Be British

>Be British
>Literally can't handle the freedom

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A true Brit; a pioneer. He died attempting to pursue freedom the likes of which would put America to shame.


The fuck you talking about

I am eat 3 Big Macs whole

This guys choked on a 99 cent hamburger


m8 putting them in a blender and using an IV to send them directly into your blood stream does not count as eating them whole.

Your freedom is inferior.

outclassed by his own kids.

absolutely disgraceful.

You'd think that since he was British that his throat would be well stretched out from deep throating three BBCs a day.

a normal mcdonalds burger is small as fuck, this is embarrasing

We have relatively few niggers (unless you live in London in which case you probably aren't white anyway). Again, my tubby son, your projection is showing.

Is a McDonalds cheeseburger the height of American cuisine? kek thats pretty sad no wonder most of you are fat.

That's how it started in murica.

Now every major city is infested with blacks and they've begun spreading to the suburbs and small towns now that they're trying to escape the inner city hells they've created.

Yes, it is.
There is no "American Cuisine" because all of our food comes from other cultures. Like Italian, Mexican, Chinese, etc

Sorry we cant all fit a hamburger down our throats in one go. Deep throating nigger cocks in your spare time isn't popular outside of the cuck republic.

Not as sad as the very height of British cuisine being a creampie from your sandnigger neighbor.

You guys sure about that?

How does this even happen? Who doesn't know the Heimlich? Why couldn't paramedics save him.

Dying from hypoxia takes a while. At least long enough to render you a vegetable.

what does that even mean? all my neighbours are white.

Here, have this.

>american cuisine
>aroy-d is an Asian cuisine brand

Try harder

O man love me some 'nanas in syrup

Grim Reaper was probably avin' a giggle when they met

That's not All-American, it's just very disturbing.

Literally how does something like that stay in business? What part of the country eats this shit?

Sorry, thought we were talking about Canada.

Also pic related is a British delicacy. You guys even eat like cucks

>amerilards will defend this

Practically every country.

Nobody cares that the preservatives alone will kill you in a month if you eat one of these every day.

Friend, I'm fine with the bantz, but you are deluding yourself if you aren't tempted by that.

spotted dick is just an unfortunate name, its pretty delicious lad. It's not like its made out of an animals dick m8.

Hook, line and sinker.

He should have stuck with what he knew.

All jokes aside, the fuck is up with blood sausage? I've tried it before when I visited my friend and that shit was just awful.

Like, I can understand if it's a holdover from peasant diets and the like, but damn.

When I am drunk and eat a burger I actually take smaller bites because that makes me feel fuller and helps me feel like thrusting more rye down my throat.

>the queens loyal cucks will defend this

are you having a giggle m8? that shit is fucking great to have part of your breakfast.

Sorry for eating you m8.

>even the gooks want big black meat
Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?

If you are going to shitpost about our cusine at least do it properly.

>the eternal leaf
every time.

Fucking Farmfoods

>Food logic
Dude, just no...

All of the AAAAAAAAAA in the world could not express my disgust with the idea of eating whatever the fuck that is.

Stupid bong, burgers don't have holes, donuts do.

Why is the TV police so threatening?

Ahh, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

>TV license
kek m8, you dont have to even answer the door for them twats.

>I am eat 3 Big Macs whole

Can you always suck a golfball through a garden hose?

>be american
>get arrested for having a bbq

its not me who is choking on black dick but my wife u cunt.

>stupidity kills
even a dog could've managed


>what are burn bans during a drought so you don't torch the entire neighborhood
>implying there aren't signs up everywhere when this is in effect
>implying the cops won't just tell you to SHUT IT DOWN if you aren't a nigger about it and if somebody happens to call


this is wrong

shameful even

>He doesn't mechanically separate his chicken
>He doesn't partially de-fat his cooked beef fatty tissue
I bet you don't even activate your almonds

So if his drunken genius m8's egged him on to take this moronic 'Byte', shouldn't they be charged with 'accessory to murder' ?

No murder was committed
Maybe arrest them for Assisted suicide though