a toilet.

>Daily Mail: Faces up to 10 years in prison.

Literally nothing unless he gets shanked big time inside

Can't deport someone who is from here, unfortunately.

how long does he get ?

i hope somebody just kills the faggot

that's sad that the only way to send a terrorist in jail is for having sex with a goat and not for preaching terrorism
wonder where Europe is going

Prisons are already infested with muzzies here.

You British cuck faggots debates banning Trump from entering Britain, but this fucking Muslim terrorist cock sucker actually lives inside your country and hopes that Muslims slaughter your people.

Ten years in the Wrong Bong.

God damn took fucking long enough, it only took a god damn fucking decade to fucking do it for fucks fucking sake.

yeah, he's going to live like a fucking godfather in there most likely. converting others in the meantime

Nice flag


he'll just continue the same shit out of prison, under the right of "communication with outer world". or he'll do an hero for allah before it even gets to that.

Fuck that shit too wordy, gimme the tl;Dr version.

OP is such a fagget


Just sit back and do nothing: The post

That strategy is working out so well with BLM amirite?

>"freedom of speech" in the UK

So he got arrested just because he said something bad?


cant even flush this turd can you Great Cucken scared of the big bad Imam


damn, you got me there

>Britain in charge of freedom of speech

Sand nigger openly supported ISIS. Now he's in jail.

he's british tho. so unless you're deporting him into the sun...

You fucked up, badly.
>Points at Hitler and Mein Kampf.

id was think more 6feet underground but the sun works too

>he's british tho

If an African lion is born in an Irish zoo does it become a Irish lion?

if it fills out the naturalization papers and gets approved, then sure.



>Just sit back and do nothing: The post
>That strategy is working out so well with BLM amirite?

What part of have the police investigate people that listen to him equals doing nothing in your mind?

Seychelles isn't rare you fags. Uncommon at best.

Fucking racist country that can't take the free speech truth.