top kek
The left is consuming itself.
The fire rises, it was only a matter of time.
>when I was young negros use to give us piggy back rides
Ellen confirmed a rucka's nucka?
Like a snake eating its tail :O
It's saddening.
Usain Bolt has always been known as the really fast guy who everyone looks up to.
But now, the (((media))) is just using him for race baiting purposes.
Lefties showing their true nature.
Fucking racist bitch.
This is a VERY good thing!
I'm excite bike.
Race,nice one.
the look in her eyes
So would that be racial race bating or foot race bating?
>be leftist
>be literally so retarded that not even you can follow your made up, forever expanding list Of social boundaries
We predicted this shit
old ass grandpa
Sjw eat themselves
Literally how is it racist
I don't get the racist part. Did Americans used to ride on nigger's backs back in the 1800s?
I didn't think it was racist.
God damn what the fuck is wrong with people, obviously its a joke on how fast that nigger is, not that he's a nigger.
>black person
>white person
>both on the same picture
das racist mon
Ellen needs to resign from her show for her racism.
>get it trending boys
ayo whitey been ridin on our back since foeva nigguh, fuckin raciss n sheeeeit. We built dis shit namsayin'
t. American blacks
It's like satire but real. In a good way.
Everyday they continue to eat themselves alive
A lesbian cant even make a joke about riding a fast guy around to do choirs because the fast guys black and the lesbian is white.
Less then 3 days ago we had videos of niggers talking about "beating white asses" yet this is the real controversy.
How much deeper can we go?
#Ellen DeRacist
This is good.
Fuck I wish we could go out like it was in the good old days.
>need to survey land AND pick cotton at the same time
>hitch up old James the negro
>survey my lands while my negromount picks cotton and carries me
I thought Usain Bolt was the No. 1 Racist in the world?
how insensitive of Ellen, just opening up old wounds of our racist past.
Lesbians used to race Negros back then for sport.
This service is still offered in some places :^)
Horses were too big to fit on the boats so they used negroes instead
Your statement shows exactly why the Left is racist.
They're so obsessed with race and gender that they literally cannot set it aside, for better or worse.
Leftist comedy is imploding. I've been saying this will happen since I saw someone else say this will happen. It's happening.
Hahah I've been saying that shit since like 1998.
Potential shitstorm that would rain pain on their gay parade harder than a gay club in our favor
>you know what to do
To be fair, neither can Sup Forums.
Yep. Nothing is funny anymore and everything is supr srs bsns because muh racism. vrr srs.
srs face.
also solemn reflection
wait arent the people calling her racist being homophobic???
>tfw she hosts Bolt and he laughs at the leftist retards for being offended for him
Pls dont apologise
Pls dont apologise
>she forgot the race card is an ace and the gay card is only a queen
Is this year the left's equivalent of Night of the Long Knives?
That pic gets me every time
Top kek
Kek, how is it racist? I hate Ellen and liberal progressive agenda but that shit ain't racist kek.
Are liberals really this stupid?
and sexist. They're being sexist homophobes by criticizing her and her nigger riding ways.
Dodger? I barely know her.
I see you, user. That was funny.
I honestly thought Lesbians couldn't be racist.
Or is Ellen classified as a fucking white male?
Trying to put a girl down, you go girl, haters gonna hate
How is that racist?
Because the fastest man on Earth is black?
>deemed racist
kek, CNN thinks they have a Supreme High Council of Racism that deems all matters of social media posts racist or not by tribunal.
Can someone shoop this with Ellen and her "partner"
2016 where memes become real
We should convince Ellen to fight back.
This is underrated
>dats raycis
>but she is a lesbian
>does not compute, blame patriarchy
This will become our fault somehow my white male friends
they always fucking do
that's what happens when you have a hodgepodge of identity self-interest groups
they don't give 2 fucks about each other
Yeah. It were not being duplicitous and trying to say race doesn't matter. We acknowledge that it does matter, very much!
A white person mentioned a black person.
Seriously though, this controversy isn't quite what it's being cracked up to be. Only a few small but loud groups are getting pissy over it.
You know, this just goes to show how much Yuri Besmenov's words are coming true. The left is going to consume itself, turning against one another.
They'll put each other up against firing lines.
I think Sup Forums should instigate and blow it out of proportion
Ellen "there ain't no tell in' what that nigger's yellin'" DeGeneres
Please let Ellen being a racist become a new meme
I know you weren't trying to get credit for this or that any of these faggot kids will get the reference but...
Oldfag confirmed.
I wish I could start shooping her into pics, but I don't have PS o this PC :(
Like we always do? :^)
Oh god
usain bolt is a.......raceist! (he runs races)
>leftist have to walk on eggshells otherwise darkie might get his fee fee's hurt.
I think you mean "fan the flames," you Polish retard.
>hitch up old James the negro
My fucking sides
Because the fact that he is black is not important than the fact that he's the fastest.
Don't they know you gotta go fast? I don't care for Ellen, but give me a break, right? Someone is trolling or an idiot