>Trump in 5 minutes or less

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer


>Trump Foreign Policy Speech at Youngstown, OH 8/15/16
>Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16
>Trump at NAHB in Miami FL 8/11/16

>Guiliani on F&F 8/15/16
>Pence on FOX 8/14/16
>Manafort on CNN 8/14/16
>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16
>Trump on Miami Herald 8/11/16

>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails


Other urls found in this thread:

>40 days until debates

Apparently Trump's campaign strategy is to rope-a-dope until the debates then nuclear blast right before the election.

It's just living hell for supporters until then though.


Can you clarify this? This doesn't mean "day of the rope" I assume?

>Apparently Trump's campaign strategy is to rope-a-dope until the debates then nuclear blast right before the election.
Where did you hear that?

Apparently Trump's campaign strategy is to rope-a-dope until the debates then nuclear blast right be

sounds about right

Sounds like a good way for us to build up mental strength.

Someone told me there are 2 rallies today but I only see 1 on the schedule (West Bend, WI).

What about the other rally?

It's a boxing term.

Search it Sven.

Mike Pence is in New Mexico today.


Do you guys feel it coming too?

feign weakness to let your opponent tire themselves out early then just destroy them when they are already weak



>a boxing tactic of pretending to be trapped against the ropes, goading an opponent to throw tiring ineffective punches.

Pence has a rally in ayy lmao city today.

Also a townhall event

Where did the time go lads?

If someone could take over as OP it would be great. I might be a bit absent at times so I can't guarantee that I will be able to make new bread in time next time.

Link to OP text:

>tfw I have somehow lived to see a Republican presidential candidate make tolerance of fags a standard of Americanism for allowing others into the country

th-thanks i guess?

Scott Adams post on Trump's Foreign Policy Speech:

>I thought it was a big mistake for Trump to use the word “vicious” when talking about the search for potential terrorists in the homeland. That only makes Trump look scarier. And scariness is his biggest problem right now.

>The genius of “extreme vetting” is that it means whatever you want it to mean. Clinton supporters will say we are already doing it. Trump supporters will say it’s a clever trick to block all Muslim immigrants. No one can disagree with “extreme vetting” because it has no specific meaning. Perfect.

>Trump created for Democrats the same type of persuasion trap that the Democrats created with the Khan speech at their convention. Any criticism of the Khans was a criticism of their fallen hero son. Using a similar trap structure, Trump has tied his “extreme vetting” policy to the idea of protecting women and the LGBTQ community. If you don’t like Trump’s immigration ideas, you have to explain why you would be willing to put women and LGBTQ folks in mortal danger. That framing is strong persuasion, and Democrats don’t yet have a direct counter to it.

U liek dick?

>And scariness is his biggest problem right now.
Scott Adams keeps saying that (along with 'dark') but I'm not seeing it myself. Trump is the anti-world war candidate, basically. He's far less scary than Hillary.

tbqh republicans would probably have more gays voting for them if they toned down the anti gay marriage thing.

Let's see that cock.

Is Trump an Ancap?



It's growing.

The media has constantly been painting him as a scary guy - volatile temperament, racist, etc., and it is necessarily working

He's talking about how the Clinton campaign is framing him as "literally Hitler!" which, as we know, appeals to young and stupid kids.

Basically it means letting the media and the democrats REEEEEEE unopposed so the public gets used to the message and anything they say has diminishing returns.

Then the debate happens and everyone that only ever knew of Trump from the perspective of the media and facebook say "wait-..wait a minute...He isn't at all like how I was told"

Then the Trump campaign spends all their money on ads in one strong push before the election so that the sudden revelation of Trump not being an utter buffoon is buffed by the sudden appearance of pro-Trump media.

Possibly further strengthened by an "October surprise" against Hillary near the debates.

And lastly further strengthened by a new worthy gimmicky policy position taken by Trump in the few weeks before the election (as some suggested marijuana law reform).

The idea is to create a huge gap in the public's mind between what the democrats say he is, to what he will present himself to be in the debates and last days before the election.

It's extremely risky and it will either work tremendously or not at all.

But rest assured the next 40 days will be absolute shit for Trump and his supporters, by design.


Somebody meme it

Where are they, Donald? Where are my delegates?

scott adams isnt talking about whats factual or rational

he's talking about subconcious persuasion, and the media blasting the "scary" narrative is more effective than anything thats been thrown at trump previously

That's how the media and Clinton cabal are pushing him to the uninformed masses

Fair enough. I don't watch or read the (((MSM))) at this point.

These never fail to make me smile.

Ayyo Sturmpf fags how long 'til next rally?

Say (and pray) we manage to literally meme a blood clot in Hillary's head after the end of the month: does Kain become the candidate?

It's clear to see whenever you see liberals bring up nuclear codes, like its possible to fire nukes because somebody called you a name over twitter, or that firing a weapon of that scale doesn't take more agreement than just the president.


Why does the media have to lie and say Trump is losing when he is leading? I mean come on. Clintons going to lose here in PA, she's going to lose Michigan, she's going to lose Maine CD2. Nothing the media can do at this point is going to change that.

Service of men is sort of a spiritual thing for me. Its a love of mankind; sex is just an expression of it. Accepting abuse is part of it.

>(as some suggested marijuana law reform)
He really should frontrun Hillary on that as soon as possible. Saying he supports legalizing MUH WEED DUDE before Hillary does it is a great way to steal Bernouts and helps him in states like Colorado, New Mexico, and New Hampshire.

How can you be so blind??

He's literally Hitler working for Putin! We have to combat this potent new age evil by importing more Muslims!

I don't see my delegates, where are they?

>volatile temperament
what do you think he was doing with his TV show? YOU'RE FIRED!

I can't feel my right arm and leg!!

Are you pro gun?
Are you religious?
Are you against all things left and socialist/communist?

Not unless you chant

New Mexibro going to see Pence today.

Anyone else, or am I alone?

Pack it up, folks. CNN has called the election 11 weeks before it happened. Clearly this is genuine reporting.


Call the doctors.

>against all things left/socialist/communist
One or the other.


Did you make it? Can you make another and mirror one of em? Symmetry and all

lol, people are still trying to shit on Trump over his "tone"?

anybody that thinks Trump is scary hasn't watched enough ISIS execution videos. i can understand this when it comes to normies, but the media really has no excuse. they know what ISIS is, and what they do, but they're still selling us more of the same with $hillary.


If a news story ends with a ? The answer is no

Do you guys see ANY signs at all where you live? I'm in Florida and haven't seen a single sign - either side - this entire time. I've seen some houses decorated with American flags, which I take to be a subtle Trump sign, but overall it seems like everyone's afraid to put any up, which I also take to mean huge amount of TRUMP support.

I was asking him.


Nah, it's just a repost.

Wait hold on, you derive the experience of humanity and collective unity with such sincerity, it causes you to crave cock?

Literally Socrates.

Are you Bear mode?

No signs, tons of bumper stickers though.

I really have no doubts that he'll do that for many reasons.
1) That topic has not been brought up once this election, so talking about it at all is news worthy
2) He is the only republican that could ever pull that off
3) Turning it into an industry, creating jobs, and taking resources away from the Mexican drug cartels are all arguments in line with his campaign.
4) The Republicans HAVE to know that they are losing the public opinion war on weed. Most people want it at least decriminalized if not legalized. It's something they could finally be ahead of the curve on the democrats on.
5) think of the young vote
6) think of the minority vote

The reason why he is waiting is because if he says it too soon that gives the fuddy-duddy-boy-scout-GOP people time to squeal about about it and throw a bitch-fit. If Hillary beats him to the punch it will be devastating.

But I don't think Hillary will say anything about it because she is bought completely by big business/pharmacy which absolutely do NOT want weed to be legalized.

>trump will stop isis
top meme

In rural Louisiana, there are TRUMP signs galore

I live in chimpcago there were a few bernie signs here and there that's about it.

You mean 90% of the population ?

I live in Miami, and I have seen more Trump stuff than Hillary stuff. I think I've only seen about 4 Hillary Bumper Stickers and have seen at least 25 Trump Bumper stickers and signs.

MSM pushing any new fake controversies today?

hey guys. i just got back from a week with family. no access to internet and just a steady stream of cable news with clinton commercials in between. they countered everything i said with cnn and clinton ad memes which usually takes like 5-10 minutes to unpack which causes their eyes to glaze over. last time i saw them was july 4th and they seemed like they might get on the trump train but that was before the news went full shill and these commercials started pumping out. christ there was even a hillary commercial saying she would penalize companies for moving out of the US. she's literally stealing all his best stuff and nobody knows it because the media only reports on 1 minute out of every 1.5 hour trump speech.

shit is fucking insane. last thing i saw on tv before i left was morning joe. might have been yesterday morning. they briefly reported on the clinton foundation and then the commentators fucking asked why trump was attacking the media instead of the clinton foundation. like trump hasnt spent his entire campaign attacking the clinton foundation.

this shit makes me sick bros. i just pray that this is all a part of trump's plan somehow. is he sandbagging ads until like 30 days before the election or something? right now this is fucking asymmetrical warfare and it's in favor of clinton.


>If Hillary beats him to the punch it will be devastating.
That's why I think he should do it immediately.

I'm sure ISIS are shakin' in their sandals looking at Hillary and Tim cucKaine.

Have fun! Enjoy the ayyyyys!

I see a Prius with a Bernout and now a Hillcunt in Melrose Park

There were Trump signs here at one point, but bernouts stole them all. Well, who is laughing now?

That's my wallpaper.

>Media declares Trump loses already
and yet they're still panicking hmmm....

I've been off pol a while to help keep my sanity. Last i heard Trump wasn't doing so well and wikileaks dumped some e-mails that likely did nothing.

Well what did I miss and how bad is Trump getting beaten.

>Literally Socrates.
more like Cockrates amirite?

Here in central Wisconsin I see occasional Trump signs here and there. I have seen ONE Hillary sign in the middle of nowhere near where I go to mountain bike, but has since been removed.

Hm, I think most of the populace has seen or knows about ISIS cutting off heads.

They know about Muzzies and trucks.

I'm not convinced the populace is scared of Trump's rhetoric on this. That's the media's narrative but they're liar globalist press.

Trump went up on stage.

At the RNC.

And mention the "LGBTQ" community.

In a positive light.

And finished his speech with a standing ovation.

This man is the great uniter.


Hillary for prison stickers on more cars than I care to count.

I'll be lighting up fireworks if we go Red.

I like to think its being exposed that the whole marriage thing was a lesbian gripe. The attention whore males allowed us to get dragged into it.

I think its ridiculous myself, especially if you look at the history and reason for reason. If people just were allowed to buy fags, it would be a moot issue more aligned with history.

But for actual marriage, its ridiculous, and its being born out. Young men like to play and older men are too experienced to want it. Its a female ego thing.

I think it should've been handled like trannies in the military. The DOD called their bluff and pre emptively ended what was supposed to be a 20 year culture war.

If they had allowed 'gay marriage' 20 years ago, we would now already be far past the point of realizing nobody really wanted it anyways. We should've had our bluff called long ago.

I never quite understood why conservatives actually looked to the government to decide what marriage is in the first place. Im a fag and even I know that the government calling a bird a fish does not make it reality.

Its an absurd piece of paper declaring something exists that doesn't for people who dont understand the purpose of a marriage or why we have it. Its for the community, not the couple. Thats why you have a community leader ratify it.

Straights stopped caring about marriage, thats the only reason we got it, not because straights started giving a crap about what gays want. It wasnt some civil rights victory, it was a legal dumpster dive.

True story. A friend was telling me a gay acquaintance was getting married while I was at the store buying milk. The milk lasted longer than the marriage.

Its just ridiculous. I dont think its harmful, but I dont like the idea of promoting a proclivity as a lifestyle to kids. It doesnt work in the long term if treated as an analog to heterosexuality, meaning people who reproduce the society and perpetuate the culture through sacrifice, not the heteros who simply spend all day on porn

Yes he is, and I have a lot of Ayy pics from the Ayy museum. And I will probably get some turquoise stuff too

what's he talking about? he wants hillary to die?

I'm in Cali and I've only ever seen 1 Bernie on a fence, 1 Trump car sticker and an old man wearing a MAGA hat.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing something Hillary related. People really do hate the candidates.

I'm actual seeing him in 'burque, Ayylmao central is farther out.

Anything I should ask him, given the opportunity?

Muhammed Ali was the rope a dope master.

>Suck them in, get them to blow their wad, go for the kill.

Pic related are the thoughts of trump supporters during the debates.

Because let's be honest here, no one sane trusts him to not say anything utterly retarded during the debates, yet some people here are stupid enough to think he is capable of representing over 300 million people for 4 years.


FL here as well.

Lots of Trump signs and bumper stickers.
A few Trump flags.
A few MAGA hats.

Yes because no one wants her booty.

I do tbqh.

No matter how hard my mind experiments, I can't see Trump losing