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lol no
Thanks for correcting the record.
All you have to do is convince one person to hire you. Trump has to convince tens of millions of people to vote for him. Try again.
I mean, he's not wrong
I have a good job in my field without graduating college (I did, but in a totally different field)
Only retards think diploma => employment
have fun being treated by a "doctor" who didn't graduate college
I got a run of good jobs in my field when I was in high school.
What would these people do if they couldn't whine on the internet?
since when is not being an established, career politician considered a BAD thing to liberals?
Do you have any idea how many famous politicians had no background in politics, shit man do you know anything?
go ahead
What jobs actually require a degree though? Engineering (inc chemical n shit), medicine, law but really what else?
I'm a software engineer and my degree is totally unrelated. University is a meme.
Whatever happened to the meme "anybody can become president"? When did it become "anybody can become president if they behave and act how I want them to"?
when were you in high school
Trump is so unqualified it's hilarious.
If this was a job interview, his résumé would be in the trash.
That's Trump's supporters' biggest problem. They treat this election like a game show rather than a job interview.
>What jobs actually require a degree though?
technical jobs, administrative jobs in any field if you dont have immediate connections. Engineering, academic fields like medical and STEM. Almost all jobs aside from manual labor and manufacturing and they took those away
In the 90s when Allen Jewspan was feeling exuberant about tech jobs.
Newton didn't have any degree in physics and discovered the whole field.
So to answer the statement. No, you don't need a degree to work in a field you want to work in. The only reason you need one in many fields is because of government intervention demanding there being 'licenses' for practicing fields. While it is done in the name of ensuring quality for professions such as doctors it does prevent people who could otherwise do such a job from doing so as a career. I think it would make far more sense to have an independent review board which could prosecute for malpractice or if there are standards not being met. The distributing of a license based on degrees is the aspect I disagree with.
Our "prime minister" was a school teacher & every other politician is an ex bar owner.
>credentials mean shit when getting a job
its all about the interview and who is your "friend" inside the company dipshit
If you didn't get an education, how do you have a field?
Millennials BTFO
But by his logic basically no politician is qualified for any seat.
Well if you are particularly talented, such as Mister Trump, then you could get a good job before graduating.
It's almost like college has become a jew-operated adult daycare center for grown niggers since the prisons are already full
>if donald trump gets voted into a job by proving himself to the people.
>I shouldn't have to work hard and study to prove myself to my boss.
Really made me think
Go pray to satan, you hillary loving moron
George Washington didn't have a background in politics.
>People say career politicians are bad
>A non career politician comes up and tells them he wants to help
>He also shows his significant resources in the process, and his successes in the field of business
>People hate him because he's not a career politician and he's saying mean stuff
>People instead start supporting a career politician who has killed anywhere from hundreds (via "unfortunate accidents") to millions (if you also include stuff going on in the ME) of people
People don't know what they want.
Everyone here is trying to be a smartass. If you want some bullshit job like working at a grocery store or a fucking 'media expert' then the fact you only have a high school diploma shouldn't hold you back. No one is going to hire a doctor without any degree of course, but you should have to go to a university to be a McDonald's manager. Stop being a smart ass and think about it.
Only idiots like this would go study womyn studies anyway.
What's the problem with that?
Stef Molyneux went into business and coding without have any formal education in the subjects(he knew programming but by hobby).
Diploma's are worthless.
Except that politics isn't something you get a degree in.
And there are plenty of fields that don't require a degree if you show an enormous amount of innate skill and talent.
>implying they are to begin with
>diploma => employment
Except trump is a smart businessman and you are a lazy retard.
unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer, that's already true in 90% of cases
the fact that Sup Forums isnt picking up on this tells us all we need to know about the severe underage plague on this board.
Politics is not something that should be treated as at career
>Trump bad
>Canada's PM good
>Both have 0 political bacground
Libtards everybody
>learn a trade
>stick with it
>get promoted
Also, no college debt
>then i shouldnt need air to live
>cap out at 50k a year
no thanks
A business can hire whoever they want
What he is saying is really dangerous. what he is implying is that only people with political background can get political roles, wich means that you are in favor of creating a "political class" created to rule.
Trust me, im Italian, i know what i am talking about: a nation were this mindset is so engraved that politics became a family business
I would say that being in charge of several hundred companies/subsidiaries for several decades across multiple countries lends some credence to your ability to manage people, money, and perform good decision making based on trend analysis and good council.
and a social worker who sold his soul to his masters is?
Sure, if you can convince the guy interviewing you.
If you're a shit tradesman, sure. You can easily make 100k a year if you're a master tradesman that's willing to do some travelling.
>i work as a welder
>made 235k last year
In Canadollars, but still good in murrican
What a retarded thing to say.
We all know the three requirements to be president. What are they saying, that someone running for president needs to be a career politician? And where has that gotten us?
Never mind the fact that Obama has literally placed the bar on the floor for who could be president.
You don't have to be qualified, you just have to get people to vote for you
That being said I think I would pick a businessman over a career politician for president
holy shit a president doesn't even need to be qualified. do you think the president of the united states takes any decision by himself? he is sourrounded by hundreds of experts. the president is just a billboard, he's like an actor, he only needs to put his face on the line.
name ONE president of a nation that has the ability to run a nation by himself
I agree. I got a great job in marketing without a day at college.
Collegefags are just butthurt that they wasted valuable time and money just to be fuckin losers lol
You have two CVs.
One of the applicants has no experience.
The other has experience and fucked up everywhere she touched.
Which would you pick?
50k/yr is what a someone makes after working in a union for five years. That's not counting supervisors, assistant foremen, foremen, managers etc, they make much more.
That's a lambda operator. I don't know if c++ uses them, or if it means something else in c++.
im a software dev making 100k a year w/o a degree
suck my balls
This, career politicians and family-run politics destroy a country. and the opposite is also as bad, just take a look at the movement that was born from the disgust from career politicians: movimento 5 stelle
>Spain that high
If you don't happen to know spanish, you are fucked. They are shit tier.
>calling them managers not superintendents
pencil pushing faggot detected
If you're good enough and you can convince people you're good enough, you won't need a degree.
But you're not.
>perfect English
>good English
But you don't have to have any education to get a good job in your field of choice.
I agree. So long as you can prove you know what you are doing you should be able to get any job without a degree.
Forcing people to get degrees just to practice something is complete jewry.
Even if my father was a dentist and taught me everything about it to the point where he would supervise me while I worked on a patient, why shouldn't I be allowed to be a dentist without going to the black market.
You caught me. I work in a laboratory. No degree, but certified and making good cash.
the job market was miles better than today
>qualified politician
That's an oxymoron. There's no such thing as a "qualified politician"; it's a fucking racket, Ponzi scheme. Qualifications are only needed when there’s a barrier to a practice (e.g. medicine), or a fundamental understanding of existing barriers (e.g. laws) exist. Experience always trumps qualifications. A man experienced in creating jobs, towering structures is more “qualified” than any politician to date to run the country.
Fucking this, leafbro gets it. Also, trump being a major player in the elite world, if you think he doesn't know anything about the way politics work, you're fucking dumb.
They don't require a degree. You can legally do those jobs without degrees so long as someone hires you.
The only thing I can think of that truly requires a degree is medical jobs and law.
You can even be a scientist without a degree. Sure you won't get government funding but you will still be a scientist.
That's true. And before I got a real job I mowed lawns around the neighborhood. That's also drying up.
But if you want to know the truth, I got the lawn jobs, the in on high school jobs, and the in on my current real job all because I got help from people I knew. Networking fucking sucks and I hate it, but that's really key. Can't tell you how many resumes and followup calls I disseminated to no avail.
Corporations will hire anyone who can produce more value to the company than the amount they are paid.
You liberal arts degree will produce approximate zero (0) value, so yes you should drop out ahead of time.
that's completely true
if an employer chooses to hire you despite a lack of a college education a job you shall have
just as if the american public chooses to elect donald trump as president so he will be.
yeah I agree.
you shouldn't be going to that kike scam college.
we know that already
these jews used to laugh about it
they thought it was a joke
they are not laughing anymore
today they realize the gravity of the situation
The only qualification you need is acting. To know how to lie , seduce , convince your potential voters. Politicians do not create jobs. Most of them never even had a job in their lives.
Politics is basically what rich NEETs get up to in order to get paid for not doing any real work.