Does anyone have the email about the summer raid of /lgbt/ against Sup Forums and /r9k/?
If I remember correctly, it's about shilling feminism to the sexually deprived /r/obots and having them accepting the idea of cuckoldry.
Does anyone have the email about the summer raid of /lgbt/ against Sup Forums and /r9k/?
If I remember correctly, it's about shilling feminism to the sexually deprived /r/obots and having them accepting the idea of cuckoldry.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking /LGBT/
We must destory the board.
lgbt are the ones trolling the IR porn
racist scumbags and you can tell there aren't many of them
Got you famalam.
wtf I like Hungary now
Last time I checked /lgbt/ was raided 24/7 so big surprise there's some dumb retaliation.
log cabin republican here. I am a fag who wants my ass fucked voting for dems would just fuck my wallet
You know what happening on other chans like 10-2 chan? Are there Sup Forums~s are shilled to infinite to?
>dumb retaliation
Quoting the email
"spamming interacial couples, open relationships, women power"
"daily threads about how misoginy is bad, why having more partners is a good thing"
They keep starting shitty threads on /r9k/ and on Sup Forums
they do realize raiding /r9k/ literally has no point in and of itself, right??
>shaming a a bunch of autist social retard for being outsider who get shamed all of his life for being an outsider
Graet tactic indeed.
>believing these raid emails are official
its just a meme man .. you fell for it
Now where have I seen that wolf before...?
You have some explanations to do Sup Forums
Fags are mentally ill abominations
no clue hombre, but she sure is spicy
L: keep making those movies
GBT: die
Reported. Degenerate mentally ill freak enjoy your ban. Kill yourself
/lgbt/ is just another for tumblr to infest this site like Sup Forums or /cgl/.
>Defeat Sup Forums
How the fuck?
This is the biggest hivemind of autism and sociopathy, nearly impossible to understand much less to control .
Chaos is in our nature ,you can't control chaos.
>Chaos is in our nature ,you can't control chaos.
Yes. Sup Forums is basically the fucking warp. Random thoughts and emotins meet each other mixing uniting or destroying each other. Some times something wonderfull happen ,sometimes nothing at all and sometimes horrible things.
holo from spice and wolf