>Trump Took $160 Million From Liberal “Illuminati” George Soros
fucking alt-right on suicide watch.
>Trump Took $160 Million From Liberal “Illuminati” George Soros
fucking alt-right on suicide watch.
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Gonna need a source.
Great source.
Fake and gay.
that's gold
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Drumpf BTFO
National socialists and other facist/nationalist(not fucking "alt right quit fucking putting false labels on legitimate parties that stand on their own which do not adhere to "left vs right bullshit sham politics for people without education) already knew there was a possibility that trump is controlled opposition and a potential saboteur leader.
>In 2004, Soros lent Trump a cool $160 million to help with the construction of Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago
Wow, it's literally nothing :^)
>got a loan from a kike in 2004
Well how the fuck can you get a loan and not have it be from a kike?
Fucking shill.
This, idiots on pol can't tell the difference between campaign contributions and a loan to build a skyscraper
Ok that's different I guess.
He did have to pay him back so it wasn't like it was gift money.
Soros probably saw the hotel as an easy investment with good returns. I thought it was really something shady for a moment.
I love how Drumpfcucks will say "He was just doing Businesses!" As if Drumpf wasn't aware of Soros' far left politics and how he uses loans as leverage . A man with integrity and conviction wouldn't have taken the loan. Drumpf is neither.
WTF I love Soros now
I think it's just the misinformation shills against trump to divide the support. Kinda normal operations for COINTELPRO or some whichever group which runs operations to supress positive movements against the current government's interest.
You tipped your hand too soon, shill. Keep your proxies appropriately separated otherwise you're too obvious. I'd at least like a suspension of disbelief before you shit out your garbage.
If you're going to shill, please don't utter the words "integrity" or "conviction." At least pretend like you have some dignity and self-awareness.
>small loan of 160 million dollars to build a tower in Chicago
>billions poured into directing progressive think tanks to subvert the west and ordering SoS/government officials to destroy western civilization
wtf I shill4jill now, rlly mde u thot
Especially coming from Jew York... double especially since it was for real estate which in New York is 99.9% jew territory
Shit, he had to give up his only daughter to the jew lords just to stay in business
Sup cia/jidf/soros himself/ctr/fbi, we know it's you. Tell your supervisor it's a failed mission to divide trump support. We already know all polls are fraudulent, the disinformation campaign is in shambles because of the confirmation of paid shills like yourself.
Give up and join us. There's nothing you guys could do to stop trump.
Trump isnt a altright guy. We always knew that.
Its all about opening the window of discussion towards the far-right and with that validating right wing parties and politicians.
The best thing would actually be for him to lose narrowly and with that let the pressure and anger in the white worker class build up.
oh no, better vote for hillary now, who has been bought by this kike her entire career, instead of voting for trump, who the kike does not like
>kikes think this will actually work
For his tower in Chicago. This news is so unbelievably old. I remember they reported this back in 2011 when Trump had ambitions to run for president for the 2012 election.
>b-but that's different I swear...
I will enjoy watching americucks rot.
thanks for correcting the record
Actually both sides are on suicide, kawaii desu baka.
He had to pay back the money with interest. It was jews doing usual jew business. You can't escape from that once you start to make money lile trump.
>hey a jew lent some money to a successful businessman a few years ago in return for profit, better not vote Trump
>better vote for shillary, a soros lap dog, since you don't like Soros and Trump is obviously involved
look ivan i know your mad because you have to drink vodka all day every day or you will freeze to death but many of us dont care about russia one way or the other
its just old politicians and their die hard supporters who are old who give a shit about what russia does. in 15 years murica might put its seal of approval on giving you guys the baltics for regional stability. i mean for fucks sake germanys turning europe into the middle east and that place is a hell hole
A friend who is right wing and atheist has take some million (clp no dollars) from masonery to make a school and he isn't mason.
The argument doesn't have any sense.
BOOM. If you are in Commercial Real Estate, you do business with Jews.
Yep, you are uneducated fucks!
And your cocks are small and soft.
lets hope you can prop Hillary up long enough
>In the years since then, Trump has shown little interest in bashing his old lender.
>A search of tweets from the mogul mentioning Soros turns up zero results. And Trump even once encouraged conservatives to lay off the billionaire.
>“Oh, forget Soros, leave him alone, he’s got enough problems,” Trump said at a 2011 Tea Party rally when one attendee yelled the billionaire’s name at him.
>“He goes, ‘What about Soros!’” Trump continued. “Let’s talk about somebody else.”
Glenn Beck highlighted the exchange on his radio show and criticized Trump for his glibness.
>Trump even nabbed a Team Soros alum for his finance team. His national finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin, has worked for the Soros-backed SFM Capital Management and for Soros Fund Management LLC, as the Center for Public Integrity noted in a report.
Soros, on the other hand, has not been as gracious. In January of this year, he said Trump was “doing the work of ISIS.”
>While their “work” has diverged in recent years, it wasn’t too long ago the two even were politically like-minded. After all, in 2005, they both ponied up to help fund the re-election bid of then-Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Trump is defending Soros
OMG Trump is a Soros shill
He's controlled opposition
Soros managed to blow the republican party
He's a genius
fuck you russia go watch kremlin tv more with your king jew kaiser on every tuesday like he hasnt blown 40 holes in his brain doing coke every night
Seriously though, my family is in real estate and we know how Jews really are....
And they own a TON of shit. You gotta be nice to the jewboys if you want to get a piece of that action my nigg.
this is fucking old news, he didn't get a political donation, he took out a loan for a hotel
and this was 12 years ago
Why did he have to borrow 160 million buckaroos anyway, did he have it all bound in real estate and stocks? Or is it easier to have a loan than to lose liquid funds yourself?
>In the years since then, Trump has shown little interest in bashing his old lender.
It would be a dumb move. Any smart person knows to keep political/personal affairs with ex-partners quiet so you don't spook possible new partners from your business.
>Soros, on the other hand, has not been as gracious. In January of this year, he said Trump was “doing the work of ISIS.”
Only shows Soros doesn't like him.
>While their “work” has diverged in recent years, it wasn’t too long ago the two even were politically like-minded. After all, in 2005, they both ponied up to help fund the re-election bid of then-Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Buying and selling politicians isn't supporting a political view, it's a necessary thing to do in today's """free market""" for any big business.
At least put some effort in your shitposting/shilling instead of copying and pasting retarded articles.
>160m loan for construction from investor at 6% CC over a decade ago
Who will die first?
>Needs to take out a loan
>implying that he's not a zombie
the devil will never die
>Numbskull poorfag on Sup Forums
>Doesn't understand capital management
Any corporate CFO, and certainly any real estate investor, that doesn't use debt and leverage to his own advantage is committing professional malpractice.
Haha, I'll live longer than him, right? r-right!!?
Chelsea Clinton is on the directors at the daily beast. It's a retarded hit piece.
The Soros money meme is being shilled hard. But they don't want you to go read the article, and find out Soros once invested in a Trump real estate project.
I'm no fan of Soros, but he does know how to make money. Investing in a Trump real estate project is a very successful way to do just that.
So the meme is a nothingburger, unlike the $25 million bucks Soros has invested in Hillary's campaign.
not everything is a meme
good thing there is no connection between Soros and the democrats.
It's fun to watch Sup Forumsacks completely change their positions on things like Jews, Israel, Aipac, etc just because of Tr*mp. There's no other time where shit like this happened.
Obvious shill thread.
Trump confirmed for a Soros puppet playing 59 D chess
das right my man
Fucking republicunts and alt-fags ruining reputation of this board
everyone knew for months, he's still a better choice because he's not that carpetbagging huckster Hillary Clinton
KEK. was it really just real estate money? holy fug ;')))))) shills getting desperate
he took $500 million for apartments prior to construction starting on trump tower. He took $650 Million from Deutsche Bank.
Nobody thought it could be done, but he did it.
>"It's a very expensive building to build because of the quality we are putting into it," he said. "So people of course would say, `Gee, that's a lot of money to raise.'
>"But for me, it's not a lot of money. You understand," he said.