Seriously, what is wrong with her. This woman is flat out INSANE.
Please hold me, Sup Forums
Seriously, what is wrong with her. This woman is flat out INSANE.
Please hold me, Sup Forums
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Bump. This is one of the creepiest things I've seen. It's so weird.
why does hillary clinton look like a thousand worms attempting to imitate a human being from within it's skin
why is this so uncomfortable to watch
Why don't you sack it? When Obama became president too. What is this action from hell to drain .... ..... ... Don't have a name for it.
>8 years
Wow, that tops the videotaped speech she made for Walter Cronkites induction into the Global Socialist Hall of Fame or whatever it was.
looks like someone psyching themselves up for a public address in front of a camera
nothing about this is weird, only that it was video taped and it should have been cut.
Probably says more about her faking her emotions more than her being mentally hill
>remember the what do you see in her eyes thread
Oh my god... The eternal anglo jewish lizard lies eyes.... More than ever before...
Be careful when looking into the abyss...
So someone explain. Why want to drain the energy to say something?
Without there being any reason to?
stop reminding me of Betterman.
Although now that I think of it, she did a good job using her inside voice.
It would have really been special if she had Nurse Ratcheded it or drawled it.
Whoa thanks for correcting the record
You're looking at the future president of the USA.
Explain theeself OP. Thou evil scientist from hell.
>those fucking empty dead looking eyes
The "Hillary has brain damage and is an emotionless lizard" meme used to be funny, now it's just unsettling.
There's something that disturbs me about this, but I don't know what. Her eyes?
I dont see anything wrong with it either
literally wat
lul u can hear that she doesn't care what she's even saying
>8 years
I had an aunt that had suffered a stroke and she use to do this bouncy thing when she was trying to remember what she was going to say. A lot like your .gif related
Not gonna lie this makes her more relatable
Remember ted cruz making an ad though? THAT was wtfcringe tier
Abandon thread. OP is a binaural autist with psychotic hindrances.
Its ok, she's just a Soros puppet anyway. It will be no different than Barry's presidency.
Can anyone translate toothpaste to english?
It must suck to be a soulless monster. :(
Maybe you should fix you denigrate reading capabilities.
Don't worry, I just enjoy this too.
I want to see Hillary's behind the scenes
Your use of English is damn near impenetrable.
But on the other hand it's refreshing since so many foreigners theses days might as well be native English speakers, and that makes it boring.
God no I actually don't know if I could take that.
remembers me of this
>captcha : 420
this post convinced me to vote for hillary
wtf i love hillary now
so fake and fucking scary. Clinton literally scares me more then trump and I don't like either. But clinton is genuinely scary where trump is stupid and would rely heavily on those around him.
Hill is bone chilling scary. Like a character from a monster movie.
Reminds me of Adam lanza
>1 post by this ID
>2016-2024 US president
Protip: she is perfectly possessed.
Google it.
You're pretty fuckin retarded m80
Not too bad, she just seems nervous and has her eyes open way too wide. Her voice is calm enough and she doesn't seem awkward nor too loud. But yeah, she has to calm the fuck down with her eyes there.
While I agree with your assessment, I must ad that if you have to psych yourself up to address people through a video, you are probably not cut out to take on nations at a world stage.
delete this
T-t-thanks for correcting the record. I agree with this post, although, she does look extremely drugged up and the whole think feels forced.
I know you are but what am I.
I better stop drinking and eating like shit every weekend I don't want to have a stroke and subsequent brain damage like Hilldawg
>Probably says more about her faking her emotions more than her being mentally hill
You're probably CTR but you accidentally hit the nail on the head here. Everything "friendly" about Clinton is fake as fuck. She's a self serving, cold hearted psychopath which is why she does awkwardly funny expressions with her mouth open in a big smile and her eyes bugging out. She's imitating what she perceives to be a person being friendly, and because such a concept is so bizarre and corny to her weird behaviour is exactly what she expects the plebs to buy.
Slowly dying, trying to fill the pathetic void of life with any human contact, even if it is negative (you fag).
I love how hard she tries to convince us that she's human
>tfw I actually went aaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Feels spooky man
Spicy meme, coming right up!
so the dean howard scream killed his career and all this non-sense doesn't affect her rally at all?
>didn't watch the video
There's more than the .gif burh
Sauce on this gif?
Too true man... too true
>tfw the "Hillary is a brain damaged reptilian" meme started off funny but now it's becoming unsettling
It's actually painful how fucking fake she is.
Don't worry; it's ok. Once you expect the worse, everything else is a pleasant surprise.
why don't we have this kind of compi already?
It's like she's a character on Sesame Street speaking to children.
For those who only watched the gif but didn't watch the whole video, watch it. There's more than the creepy shake.
Top Kek
can she look any more like a puppet?
I'd probably come off worse but I'm not running for the most powerful position in the world.
its so weird seeing the world leaders of today in such silly things
yes this is Merkel
It's Hill and Do.
Yeah, she's got that arrogant grade school teacher vibe going on that GTA 5 made fun of.
5 posts
So I was enjoying myself.
How do we get rid of people like OP that try to take revenge on this world for their binaural autism with psychotic hindrances.
god I've never watched this before
how did this guy have any followers, all he's doing is babbling
Can you imagine having to deal with this insane witch for 4 years?
I don't get how the thought doesn't terrify most people. I can't even fucking watch her, she's too creepy.
>video related
Are you RETARDED? It takes a lot of fucking guts to make a speech or recording that is going to be viewed by a crowd in the millions. She is NOT an actor, so your weak argument of her not being prepared to lead by PREPARING herself for a speech has been disregarde! Go behind the scenes of any public event/performance and they're either going to be taking shots straight and or doing their own little rituals that they think help prepare themselves mentally.
This is smth worse
well thats trump
and the wrestling things are far worse mane...
Uh, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded
Agreed. It's a warm up act. All performers do it. Focus on the main race and not the training exercises, user. It's like watching Usain Bolt do his stretches -- not worth the effort.
>Seriously, what is wrong with her.
Paul Joseph Watson had some psychiatrists evaluate her behavior, and offer probably diagnoses for what's going on.
They concluded seizures, and possibly small strokes:
G-guys i think hillary may be sick.
>mentally hill
Jeeeesus Christ.
how does hillary have any followers, all she's doing is lying
Honestly that's how I felt about it too. She clearly has health issues and twitching but that isn't what we see here. It was awkward as hell though.
I never understood the big faze for Forrest Gump
Forrests wife is the biggest cunt on this planet it actually hurt me
Don't be RETARDED!
most americans can relate to forest gump
from years and years of pretending to give a shit
Except Usain Bolts warm ups don't scare the shit outta people on an instinctive level.
This is great