A lot of my friends on Facebook are voicing outrage at the cancellation of the Nightly Show. Which is weird, because I don't think any of them ever discussed this show before. Is there really such a big market for a show telling white people they're horrible racists?
A lot of my friends on Facebook are voicing outrage at the cancellation of the Nightly Show. Which is weird...
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No. Most likely your friends never watched it either.
The show was cancelled due to horrible ratings. Someone posted a clip of the show with Bill Nye. They invited a guest there to ridicule them, it's just not funny.
Not funny =/= racism, and that's what your internet parrots can't understand.
I wish I could blame everything bad that happens to me on racism, instead of accepting I was an unfunny comedian who probably shouldn't of called the president a nigger.
Does this guy even qualify as black?
He's like a vanilla creme latte or something.
>called the president a nigger
Did he actually say that on TV?
It's OK, he's privileged to do so due to his skin colour.
at the white house correspondents dinner no less/
>my friends on kikebook
Go fuck yourself, OP
Tell them to boycott Comedy Central
Link them to MDE World Peace
No. He said it to his face.
>pubic schools
Is every day penis inspection day?
Taught by uncle biden himself
Hes quite thorough
The worst schools are in red states.
>citation needed
Even if true, a rural school in a red state isn't manufacturing millions upon millions of violent toxic niggers.
I remember there was a ton of shit of liberal media and public radio when his show started that seemed super excited about there being a "black political voice" on tv finally. The thing they forgot is that people eventually realized how dumbed down this show was once they got past their "yay black people" guiltcitement.
The Nye one was the worst. Bill Nye versus two "writers" whose main argument was, "dude space is dumb".
please go boring negro
>Can you shoot a sex tape in space?
I listened to an interview on npr after he called the president a nigger. Npr wouldn't say nigger, but he's actually smart.
None of this comes across in his show. The (lebiowitz) timeslot was based around a demographic that will more spent most of his time insulting.
It's the exact opposite of trying for good ratings. I watched his show, twice. It was just race baiting with insults at anyone who was conservative or white. Who do you think watched (lebiowits) show the most? The people who he spent the most time insulting.
I'm surprised the show lasted as long as it did.
Comedy like his is very boring, probably due to censorship.
Consider that at least a few big name black comedians should have ripped the shit out of white liberals who love forced integration, as long as they don't have to integrate themselves.
There are thousands of ways that joke can be told but not even one black comic, much less a white comic dares to tell it at a big venue.
It could go: "Why don't you white liberals practice some of that racial integration you always force on other white people. I don't mean the exotic lovers and friends and token nigger baby you have. I mean black politicians writing laws you have to follow. Black bankers running your Central Banks. I mean Black cops pulling you over for not wearing a seatbelt. Why do you instead force us black folks into areas that want to lynch us, stuff us in ghettos and treat us like slaves at best and then act like you did us a huge favor? It's 20 fucking 16 for crying out loud! How about you start walking your own talk for a little hope and change?"
He's technically a quadroon. Why do people who are only partially black feel the need to overcompensate so much?
Your friends never watched it maybe once or twice.
They are just outraged that a black man lost a job.
Isn't the quote "I'm drunk but I'll be sober in he morning"
Please go boring negro
That's how the original quote goes, yes.
maybe its because he called the pres a nigger?
Bill Nye really made them all look like drooling troglodytes by the end.
I can't fucking watch it. I've tried 3 times over the course of today
>what's 40%
>it's less than half
I kek'd
He's actually half turtle.
Proxy it?
How many of them actually watched the show that they are sad about being cancelled due to not enough people watching it? It is just like the millennials crying over Bernie and Brexit, even though they didn't vote. They probably only care now because he is black, and thus anything that happens is racist.
Facebook outrage doesn't solve everything, idiots.
They don't even seem genuine in their stupidity, they seem like they're trying overly hard to seem fucking stupid.
It's another case of "I don't understand it so I will mock it loudly, that should put me intellectually on top". It's a disgrace these people are "famous".
Lol you're a fucking retard
Come down to any of the shithole high schools I work for in southern California and you will see shit tier at its finest.
Teachers let 14-18 year old kids listen to club music while they do rally projects in the gym.
Fucking disgusting.
Bill IS a drooling troglodyte though.
How come?
please go boring negro