Tfw if hillary wins appalachia,the deep south,Texas, and the western red states will secede

>tfw if hillary wins appalachia,the deep south,Texas, and the western red states will secede
>tfw hillarys military will be filled with urban millennials that have mental breakdowns when people say mean things on twitter
>tfw I can live for years innawoods off rabbit snares and some lifestraws.

appalachian here

looking forward to defending glorious mountain clay from philly niggers. every other person here owns a .30-06 for muh deer huntin

Independent Appalachian territory! I'll fight for it! VA reporting in.

We should organize militias by county and township. Defend what's ours.

Literally cringe tier

We'll see what happens. I'm a bit thirsty for some blood. Its been too long.

>not constructing a standing water filter with a 50 gallon drum, charcoal, sand, clean sediment, and rocks.

lol fag

You goyim honestly think they'd let that happen? They need you and your money.

>not having something you can carry on you to use wherever

>Not staying mobile and lightweight innawoods

Hillary won't win south Texas man.

Just like the South won the Civil War, right redneck fag?


>not using a pan and boil water

tfw want to fight hilary preidency but have never owned or shot a gun before

So get one while you still can

Rural Appalachia is overwhelmingly poor, white, conservative, and everyone owns guns. Dont underestimate the serious potential for armed uprising. It was pissed off farmers that fought the British army in 1775.

most of the united state's weaponry is in the south today

yes she will, they have no idea of what the candidates stand for even if they know their names. and if they watch MSM theyre probably already think trump is hitler, my county had 18 votes for trump and one was mine, the total split was 99% dem 1% repub

you're dumb and learned nothing from vietnam, the only thing that can safely kill bacteria without boiling is chlorine or 1 drop of bleach per liter shake it and wait 5 minutes

>Texas is not a backwater agrarian territory anymore
>the majority of military installations and equipment are in the south
>the general population especially liberals don't have the stomachs for protracted high casualty warfare and are more apt to clamor for peace when met with heavy resistance and economic woes

UV can do it

I really should invest in some guns

you can easily carry 50 pills of chlorine or even a small bottle of bleach, be pragmatic

>water filtration hasn't improved since the 1960s
>kill bacteria
>not filtering

i have a pot in my bug out bag for boiling water which is good enough. but i'm just saying that UV can do it. they have things specifically for it.

Enjoy your protien poisoning famalam from just eating rabbits

>thinks a rag a bunch of charcoal and sand will filter off bacteria
it the water looks dirty with mud and other shit then you should filter it first then kill the bateria, if you find a lake with running water just boil it or use the methods i said
>fat american trying to teach a monkey how to survive in the jungle

yeah i get it, but why waste money on that shit if you can just buy chlorine or bleach and a pan

>what are ceramic filters
hues, everyone

Neither will your reading comprehension

>ceramic filters
>new technology

pick one

>hue reading comprehension

not an argument, you tacticool fags always tries to fancy shit up when the old ways are the easiest most of the time

>ceramic filter

>tacticool dildo

I think we all know why you advocate these

we could go on for hours, ceramic filters are no practical if you are moving around, if you have a house or safe place then fine.
>you goys should have learned guerrilla warfare in Vietnam instead of the gorillion welfare

If she was going up against anyone else, I'd agree. She's a shrill woman, not what valley mexicans really want. But most valley mexicans are very gullible and largely disengaged from deep analysis or political thought. They're headline skimmers, basically. They're all believing the meme that Trump wants to genocide brown people and not bothering to look into the validity of the hysterical MSM accusations against him.

t. A valley mexican.

>not raiding

Bunch of slack jawed faggots

>ceramic filters are no practical if you are moving around
my 300 mile hike on the colorado trail begs to differ
pic related is my water filter (with lifestraw as a contingency)

rural appalachia uprising. wew lad

>pic related
>not falling for the tactical jew

pick one

>guy with no state pride and lots of jealousy detected

Deep south here, will spill blood to protect mine