
>Well done Sup Forums well done, HOWEVER
You guys fucked up SOOOOOOO bad you already had your three strikes: Ron Paul, 2008, 2012, and Rand 2016 you're out lads. I know you will defend the "God Emperor" with the full might of you cognitive dissonance but the reality is that you retards fucked up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trumpshills will ignore as usual. Or say something stupid like "muh 4d mojong".

Yeah no shit. Not even libfucks believe the daily beast.

Its based on an Article from The Chicago tribune in 2004 you fucking mongoloid.
But go ahead and keep shouting "muh wall" like a retard

Sup Forums BTFO
Dahnald on suicide watch

he's playing 111111111^2 dimensional chess. Google what that number equals and tell me kek isn't real.

>in 2004 soros lent trump money to build a tower
Confirmed Soros Plant
Trump is a mere pawn in a game of Soros' 10D Riemannian-Manifold Particle-Wave Quantum Go


The money was for real estate and not for a political campaign.

I'm British

Literally a non-issue and completely unrelated to politics.

I have English heritage

>kike clickbait now wants to pretend soros is bad (but certainly if it's obama or hillary or any other cause du jour kike/nigger advocacy group worldwide)

Trump also deflected criticism of Soros in 2011

>“Oh, forget Soros, leave him alone, he’s got enough problems,” Trump said at a 2011 Tea Party rally when one attendee yelled the billionaire’s name at him.
>“He goes, ‘What about Soros!’” Trump continued. “Let’s talk about somebody else.”

Oh, that does it, better vote for the kike-enabler who got millions upon millions of kike dollars instead of the guy the got hardly any.

>this is what kike shills think will work now

>someone who criticizes trump must be a hillfag

You trumpfags are ridiculous

Archive I'm not giving that shit clicks.

Am I arguing Hillary is better? No you dimwit but I'm showing you trump is full of shit and you retards fell for a literal "Muh wall" candidate

Wait so he took money from him in 2006 when he wasn't running for president


and this is your secret weapon to convince us not to vote

Holy shit

I can't even put into words how many keks I've had.


Just WEW my shit up

Phew, I needed a good kek

>and this is your secret weapon to convince us not to vote

How glorious is the sound of nervous laughter

>small loan of 160 million dollars to build a tower in Chicago
>billions poured into directing progressive think tanks to subvert the west and ordering SoS/government officials to destroy western civilization

wtf I shill4jill now, rlly mde u thot

>this is the 4th thread on this topic today, all within 5 minutes of each other

May god Trumplards are the new Bernietard completely delusional and full of cognitive dissonance

>just stay home instead of voting for the guy that the kikes are calling the next hitler

now i'm scared

Too bad the kikes already spent the entire primary calling him next hitler.

In your post: Things I never said

whats with all the """"""rand"""""" shills lately

Because "lately" everyone that didn't already know realized that trump is either a plant or a legitimate retard.

trump is constantly raising his power level while Sup Forums has to hide it

He was a serious candidate that could have beaten Hillary in a landslide he was the Republican candidate that the debate moderators and media give the least attention.

these jews used to laugh about it
they thought it was a joke
they are not laughing anymore
today they realize the gravity of the situation

OK I'll play.

What do you want to be done about this?

If your answer is
>Vote Johnson
>Vote Jill
>Vote Hillary
>Don't vote
Then basically all of those answers mean you want Hillary to win.

If not, then what?

All of those people have closer ties to globalism ideals than Trump does and If Trump's only caveat is that he took money in 2006 and deflected questions

Thats a hell of lot better than them.

fucolds still defending that fiendish corpse Hillary

...their desperation is reaching criticial mass

you have no choice at this point other than to vote Trump because people like you got him nominated. But now what? He is on his way to pull a massive loss literally any other candidate would have done better at this point except Jeb and Rubio. You retard supported a flipi-flopper like fanatics in the primaries now you will reap what you sowed


Jeb and bush.

Yeah, you know. I actually wish I voted for Jeb now. I really do.

>liberal icon
Are the media even trying at this point? Do they just not care? Are they so blaintantly globalist that they'll openly support and reveal a fellow globalist? ...

Is Trump taking money from Soros now?
Is Clinton taking money from Soros now?
Is Soros funding Trump supporters or Clinton supporters?
Rhetorical questions, you know the answer.

Wow. Trump supporter here. This video BTFO my high opinion of him. That's it, now I'm #MentallyHill

ur country is so shit that after all the rant u can give him hes still better choice

Sup Forums must vote Gary Johnson now

No fuck that TPP faggot

that was a joke
open borders is madness

Trump could literally stomp a cute puppy to death right in front of me and I'd still vote for him. Still better than Hillary

>a 6% interest loan is the same as a donation
These journalists are fucking desperate.
Shit like this is why I don't believe in the polls.

They wouldn't be reaching this hard if Trump was really behind 10 or so points.

This happened years ago. Is a website reporting this as recent news?

bengazi happened years ago too
drumpfkins have to play the game

Just slit your wrists. Do something right for once in your life.

What a nothingburger of a story.

>Soros, among others, invested in a Trump real estate project in Chicago, to make money, like 12 years ago

So OP, Soros isn't someone I approve of, but he is good at making money. Like the $25 million he has invested, so far, in Hillary's campaign.

Daily Beast owned by IAC; Chelsea Clinton on board of directors.

As far as I can see it was business related. He needed money to finish a project.

>he's voting for a Soros puppet

>Now the media might start reporting on Soros since he is connected to Trump

4D Time-traveling chess

At this point I'm voting for Trump just to troll the system. Even if he does win, this election will not do anything.

Lent him 160 million for a building project. So?

Business is business.

There is such a thing as a Double Cross...

Bend the knee and kiss the ring, take the money. Then at the critical moment fail to deliver for them. Hits them twice.

Where is archive? Im not going to dailybeast

Shit thread, saged.
Vote for him goyi.. friends