I don't see how anyone with any kind of brian could vote for Trump. He's racist, sexist, and has fascist ideologies...

I don't see how anyone with any kind of brian could vote for Trump. He's racist, sexist, and has fascist ideologies. He pretty much copies everything Hitler does, he's even admitted to reading books about Hitlers speeches. I don't know about you, but I don't want to risk the USA becoming Nazi Germany overnight.

A vote for Trump is a vote to destroy this country,

Other urls found in this thread:


I dont own a brian.

In all seriousness, how much do you make shilling?

Literally never had a brian

The only brian I know is canadian so he can't vote

9.50 an hour



>mfw my name is Brian

shit, does that mean... Do I have a Brian?
Is it impossible for me to vote Trump now?

The guy is not even fit to posting in twitter during a presidential campaign, yet some people here are retarded enough to think he is fit to representing over 300 million people for 4 years. lmao

I knew 13 kids named Brian when I was in elementary in the late 70's.

Go back to grade school, kid. Your punctuation and spelling are horrible. This country is already destroyed by the military industrial complex, lay thing we need is some shit your pants, lie about everything, dictator who's only going to line her own pockets, while selling state servers to whoever pays her the most.

do you call that argumentation? spewing out a bunch of insults?

[citation needed]
[citation needed]
>has fascist ideologies
[citation needed]
>He pretty much copies everything Hitler does, [citation needed]
>he's even admitted to reading books about Hitlers speeches.
[citation needed]

>Implying trump is does not lie about everything

I can prove you he is a complete liar in 5 minutes.


I had a brian once... But I forgot to close the window and the brian fly away. I was very sad.

Then fucking leave. While your gone read up on history, you fucking faggot.

>a vote for trump is a vote to destroy this country


Underrated post.

>any kind of brian
>any kind of brian
>any kind of brian
>any kind of brian
>any kind of brian
>any kind of brian

I don't have any brians user


My brian is in jail, got caught buying lots of drugs

>He's racist, sexist

source plz, CTR

>all these Trumpkins focusing on OP's typo instead of the issue at hand

He clearly meant to say "brain" you fucking morans. God damn idiots, Jesus Christ. This is the reason no one will vote Trump in November.

Ha!Ha! You living breathing dumbass meme!

What are you doing on /pol? You're probably missing your favorite segment on CNN right now.

Appropriate picture from OP

How I feel with the 236849th "muh Drumpf" meme.


childrens do learn

Hitler did nothing wrong faggot.

Sleep tight little Don, there is still much work to be done!!

.....except for murdering 6 million people

I know, he did that all wrong! am I right!?

>muh 600 gorillion meme

It was 8 million, you fucking holocaust denier

I'm planting sage in my field because you are a faggot



easy to vote for him when he's not Hillary


Daily reminder:




>Still thinks the LIES the JEWS have said about Nazi Germany.

He doesn't know, does he Sup Forums.

It's time.

>How can you vote for a meanie?

Nigga this is Sup Forums you're in the wrong fucking place if you think shilling for hillary is going to work here.



>1 post by this ID

there is nothing wrong with that pic

"He's racist, sexist, and has fascist ideologies."

What's your point?

Sleep tight little Don, there is still much work to be done.

Does anyone have that pic of trumps mouth doing the thing and there's "CHINA" captioned lol

Well I don't have a Brian. So I guess that means I can go ahead, and vote for Trump then?

As a racist, sexist, fascist I have no problem whatsoever voting for the man.

We Trumpenstaffel now.


I have the right to an opinion, especially considering that there is disproportionate systemic oppression upon my group, I feel that I should have a disproportionate voice.

Man, often i feel lucky that I am not a redneck, because in my opinion rednecks are literally the most dehumanized group (in terms of media) in america, and perhaps the world

Even other nations, know 'how bad the rednecks are'

Fuck I haven't seen the peppers since like '08 .

I can't even do what think more liek mudkipz

Found the brian.

It's too obvious at this point.

>I don't see how anyone with any kind of brian

Slavery is illegal you stupid cunt. I mean c'mon, it's 2016 people.

OK Jew. But how do I know YOUR not lying. After all, Jewish tricks are at an all time high.

>implying this will work on leftists AT ALL

This could be a Hillary ad in pozzed area.

wtf i hate brian now

>mplying this will work on leftists AT ALL

Might, might not. But no sane person wants Hillary's proposed 550% increase in head choppers and sploody snackbars coming into the country.

Funny, I'm not racist, sexist, nor do I have fascist ideologies and yet I'm excited to vote for Trump.

I don't see how anyone with any kind of "brian" could ever vote for Hillary when:

>Clinton gave access to State Department based on donations to her Clinton Foundation.
>Everyone who has dirt on Hillary Clinton dies mysteriously or gets murdered on their way to the FBI.
>She's been involved in countless scandals from Whitewater to Benghazi
>FBI Director Comey stated that he had evidence she was guilty of the crimes she was accused of but that he didn't think he could find a prosecutor willing to go after her.
>She was outspokenly against gay marriage until it was politically convenient not to be.
>As for her policies, she gave us NAFTA.

Thank god she's mostly incompetent because EVERYTHING she's been successful at has been criminal and evil.

Trump - 2016

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