Would you be friends with a right wing gay man?
Would you be friends with a right wing gay man?
Sure, as long as he's not a disgusting faggot about it. I'll hold him to the same standards I hold straight friends. Don't be graphic in public. Keep it private.
Only if he suque me dique.
>Implying gay or right wing people are clean looking & successful
That was picture would have been more accurate with a fat old trump look a like who is so insecure, that he as to wear a wig.
I have leftwing friends who are gay so yes, I'd be friends with a rightwing gay man.
Only if its Milo
I am actually friends with Greg Johnson on faceberg.
Idc, I judge my friends by their actions and personalitys not by their political belief.
No, but I'm friend with many hetero leftists
Fags should die.
'Leftists' in Italy are hardly left when compared to other countries.
Gay men are okay.
Faggots are degenerate.
Like black man and nigger. Know the difference!
Everyone who don't want to leave EU is leftist.
t. Ahmed al bigbadvududaddi
Yes, but when 76% of your leftists are against immigration which would be seen as heresy in most other countries you hardly fit what most consider left. You're an interesting bunch, Galeazzo.
Already am. Would go as far to say he is more redpilled than I am
But we are still obeying to our great leader, frau Merkel
Yes, but you're beginning to splinter away from her.
Too much economical interests on obeying her.
None of our corrupt politicians really want to exit, I don't see any hope in resolving the problem in a pacific way.
The only party openly against Merkel is a separatist one, who has alienate the voters of center and south Italy.
I'm not gay. However, I wouldn't mind having a gay friend at all. As long as he keeps his stuff to himself. I suppose I'd find it amusing if he was flirty and would try to convert me. I'd always shut him down but I still like having the attention.
>be friends
What are you, 12?
I am (one)
>, who has alienate the voters of center and south Italy.
Salvini is repairing that I thought.
I just want a conservative friend
>right wing
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay.
You've got all of Sup Forums
>Would you be friends with a right wing gay man?
>right wing
I would never have a gay friend.
>tfw I finally found a conservative friend
>lent him my copy of atlas shrugged and he won't stop spouting objectivist memes
I mean it's alright though, we're both hasgunz racists so we get on well.
and I'm the gay one too
Yes, I love Milo.
It's fun when you find one. No one else understands all of the shit that is here. I can't talk to anyone else about my political or world views because most are either liberal or just very moderate and don't care.
Nope. Just like I wouldn't fuck a dude wearing lipstick and a wig. Degenerate.
>Yes, I love Milo.
You fuck your friends sempai?
>I will never have a friend
Fixed :^)
Well OP I am gay and right wing, so I guess I would love to have right wing gay friends ;)
Known a few, total bro's.
Always good for a beer and a conversation about why MLP is fucking stupid.
I would make sure that our middles didnt touch if we need to hug in a social event tho.
All the time I've spent here has taught me the only kind of faggot that's worse than a gay swede or gay leaf, is a brit faggot
mates? sure
there is a difference between a fag and a gay person
Well that settles it, you're not getting a drop of rose tea nor a fairy bun.
According to the pseudo science of psychology to be friends with someone you must have some form of sexual attraction to said friend in order to remain friends for a long term period. So if it had a boi pucci maybe
we all adore milo, so yes
you deserve to die
Is your closet IKEA? I have IKEA, pretty decent desu
Watch out sweetie, or I'll be round with the AIDS ;)
Kill yourself faggot enabler/faggot. Nobody likes Milo on Sup Forums
Hahaha ty user for this post
>right wing gay man
Some crazy cognitive dissonance there. Like a black KKK member.
>Would you be friends with a right wing gay man?
I would if he accepted me as a lefty :^)
And only if he's cute, most right-wingers are kinda gross :^)
Well look here. There are gay ppl. And there are fags. You my friend are a fag. Losing your shit like a fag over a joke. Fag
Are you cute? :^)
Noice :^)
Kill yourself faggot abomination cancer
This is now a gay hookup thread, breeders fuck off
Any nice and caring natsoc cutie interested in a gay liberal who's kinda cute? I don't bottom and I'm not really hung but at least I'm uncut :^)
Never. I hate right-wingers. I wouldn't want them spreading that filth to my kids. The enrichment we get from having vibrant, diverse multicultural communities and societies has to include people of all races, sexualities, and genders (all 17 of them) and religions (except Christian (and Pagan, wherever it offends Muslims)).
Are you mentally handicapped, friendo? Your brain seems to lack the ability to interpret figurative speech.
Or is this just leaf's way of projecting his native homosexuality onto well adjusted heterosexuals? Find out ne
>Living in Portland, land of "I don't get your argument so you're a racist shitlord"
>Rarely reveal my powerlevel to anyone, the few times I do they act like I'm a nazi (which to them is a bad thing)
>Working out at the gym, see a fit, aryan blonde guy, short but manly and smiling a lot
>We get chatting, turns out he's an old fashioned republican, pro Brexit, pro nationalism, hates how aggressive the left has become these days, understands how bad Germany and France have gotten due to refugees
Why is it that weak or fat men tend to be left, but almost every fit, disciplined man I've met is right wing
His only downside is that he doesn't consider Trump republican enough to vote for, but he'll still do it to keep Hilary out
I only accept proposals from whites, sorry :^)
Better luck next time!
most gay guys i know are 35+ and rich so it seems accurate.
Nope, still whites only, sorry :^)
How would you feel about some Nazi/ jew roleplay? This thread is not yet degenerate enough for my liking. Always thought that would be hot.
>How would you feel about some Nazi/ jew roleplay?
Well if you let my put my little Jew in your gas chamber, I'm game :^)
I already am. To several, actually.
Top jej, good pun
>right wing
Seriously, I have never met a lgbt person that is critical of multiculturalism, refugees and immigration
I've had 5 gay friends and every one of them turned out to only be my friend to try and turn me gay. I don't care about your sexuality, but using and trying to change someone? Fuck off. I will never be friends with a gay again.
Maybe that's because you're, like, really cute :^)
I already am, friend
this is the gay vp of front national
>this is the gay vp of front national
Well I'm straight now :^)
Milo is a complete faggot though. Plus, he's kinda ugly :^)
Political view should be more important than the sexuality.
I'm sure I'm not the only one ITT who fulfils those criteria. For the most part my boyfriend also shares my politics though he thinks we need to be tougher on crime. I also think we need guns yesterday after all the Muslims we're getting. Like Milo said, they hate us and we have no means to protect ourselves. This is a bad thing. We must stand strong against the threat of Islam, gay and straight alike. Surely we should be on the same side here. We are literally trying to preserve more white pussy for you.
That's like asking if I would want a right wing female friend.
>implying they aren't just in it for the dick and have actual principles
Just one more ASCII emoticon and I will ask the admin to ban your ass, you fucking Facebook user!
The zikanigger is triggered :^)
Are you cute tho? Brazilians can be super cute, are you?
Fitness is inherently redpilled, it's all about taking responsibility for yourself and reaching your potential. Nobody can give it to you, you have to achieve it through years of dedication and suffering.
I already am. He gives me head no questions asked when I'm between girlfriends and we fucking play Madden afterwards. I wish I were gay.
Liar, Americans can't cum from a bj because they're dicks are so jewified and desensitized from being cut :^)
i disagree
source: have had men cum down my throat
>they're dicks
Apparently I speak English about as well as the average American :^)
How long did it take them, like 2 hours?
I'm gay. I simply cannot find women attractive. I've actually tried. I accept my degeneracy and am living a life of celibacy. I still have an addiction to 2D and I rationalize that it's better than actually acting on my unnatural urges but I still know I'm a degenerate. I'm sorry Sup Forums. I want to get better.
Sure. As long as he isn't a faggit.
depends on the guy, usually less than 20 minutes once I'm actually using my mouth though
haven't been able to compare it against uncut guys since burgerstan
>I accept my degeneracy
>I still know I'm a degenerate
>I'm sorry Sup Forums.
Holy shit, you're a mess :^)
>wanting to cum from a blowjob
wew senpai whats the fuckinf point
Then do what you Italians were once known for - violent insurrection, city by city. See you in the field, guido! Good luck!
>usually less than 20 minutes once I'm actually using my mouth though
Shiiiiiiiit, you must be really good :^)
If there are lgbt persons that are not pro open borders,where are they?
Sure thing.