My girlfriend was kidnapped

>be in brazilion shitstan for Olympics and shameless sex season with girlfriend
>on our way to visit that big statue of Jesus on a hill
>stop on local bar to buy water
>mestizos surround her and pull her into a car
>wearing masks and covers on car plate
>just run after them as she disappears in the street
>start crying
>called for help from the useless police
>received no calls from kidnappers whatsoever
>just in my hotel room crying after two days awake
>lying down with a phone to the side
>gotta tell her parents

Why, Sup Forums? Why do countries like these even exist? Can't we just fill these holes of shit with nukes and be done with it?

Other urls found in this thread:

No one to blame but yourself.


I went on vacations and turns out the locals are feral and can't see a pretty woman without wanting to rape her.

this is all fucking bullshit, holy shit

go fuck yourselves, brazil

keep your people on a leech

Fake and gay

Go to your fucking embassy you gimp! Where are you from? If your Russian than Putin will probably flatten the place by the weekend.

your own fault for taking a loved one into a country of animals who can barely emulate human behaviour. Hopefully you die along side of her and no one hears from either of you again.

Get in the fucking embassy now

youre such a fucking liar

post holiday pics or it didn't happen

Alway travel with your girl I front of you

Why didn't she go inside with you

>Didn't die trying to save her
Your fault pussy


Call Liam Neeson.

You know what they say, OP: monkey see, monkey do. They saw her, and now they're doing her.

Damn, those mestizos must be having a lot of fun atm

>shameless sex season with girlfriend
why bring sand to beach?

Savage haha

>you will never live in a shithole with no law and order and be able to kidnap sluts without any repercussions
d*ng lads..

Brazilian kidnapper here, made her loose as a hallway, you can take the bitch back now cunt

if this is real, OP's girlfriend is being loved violently by a gang of masked men as we speak, who are probably going to cum inside her, multiple times, before murdering her and dumping her used, naked body in a nearby river

there is absolutely no version of this situation that results in OP's girlfriend coming out of this alive, it's already too late

also this is what you get from coming to a shithole financing leftist scum local government with your money so they can fuck us harder than i fucked your gf, next time stay home and wait for the allahu akbar followed by an explosion

pƎ┴SOԀ ƎW ԀƎƎʞ˙˙˙ʞ

>taking your girlfriend to Brazil

Smh, friendo. She would have been safer with real monkeys.

When was this OP?
She probably has loads of STDs now, including Zika, and is probably pregnant.

>two days
tbf she's probably already dead, actually

its what you get for being a niave idiot.

>tfw i could on holiday anywhere i wanted
>i dont because im not a dumb lefty
>dont even visit england since its a quartine zone to me

anyone who come here is subject to the same treatment her my words, unless you're a shitskin like the rest of the population and speak Brazilian Portuguese you wont be seen as a target for kidnapping but will still most likely die in a failed robbery, RIO IS A WARZONE.

>not staying at home and watching the olympics at your computer
>going to brazil instead

It's really your fault m8

>gf gets kidnapped
>dont tell her parents
>tell Sup Forums instead

>goes to 3rd world shithole
>mad when something bad happens

Do you live under a fucking rock? This is definitely your fault

>did she have a cellphone?

feels good having nothing and no one to lose

If anyone here had half a brain cell, they could see the lack of emotion in this post and thus its lies

That's what you get for being a naive moron and traveling to fucking Brazil. They're animals of course they'll take the chance to rape. You're lucky then didn't grab you and rape/murder you too.

Next time watch the stupid fucking Olympics on your TV in your comfy American home you dumb fuck.

What kind of retard travel to Rio de Janeiro?

Its like the shithole of the shitholes.

>Girlfriend was kidnapped
>goes to Sup Forums

Seems legit!

fake as fuck

why would you expect a phone call from random people who 'kidnapped' your 'gf'

I's what I'd do.
If I had a girlfriend.

>Going to Brazil
Lmao I hope this is bait man but in all seriousness I never really understand why people want to visit third world shitoles and niggerlandias

If anyone believes this they're retarded

>we will help you OP.

where are you? where was she taken?

You took her among a bunch of monkeys with no self-defense, no gun, no knife? You're fucking stupid, you deserve everything that's coming to you.

For money.

Hahaha were you that European guy who said he wanted to take his GF to Brazil and the Brazilfags on /pol told you not to do it?

Your fault for going to brazil you fucking retard.

What did you expect?

Imbliying you didnt want to ged rid of her.

Nah mate. Call you embasy.

Your girlfriend is getting huehued by some Big Brazilian Cock


You're retarded.

I hope your girlfriend reaches me so i can also rape her

Although she's probably dead by now

>3 posts by this ID
ITT: Brazilian shitskin pretends to be white.

Who cares? This is what normies deserve

Don't worry, she'll be back soon and you're going to have a baby.

It's just a typical brazilian prank dude, relax.

Sounds like you need to ban guns OP
It's the only way

Are you being serious right now?

Have you ever heard of the word "ransom" before you ignoramus?


Soon enough, Silvio Santos will air your reaction on open TV. Stay tuned on SBT

Your girlfriend will produce mexicans now.

If true, have you spoke to the police since?

Stay in your country next time, gringo.

>be me
>go to olympic with gf
>gf get kidnap
>gf ded
wut do innernet?

I don't see the problem

She's dead and filled with mestizo seed.

OP's gf
>Brazilian police are searching for at least 30 people suspected in the alleged gang rape of a 16-year-old girl and of posting graphic video and images of her on social media that have shocked the South American country.

That sucks, your gf was probably gang raped and killed brutally.. Hope you have a good vacation.

>just in my hotel room crying after two days awake
>lying down with a phone to the side
>gotta tell her parents

Are you actually retarded? If this had happened, it would be all over the news, you fucking idiot.

Thats old news and it isnt rape.

The girl used to go to gangbangs in exchange for drugs.
Actually, she only started to claim rape after her video was published on internet
She's a single mom too

you tell 'em, norway

Man, having to imagine my girlfriend getting gang raped by up to 50 coffee-niggers for days on end, then being killed in a not-so-painless way sure would keep me awake as well.

If it's any comfort, I've read that women do receive physical pleasure while they're getting raped. Although it might get a bit tiresome after several days of getting violently pounded by cocks the size of my forearm.

Hang in there, buddy.

>Although she's probably dead by now
If the body is hot, theres no problem

You should be proud that your GF is getting culturally enriched.
She's probably enjoying the rape+beheading combo.
it's over. tell the parents.
Also nice rp.

Fake as fuck

But sadly shit like this is more common than jokes here.

Why would you even go to Brazil? you know about everything whats going on right? not gonna say you deserved it, but you had it comming

So are you saying you agree you and your country'men' are pieces of shit?

move to Detroit

You'd fit right in you fucking nigger

Well since your gf will no longer see this because she's getting culturally enriched.... Post pics of.your gf


>lefty girl getting raped by niggers
I would pay for that porn

>Live in a first world country
>going to a third world country is a "vacation"

I don't get it. I mean ffs I have an hour commute each way to work because I live in essentially a 0% crime 0% black people jewtown in the old part of the neighborhood surrounded by $800k homes and the best school system in the state. And you go to fucking BRAZIL?

You get what you fucking deserve, you retard. I just hope you don't breed and fuck up the gene pool any more.

There is so much to see in first world countries, hell just in the U.S. alone, and yet you go travel to a crime infested lawless shithole to watch some guy swim really fast in a pool? Holy fuck how fucking dumb can you be? Seriously how fucking dumb are you?

are you being serious right now?

are they going to ask ms cleo for this lying faggots phone number or something?

or does brazil just have some sort of kidnapping phone directory since you wild monkeys do this shit on the reg down there

probably this happened

never understood the trendy cultural liberals who visit known shitholes for fun

enjoy what you get

>go to third world shithole
>experience third world culture
Probably just a bait thread, but if true you are the only one to blame for being a retard.


they do it to fuck qt ladyboiis in Thailand
why are they so aggressive ?! rude

>visiting uncivilized countries

>visiting a country Portugal created.

Are you my cousin, cause he is in Brazil right now with his girlfriend. He hasn't posted on kikebook for the weekend.

Have you called your fucking embassy?

Can you give her ticket home to a refugee?

>keep your people on a leech

Maybe the kidnappers are kind and will let her live after raping and torturing her for a few weeks. Then she needs the ticket.

She's either dead or currently getting sold out as sex slave.

You failed as a man.

You even failed as OP, because this is a shitty thread.

Move back to home country

get gun

when revolution you can rape brazil for revenge with us


user, any news?
What about your girlfriend, do you find her?
Call to everyone who you can you're going to need a lot of help.

Do you think that perhaps his girlfriend that was kidnapped in this scenario may just know his number? You are too stupid to live.

maybe it was planned. your gf actually went to Brazil for a gangbang with BBC (big brazilian cocks) and therefore they staged this because she had to escape you without telling you she was gonna go to a gangbang

can't see any other good reason for going to Brazil desu..

That's why you don't leave the tourist area