Because having sex with Lera would be illegal
Because having sex with Lera would be illegal
Other urls found in this thread:
>crashing the white race with no survivors
we will all die soon
Because I'm a white male
the tendie game ridiculous out here
>Mice found themselves born into a world that was more crowded every day, and there were far more mice than meaningful social roles. With more and more peers to defend against, males found it difficult and stressful to defend their territory, so they abandoned the activity. Normal social discourse within the mouse community broke down, and with it the ability of mice to form social bonds. The failures and dropouts congregated in large groups in the middle of the enclosure, their listless withdrawal occasionally interrupted by spasms and waves of pointless violence. The victims of these random attacks became attackers. Left on their own in nests subject to invasion, nursing females attacked their own young. Procreation slumped, infant abandonment and mortality soared. Lone females retreated to isolated nesting boxes on penthouse levels. Other males, a group Calhoun termed “the beautiful ones,” never sought sex and never fought—they just ate, slept, and groomed, wrapped in narcissistic introspection. Elsewhere, cannibalism, pansexualism, and violence became endemic. Mouse society had collapsed.
I thought it was the opposite.
Pokemon Go To The Polls
>On day 560, a little more than eighteen months into the experiment, the population peaked at 2,200 mice and its growth ceased. A few mice survived past weaning until day six hundred, after which there were few pregnancies and no surviving young. As the population had ceased to regenerate itself, its path to extinction was clear. There would be no recovery, not even after numbers had dwindled back to those of the heady early days of the Universe. The mice had lost the capacity to rebuild their numbers—many of the mice that could still conceive, such as the “beautiful ones” and their secluded singleton female counterparts, had lost the social ability to do so. In a way, the creatures had ceased to be mice long before their death—a “first death,” as Calhoun put it, ruining their spirit and their society as thoroughly as the later “second death” of the physical body.
shits fire yo
There's lots more things that occupy millennials time.
So what the fuck? Are we living in a hook up culture or not?
We're living in a hook up culture that isn't hooking up despite the ability to do so.
It's the bottom 80% of males who are having less. The top 20% are having much much more. Note that article didn't say shit about median.
Sex=Animal tier
Pic pretty much related
Gave me some type of feel I'm not familiar with
Yes, like video games, movies, the internet, "self improvement"
Hedonism will be modern Americas lead lined aqueducts
men: MGTOW, pornography
women: feminism, dildo vibrators, pornography
Society: degenerating
Because any girl can cry rape at any given time and destroy a mans life over it.
women are the driving force behind "hook-up culture" and dictate it. western males have been cucked and neutered and stripped of power.
i guarantee you that these statistics are a result of males in their 16-25/30/whatever age groups having less sex.
i'm sure females in those same age groups are having plenty.
No we dont. Like most Sup Forums topics the entire idea of hook up culture is a combo of /r9k/ meets made up bullshit.
We need to get rid of the internet .
They are having way more sex than any other generation
At least the women are
>tfw you realize our collapse was purposeful
There are multiple articles that dispel that myth as well. Despite what the average Sup Forums poster thinks modern USA has gotten much much more conservative over the decades. Todays young people have been having progressively less sex year after year since the mid 1970s
tl;dr: when the world smells too pissy, women close their legs and wait for rape, and men turn into wraiths.
With women?
Cuz they all gold digging crazy whores mane
no woman will ever love me
I see this fact a lot differently then most. Now I'm not the best looker and have been chunky for most of my life. Recently I got fit, grew a beard and finally locked down a stable job (I'm 23). I started getting a lot more attention from women, but found myself dating/hooking up just as much. The issue in my oppinion is people in this day in age are super picky by comparison. In the 70's your dating pool was limited to people around you. I live in a suburb of a major city, my pool is massive. As such most women (and a lot of guys) I meet tend to be super picky or superficial because they can. Why spend time courting the nice 7/10 at work wehn their is an ocean of other people you can possibly pursue? Hey but that just like my opinion man.
>i'm sure females in those same age groups are having plenty.
They arent. Multiple studies have confirmed it
>women are the driving force behind "hook-up culture" and dictate it.
Then you need to find a whole new group of friends and people you socialize with. If that is actually what you see... instead of "hearing about it"
Even your mom m8?
memeing online is more fun
dad had a good job
she even admits this
I'd love to but noone will have me
Why is this generation so puritan, Sup Forums?
Rape charges for hand holding
This can't be true, millenials spend plenty of time outside and socializing face to face now more than ever, I mean, even right now, I'm... oh yeah, I'm sitting in front of my computer on Sup Forums posting messages few people will ever see. I totally slay on the side though, nonstop. Like everyone else on here. I swear. Uh, the article must be wrong. Because I hookup way too much for that to be true. I'm not a liar, no way.
Both men and women are scared away from sex by feminism. Women are taught all men are rapists, that all forms of sex are rape, and that men are pigs. Men reacted to this how feminism wanted - By retracting away from women. Men now seek sexual satisfaction in other way - Fleshlights, VR, etc.
This of course is only for white men and white women, speeding up the rate at which whites die out and are replaced by minorities.
Internet porn.
Next question.
Why bother? It not worth the effort. No chivalry in men, no class in ladies. Liberal retards everywhere.
I'd rather shitpost on Sup Forums and engage in hobbies I enjoy.
Not trying to say you're lying, but could you post a few? Again, I believe you, I just know from my personal experience this sounds odd.
steve-o poster detected
It took 6 generations at most O_O
>Why are millennials not having sex?
Just because a smaller percentage of young people are getting laid doesn't mean there isn't a thriving "hook-up" culture.
A good few of the girls I've dated sure believed in "hook-up culture" and they didn't hide it either.
always relevant.
Because girls have it easy. Any 6/10 can nail almost any guy, with guys it's way harder.
R u a grill? How often you get laid with someone?
Because millennials are now officially becoming the "Beautiful Ones" from ye olde population collapse scenario experiment.
Cool sources, bro.
Why bother with 3D?
Well exactly. To use a pithy quote someone else said, dating for girls is a choice. For guys, dating is a chore.
Honestly, I had casual sex this year in January. Couldn't get it up because of porn addiction or performance anxiety. Got made fun of by all her friends and cousin.
I think I will just try to get a girlfriend so I can actually communicate with a girl sexually
large part...
Many liberal white women probably think it's racist for them to reproduce because they are white.
Birthrates and more white people I guess. As a listerinenigger, it doesn't bother me. I don't deal with women's bullshit and there's less shitskins ruining everything for Sup Forums. Win-win.
Good idea. Sex is 100x better with a girl you can bond with and be intimate.
I personally think people ave started to get quietly disgusted with promiscuity
90% of women only want to have sex with the top 10% of guys. Most of them have lots of sex, but only with this tiny group of men.
I know guys who say they have fucked hundreds of women. And I believe them, because every time I see them at a party, they go home with a new girl. Meanwhile, I see tons of shut in awkward introvert men who never even hold hands with women. I don't ever see any women who act like them, unless they are mentally ill or anatomically wrecked.
Join the club.
this never fails to make me laugh
now you understand.
why wouldn't you when its pushed on you 24/7?
I haven't owned a TV in years and when I do see what is available it makes me sick.
guys how the fuck do I COMPLETELY kill my libido? I just want to never ever ever EVER feel lust in any way, shape or form again.
Because people have generally become more shitty since WW2. You have to fit into some serious stereotypes to get hot girls. Not saying it can't be done otherwise but 99% of guys with hot girls are generally pieces of shit that don't put anybody before themselves. You have to have one type of personality to fit in. Fake as fuck, not looking for any real discussions. Its about what you have to offer, not about who you are. Personally, I don't think my generation is "chill". My generation is just so thirsty for validity and respect from their piers, but think that only comes from doing drugs with black people and going to concerts. Don't get me wrong, that's important! But there is just so much more that people don't care about anymore.. Girls in my highschool were easy if you met standards, if you didn't meet standards you weren't good enough for any girl. I held these thoughts to myself and just shut up so I could get pussy.
>TLDR; people are fucking selfish pieces of shit that will shoot you down the second they get a chance to.
well, the fact that every show literally EVERY show has sexual references it becomes bland
Browse every thread on /gif/
because if your not good looking or rich women wont be interested in you, not even the ugly ones
so i guess thats why
People my age hook up. A similar number of people my age don't. So yes and no.
- Get married *rimshot*
- Chemical castration.
- Or look up antidepressants that have severe side effects of reducing libido. The Pharmaceutical Jew can help. I went on anti-depressants for awhile and just didn't care about sex.
I'm sick of wasting my time masturbating because my brain is fucked up. I just want to not ever feel aroused by anything ever again, I just want to spend my time with more important things that don't make me feel empty.
Because I can barely gather enough shits together to do literally anything, even entertain myself.
Care enough to get laid? How about I care enough to get out of my chair for once.
That and who wants to be Dick #15 when she tells you she has only taken 3 dicks.
lmao masturbating and sex is some of the most enjoyable shit ever.
Whatever, send me your foreskin since you don't need it anymore. I really want mine back.
Broadcast viewership has been in decline for years
It's relatively easy to see why
Men are 95% of the time the ones to initiate sexual courting relationships. So let's look at why they might be doing this less often. All the reasons play into each other.
1. Wide availability of porn. Some men will just masturbate rather than spend the effort and energy to go out and meet women.
2. Bizarrely anti-male sexual politics - we have laws on college campuses that are designed to make men terrified of initiating sex, and public intellectuals openly justifying this.
3. Female entitlement culture - In general, when a man has a woman, he's told that he's lucky to have her and that he should change to suit her. When a woman has a man, she's told he's lucky to have her, and she should ditch him if he doesn't suit her. Women, in almost any social circle, will receive encouragement to do so when considering breaking up with a man, rather than encouragement to try to work things out. Men will invest less energy in flaky women.
4. Internet socialization. A lot more socialization takes place over the internet, which precludes the possibility of sex.
And everybody is just out for themselves dude.
do you really need more than 5-10minutes to cum?
even if you do it 3 times per day it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes of your time
whats wrong with you dude?
I think most men are having less sex while most women are having much, much more which throws off the numbers.
Sure in general people are having less sex, but those who get it are having it much more frequently.
Nitrate salts, but look up the health side effects (I haven't yet).
Because you get a much faster, much easier, and much cheaper thrill of sexual gratification by fapping to porn.
No need to put up with the fakery of "let's have a date" or "let's go to a restaurant so I can shower you with money and then hopefully you can give me pity-sex."
thats actually 80%
The top 20% of men are having all the sex while the bottom 80% get either none or just the crumbs/leftovers. You have to be around these top 20% guys (chads) to really understand just how much they get laid and with the quality of girls they get, its mind blowing. If you're in that top 20% you could fuck a different 8/10 every night. You're that much in demand, for everyone else? Nothing. So yeah, average and slightly above average looking guys are having less sex but top tier guys are having more than ever. Especially with apps like tinder and snapchat its just a free for all for them.
It's almost impossible. The hard fact is that masturbation and porn are a serious addiction, just like drinking or drugs. You can't just easily stop, your body will literally rebel against you. It takes strength and perseverance and a great deal of support. Look up addiction support groups in your area or online, start keeping a journal. Try to negotiate with yourself, stop making it a regular occurrence, try to limit yourself a bit more. It's willpower mostly, but sexual release is healthy once in a while.
Millennials are only having less sex because women collectively are going for Chad over the rest of the male population. That. Fucking. Simple.
People are less likely to be monogamous which means women are having more sex and the most attractive men are also having more sex, but more and more average men are not having sex. That /r9k/ meme where only the attractive men are having sex is actually what is happening- women are choosing not to have sex with average men because of things like Tinder. With Tinder women have all the power and because of it the fucking ugly women are having sex with the hottest guys.
You guys are forgetting the economic factors. Student loans, shitty economy, getting overworked and all the while expectations are getting higher.
People are just too stressed to fuck.
We are, just not in your country
90% of men want to have sex with Lera.
I'm going with the usual internet and internet porn destroying social abilities.
It's about value user. Also, divorce rates are up so kids grow up with issues and have no guidance from an adult male. Garuanteed most guys that get pussy had a male role model growing up. My dad molested me but I'm kinda smart so I still got laid in highschool. All of my relationships have started out of pity for the "nice" guy, then I prove myself to be a strong male for awhile then they eventually find a guy that's a better salesmen. Usually those guys are garbage but I don't care, their kissing her and I came in mouth.
My friend is not even that attractive or in shape anymore and the dudes been with like 30 girls, ranging from 6/10 to 8.5/10, that's in bumfuck nowhere where I live too.
>not edging for AT LEAST an hour
what's even the point?
And people will argue she is capable of feeling
and yet she's only for me
I think there's a drop off of men who are willing to put up with women simply defining what should go into courting them through the basis of arbitrary judgment. Equally, there's a drop off of women who are willing to put up with the general flow of bullshit that comes from the mouths and behavior of most men.
You people keep spouting "muh 80" but, I have not seen any sources for this!
I'd prefer to stick my cock into Valensiya.