Why are you guys so scared of Russia and why do you hate them so much(Mostly Ameribros)? Shouldn't our main enemy be China?
-stagnant fallen empire for over 25 years now
-140 million people, 20% or more are filth
-not even in top 5 richest countries
-military spendings around 1/10 of what USA spends
-absolutely no chance to expand to the west due to NATO or east due to China
Some good sides to not be a douche:
+still kinda cucked but not as much as the west
+their economy is becoming good again thanks to unjewed politics
Just want honest opinions not retarded insults, redpill me on this one if you think i'm wrong
Why are you guys so scared of Russia and why do you hate them so much(Mostly Ameribros)...
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I would have no problem with Russia if it agreed to share power in Eastern Europe with us. Let's face it, Putin won't do this, because:
1. If there's no NATO, he can control it by his own
2. If there is NATO, he cannot let it have more power than it already has
I don't want Russia to be destroyed (because China) but it surely wouldn't just accept any new global or regional power in eastern Europe, which I am not OK with.
Except eastern europe isn't really a major player, it's mostly just a bunch of small puppet countries controlled by western agenda. Basically cheap labor and a market to sell your goods in. Russia is an exception of course and that's good, why would they share power with a bunch of marionettes instead we should aspire to consolidate eastern europe, maybe make an union of our own cause only benefits the rich countries.
Cause EU only benefits the rich western countries*
Only the NSA/CIA shills are russophobes, they're scared for their jobs and their lives.
And they should be, but they don't at all represent the people of the United States of America, we would rather russsia nuke them both, the fucking criminals and traitors to the constitution that they are.
Because this is the only context our corrupt and slave governments can have any legitimacy in.
Like whole baltics, we could be swimming in Russian money.
But sucking dicks for free is easier. Because that is what we are taught the "freedom" is about.
Yeah this is exactly what bothers me, that people are still trying to enforce this whole West vs East thing like during the cold war. It's over, there are other threats and people should know about them
>do you hate them so much(Mostly Ameribros)?
ale wiesz, że Rosji najbardziej nie lubią na świecie Polacy? Nawet Ukraińcy lubią bardziej Ruskich
>why do you hate them so much?
We don't, it's just the faggy liberals.
When trump wins America and Russia will band together to rid the west of degeneracy and nuke the Middle East. Together we will usher a new era of greatness.
Yes we could benefit so much, chinese are going to build roads and railroads through russia and they will be transporting their goods directly to europe. They will have to go through baltics so we could easily benefit from this... unfortunaely my country is in the EU so not only we will transport these goods for free we will also not strike any deals with russia
Jak się ogląda polskie media, gada z babcią i dziadkiem i czyta gówniane stronki to się tak uważa, ja tam prawie nie znam ludzi co nie lubią Rosji, za to na internecie ich pełno zwłaszcza na tych stronach dla debili których nie odwiedzam od paru lat
only idiots fear Russia, every issue with that place is due to EU/US geostrat shilling. Also strange how thread guy is a pole, I thought Russians were your pet hate
>rid the west of degeneracy
Stay true to that my brother, one day we will all live in NORMAL countries
>ja tam prawie nie znam ludzi co nie lubią Rosji
to jest dowód anegdotyczny, spójrz sobie na statystyki
Ludzie, którzy lubią Rosję w Polsce to miękiszony, które nie wytrzymują napięcia w stosunkach międzynarodowych i chcieliby, żeby była wreszcie była zgoda albo półgłówki, którzy bardzo słabo znają historię. Ileż to już Polaków chciało zgody z Moskalami, a jakoś ci Moskale nigdy jej nie chcieli. Może dlatego, że oni nas nie lubią jeszcze bardziej niż my ich? Przeczytaj sobie wiersze Oszczercom Rosji albo Rocznia Borodina autorstwa Puszkina
At least Poland is big enough to defend some of its interests (outside political things).
Although even you are continuing to lose more and more to the EU.
Estonia at least has nothing more to lose other than our imaginary freedom.
That's cause we're fed propaganda everyday. I stopped watching tv years ago so i'm free from this bs but before i stopped i would hear everyday about "russians mobilizing in kalingrad" or "russian movement near ukrainian border, start of another world war?" And i understand that it must be hard for lower-class people to understand that this is propaganda when this is the only kind of news they get, no wonder they think russia is the evil tyrant that just wants to swallow europe. Polish media is so far from free it's incredible, every station is pro-government yet all these retarded polls show that our media is free and all that bullshit.
>Why are you guys so scared of Russia and why do you hate them so much(Mostly Ameribros)
Fuck if I know. I guess it's some retarded residual terror of the Soviet Union that still hasn't gone away over 20 years after the fall of the USSR. They're not us, they're not the EU, and they're not in NATO, so people just assume they're bad guys. You have to remember: Most Americans only know what the colored box in their living room tells them.
>Shouldn't our main enemy be China?
Hell they're not even our enemy. They make every fucking consumer good there is. Their communist system works great for us since it means cheap labor with less regulations on businesses that make a high volume of products.
The only real enemies we have are international criminal organizations like ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.. Actual nations are only our enemies in the arena of international politics or trade. Major superpowers don't fight wars, they just grind against eachother like drunk horny teenagers.
Russia has the second-most advanced military tech or first most advanced tech depending on area: missiles, nukes, subs, etc.
Also huge army and massive surplus of weapons and industry
And the dying animal is the most dangerous, but to me it seems that Russia is surviving and thriving and making new alliances.
China isn't frightening yet, their army hasn't fought a serious war in four generations, their equipment is mostly knock-off tech that has not been combat proven.
But the whole "pivot to Asia" does show the West's fear of a rising China.
That's why eastern european countries should make an union of their own, to defend our interests properly, to stop being a transit station and cheap labor marketplace.
to już nie są czasy wielkich carskich wojen i marszu na zachód za wszelką cenę, Rosja stała się miękkim państewkiem, które wkrótce ugnie się przed USA albo nie daj boże przed Chinami. Gdyby nie ta "straszliwa Rosja czychająca by nas zjesc" to Polska już dawno przestała by być rynkiem zbytu dla europejskich korporacji, a tak to tylko tracimy narzucając na nich sankcje i nie korzystając z szans jakie daje nam nasze położenie.
Russia has the tech great enough to defend themselves but they're not a real danger towards European countries, NATO would overpower Russia, they would've been long gone if not for the nuclear missiles.
I'm sure they and the chunks will invade USA eventually. The white population is decreasing, birthrates of spics and not a are growing, white infants are already a minority.
I think when whites will become a minority USA will turn into Brazil.
There will be no gibs so semi-domesticated niggers will go full feral. Dirt and shit in streets, corrupt police, etc. There still will be ICBMs and nuclear power plants, a tremendous threat to the planet.
I think Russians and Chinese will intervene mainly to secure nuclear materials, and probably gonna take control over oil fields and mines, and sea ports, surrounding them with barbed wire and machine gun nests shooting any feral dindus approaching. Maybe they will show some mercy to local whites and will let them work in the seized facilities, niggers wouldn't be trust worthy due to a risk of riots.
Well, I don't speak for 210million other Americans, but I have no hate for the Russians, and the Chinese are a paper tiger. Live and let live, until they cross us...
Except why would china cooperate with russia?
The great dragon could take it all for themselves and if they ever found a way to disable russian nuclear power... just imagine the invasion, they could easily send milions of soldiers just like soviets did
eh. Rosja nie umie robić niczego innego poza wojną, dlatego u nich ludzie rozjebali cara na 4 wiatry, bo myśleli, że bolszewicy ich wyzwolą spod despotyzmu carskiego. Rosja nie umie rozwijać się wewnętrznie, więc trudno rozmawiać o jakiejś wymianie handlowej z nimi. Rosja jest niewątpliwie państwem skazanym na upadek, ale przy tym upadku może jeszcze wielu walnąć jak zauważył ten Duńczyk. Współpraca z Rosją jest możliwa tylko wówczas kiedy Rosja jest słabsza od innych - bo wtedy nie może nikogo podbijać, a czy tak się stanie, to jeszcze musimy trochę pożyć, żeby się o tym przekonać. Nie wiadomo jak się Rosja podzieli, jak się zreformuje itd. A tak w ogóle, to co nas obchodzą Chiny? Chiny są w chuja daleko, to jest zmartwienie głównie Japonii, Stanów, Wietnamu itd. dla nas większym zagrożeniem na ten moment jest kalifat. No chyba, że Chiny będą w stanie zjeść całą Rosję, to wtedy staną przy naszych granicach
The most cucked European country is Russian Federation.
>open borders with Central Asia
>world second largest immigrant population that consists of subhumans from "-stans"
>highest AIDS rate in Europe
>Moscow is minority Russian by 2020
Let's be real. Putin is a full blown cuckold. Here is why:
1)he made revision of Holohaux a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating Greater German Reich in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
5) 10russia.ru
6) nationalinterest.org
7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil)
Judge for yourself if Russia is a friend of the White Race
Mayor of Moscow - Sergey Sobyanin, asian subhuman. Suited well for the role of the head of a city that is minority Russian by 2020.
Russian Minister of Defense - Sergey Shoygu, asian subhuman.
Kalifat to zabawka ameryki za to Chiny to państwo które ekonomicznie niedawno przegoniło Amerykę i rozwija się w niewiarygodnym tempie, możliwe, że za 20 lat obudzimy się w swiecie gdzie to nie Ameryka, a Chiny dyktują warunki. Już teraz Chiny prowadzą politykę na poziomie swiatowym równym Ameryce. wypierają amerykańskie korporacje z Afryki a na ich miejsce wpychają własne, to siła z którą trzeba się liczyć i nie można ich lekceważyć.
Not to mention Putin is a Jew puppet who serves his Jew oligarch friends, including Arkady Rotenberg.
Greatest Russian poet - Alexander Pushkin, negro
Is that cucked shithole our friend? Cuck rate list of Europe:
2)Germany(constitutionally those who made to Germany - stays)
3)Sweden(needs to explanation)
4)Ireland(birthright citizenship)
5)France(needs no explanation)
It's Lernontov, the Scot.
Fuck off, vatnik cuck. Pushkin is overrated plagiarizing translator.
I love Russia. I hope their propaganda liberates us from our minority oppressors.
Ja wiem, że przyszłość to Chiny, ale jest nieprawdą, że wyparły one korporacje amerykańskie z Afryki i jest nawet o tym konferencja po polsku na youtube. Poza tym są jeszcze Indie, masz tyle zmiennych, że nie możesz na ten moment zbyt wiele przewidzieć, więc wszelkie bajania o współpracy z Rosją to mogą się zacząć dopiero za ileś lat kiedy Rosja ulegnie ostatecznie osłabieniu, bo inaczej to oni z nikim gadać nie będą
Most famous russian rock star - Viktor Tsoi, half mongoloid
This, why are people scared of a nation with Italy's GDP?
So the great dragon has already began the infiltration...
1. It's punishable everywhere in western europe though, but yeah cuck move
2.that's good, they had some great ideas but at the end they came out as murderers, i don't give a fuck about jews but they killed milions of poies
3,4,5,6 Russia has population deficit, there are just not enough people being born there, they need cheap labor force or they will be destroyed so they need to make all these cuck moves, that's understandable
7.Didn't know about this one
8, Just like everywhere in Europe it's the same here in Poland and the same in the West
It's Yuri Shevchuk, the Ukranian and Egor Letov, the Russian
>half mongoloid
>plagiarized from Duran Duran
He was a mulatto, and his father was literally raised by the imperial family
>Americans hate Russians
I am actually triggered hardcore by this statement. This has been a huge surge of Pro-Russian sentiment lately with the possibility of the DNC leaks (despite zero fucking proof) being attributed to Russian hackers. Even though that's likely a Democrat smokescreen to stir up anti-Russian feelings. In fact, liberals dislike Russia now due to Russia's latest controversy regarding LGBT people being attacked and the general belief among idiots that Russians are the same as WW2 Germans: White right wing nationalists and fascists.
Personally, I like Russia but am slightly weary and cautious of them, though most on Sup Forums and Sup Forums are harmless. I also believe latest NATO activities and policy is purposefully directed to contain and isolate Russia so as to defang it and eventually turn it into another American vassal state in time. Obama and Hillary (as well as a few Republicans like John McCain) are so deeply triggered by Russia annexing a province that democratically elected to join their federation mostly because it is in direct defiance of American military supremacy. How dare Russia handle politics, sovereignty and diplomacy in its historical sphere of influence without first paying tribute to America! Why the nerve of them! Meanwhile, America still clandestinely influencing Latin American politics...
tl;dr the only Americans who hate Russia are SJWs and corporatist elites like Hillary.
Masz może link, ja czytałem cos całkiem innego? :|
>Fight devastating against germany in WW2
>Nazis are considered to be bad because of this
Shill, please
Well we really didnt have a beef with russia until the cold war and in hindsight that bolstered our suoerpower status.
Anti russian sentiment is stupid and antiquated at this point. At least russia plays power games the chinese would steam roll asia the second they think we wouldn't do something about it
>spams his shit like 10 times a day
>everyone who disagrees is a shill
Fuck off you autistic finn
>3,4,5,6 Russia has population deficit, there are just not enough people being born there, they need cheap labor force or they will be destroyed so they need to make all these cuck moves, that's understandable
last year they had natural growth central asian migration is part time mostly not migration ethnic russians are mostly migrating in russia, ilegals are being deported and banned for 10 years when found
>CNN nigger info
Go sleep kurwa
Lie. Nobody bothers checking. Russians are being displaced, hate speech laws exist, moslems roam free, evidence is given. Fuck off to Olgino.
>Why are you guys so scared of Russia
Because we're ebil
Riding over hohols with tanks and bombing poor innocent citizens of ISIS
Nie do końca orientuje się kto to, nie jestem na bieżąco z polskimi mediami
If Hillary gets in Russia is done for.
The Oil is an concerted effort to undermine the russian economy to the point where russia simply can not afford to continue backing primarly syria and secondary crimea.
It's all over when Petrodollar is gone